• 他的同代人中名声显赫。

    He was celebrated amid his contemporaries.


  • 帮助逃走,这类事困境中人常会发生的。

    His comrades assisted him, as is the custom in that sad place. He escaped.


  • 的同双生兄弟马克——名退休NASA宇航员

    His identical twin brother Mark, himself a retired NASA astronaut.


  • 一个伟大是无法代人所客观判定的,而是应该由后人来评判

    An individual's greatness cannot be judged objectively by his or her contemporaries; the most objective evaluators of a person's greatness are people who belong to a later time.


  • 街上孩子们交上朋友

    He has made friends with the kids on the street.


  • 弗洛伊德代人,可能认识弗洛伊德。

    He was a contemporary of Freud and may have known him.


  • 大步走进厨房迎面过来爸爸擦肩而过。

    As he strode into the kitchen, he passed Pop coming the other way.


  • 断绝了民主党一切联系

    He broke all links with the Democratic party.


  • 大多数理论家一样,也是个怪人,对实验得出的证据置之不理

    He is, like most theorists, out there in left field, ignoring the experimental evidence.


  • 布雷迪住处的搜查没有查出可以显示这些抢劫案有关联的任何线索。

    A search of Brady's house revealed nothing that could connect him with the robberies.


  • 代人富有创造力革新精神工程师之一。

    He was one of the most creative and innovative engineers of his generation.


  • 迪斯尼协议不久就结束,这可以使腾出从事自己项目

    His deal with Disney will run out shortly, freeing him to pursue his own project.


  • :“一定要拥有一支奶奶的海军一样好的海军。”

    What he thought was, "I must have a navy as good as grandmama's. "


  • 者的意图仍然其名字一样神秘;可能只记下了自己的记录。

    The author's intention remains as mysterious as his name; he may have been simply taking notes for his own records.


  • 突然一辆车相撞了

    But suddenly his car collided with another one.


  • 基督我们生命显现时候你们显现荣耀里。

    When Christ, [who is] our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.


  • 基督我们生命显现时候你们显现荣耀里。

    When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.


  • 爱好她的爱好协调使得融洽

    His tastes were in harmony with hers, which brought them into harmony.


  • 所有大自然事情随着去,脸上浮现永恒表情

    All the things of nature have fallen asleep with him, an expression of eternity on their faces.


  • 基督我们生命显现时候你们显现荣耀

    When Christ who is your life is revealed, then you also will be revealed with him in glory.


  • 如果国会得逞银行谈判大权就将受到削弱。

    If he lets Congress get its way, his negotiating power with the Banks will be curtailed.


  • 如果利率快速调整怎样影响经济或者欧洲持续通货膨胀美国比较是怎样的,都知道,”领域一位经济学家

    If you asked him how quickly changes in interest rates affect each economy, or how persistent inflation in Europe is compared to America, he’d know,” says an economist who works in the same field.


  • 如果利率快速调整怎样影响经济或者欧洲持续通货膨胀美国比较是怎样的,知道,”领域一位经济学家

    "If you asked him how quickly changes in interest rates affect each economy, or how persistent inflation in Europe is compared to America, he'd know," says an economist who works in the same field.


  • 正当我们交谈之际,看到名妇女看着标志挥挥手她们打了招呼。

    As we are talking, Zhang sees two women looking at his sign; he waves and beckons them over.


  • 德国朋友维利·勃兰特1970年华沙犹太人区纪念碑前的一国家波兰重归于好。

    My German counterpart Willy Brandt launched his country's reconciliation with Poland by bending his knee at the Warsaw ghetto memorial in 1970.


  • 竞选站点之间,记者实话实说巴士”,一路闲聊

    And between campaign stops, he sits with reporters on his bus, the Straight Talk Express, and shoots the breeze.


  • 沙法卫城列祖坟地里。

    Then Jehoshaphat rested with his fathers and was buried with them in the City of David.


  • 沙法卫城列祖坟地里。

    Then Jehoshaphat rested with his fathers and was buried with them in the City of David.


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