• 获奖使腾出时间整天作画

    Winning the prize freed him to paint full-time.


  • 时而欺负人,时而吸引

    He could alternately bully and charm people.


  • 企盼就是有一重新走路

    My prayer is that one day he will walk again.


  • 直觉地感到读者需要什么

    He had an intuitive sense of what the reader wanted.


  • 但愿别的孩子块玩

    I wish he would join in with the other children.


  • 多希望体谅一点。

    I wish he'd show me a little more sympathy.


  • 赢得那样比赛证明毅力

    For him to win the game like that is a testament to his perseverance.


  • 轻而易举地各学科之间换来换

    He's prone to flit between subjects with amazing ease.


  • 萨拉希望明白意思,不来打扰她。

    Sarah hoped he'd take the hint and leave her alone.


  • 现在正加紧努力希望坚持下去。

    He's making a big effort now, and I hope it lasts.


  • 以为糊弄清楚真面目

    He thinks he can fool me but I've got his number.


  • 医生认为挺过去

    The doctors think he's going to make it.


  • 彻底击败反对派

    He could wipe the floor with the opposition.


  • 希普利强项同时轻松很多事。

    Shipley's forte is being able to do a lot of things at the same time with ease.


  • 声称飘向空中

    He has claimed he can levitate.


  • 问题履行吗?

    The question is, can he deliver?


  • 如果掩盖那次事故中有份参与就好了。

    If only he could conceal his part in the accident.


  • 辨别是非吗?

    Could he distinguish right from wrong?


  • 我们完善了一手语体系,以便告知危险

    We perfected a hand-signal system so that he could keep me informed of hazards.


  • 戈德林第一卧铺船上订了个位子。

    Goldring booked a berth on the first boat he could.


  • 组织者接洽,希望他能支持慈善音乐会。

    He was approached by the organizers to lend support to a benefit concert.


  • 赖利有趣之处直觉发现想法

    The interesting thing about O'Reilly is his sixth sense for finding people who have good ideas.


  • 不得不11会议提前以便按时参加葬礼。

    He had to bring forward an 11 o'clock meeting so that he could get to the funeral on time.


  • 轻松自如地用洋泾浜语言和工厂工人码头工人交谈

    He's at ease speaking pidgin with the factory workers and guys on the docks.


  • 我们一起生意上的事。希望他能浪漫一点

    When we're together, all he talks about is business. I wish he were more romantic.


  • 青春期男孩应该一个倾吐心声成年人很重要的。

    It is important that an adolescent boy should have an adult in whom he can confide.


  • 医生们已经确定任何接近正常生活惟一方法做个手术

    Doctors have decided the only way he can live anything near a normal life is to give him an operation.


  • 惊讶想出这么好的主意。

    I was amazed that he'd come up with such a sweet idea.


  • 惊讶想出这么好的主意。

    I was amazed that he'd come up with such a sweet idea.


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