• 如果上帝概念只是认作抽象真实存在,则上帝将因为对于我们只是一飘渺的更说不上对于上帝可能有什么知识。

    When the notion of God is apprehended only as that of the abstract or most real being, God is, as it were, relegated to another world beyond: and to speak of a knowledge of him would be meaningless.


  • 传媒出了片天地。

    He succeeded in carving out a career in the media.


  • 芝加哥戏剧让人头疼天才。

    He became known as the enfant terrible of Chicago theatre.


  • 辞职多半是因为新闻一些报道

    He resigned largely because of the stories in the press.


  • 新闻曲解成了一个傲慢霸道的人。

    He said that the press had misrepresented him as arrogant and bullying.


  • 份工作加入新闻开始

    The job gave him his start in journalism.


  • 自然本身写道,是按照平衡整体原则”运转的。

    Nature by itself, he writes, runs on "principles of balance and holism."


  • 出版发现自己具有管账的天资。

    He drifted into publishing and discovered an aptitude for working with accounts.


  • 足球曾把吹捧为这项运动救星

    The football community built him up as the saviour of the sport.


  • 新闻紧盯住不放,了解事件详情

    He was nobbled by the press who wanted details of the affair.


  • 特意设法新闻搞好关系

    He purposely tried to cultivate good relations with the press.


  • 震惊时装

    His death rocked the fashion business.


  • 仍是摇滚乐一位杰出人物

    He remains a towering figure in rock and roll.


  • 评论立即新闻揪住

    His comments were pounced upon by the press.


  • 最后体育新闻找到了理想的工作。

    He eventually found his niche in sports journalism.


  • 决定艺术摄影引起了恐慌

    His decision caused consternation in the art photography community.


  • 喜欢幕后助理新闻发布消息。

    He prefers to remain in the background and let his assistant talk to the press.


  • 20世纪80年代突然时尚活跃起来。

    He burst onto the fashion scene in the early 1980s.


  • 可能当代戏剧遭受谩骂最多

    He is probably the most reviled man in contemporary theatre.


  • 交付任务包括新闻发言

    It wasn't part of his brief to speak to the press.


  • 去世娱乐留下了一个永远无法填补空白

    His death has left a void in the entertainment world that can never be filled.


  • 作为喜剧的常青树 -简朴自然大方举世无双。

    A timeless comic actor – his simplicity and his apparent ease are matchless.


  • 唱片的行话,就是买下首歌曲版权推向市场

    In music-business lingo, that means he wanted to buy the rights to the song and market it.


  • 一时冲动新闻发表了讲话

    He talked to the press in a moment of indiscretion.


  • 那时高超的小号吹奏技巧爵士乐无人能比。

    At that time, his virtuosity on the trumpet had no parallel in jazz.


  • 起初一种有点沉默寡言的情绪面对新闻

    He faced the press, initially, in a somewhat subdued mood.


  • 5刑期只服了1年不到,但永远逐出体育

    He served less than a year of a five-year prison sentence, but was permanently exiled from the sport.


  • 国际货币基金组织所作的一次一针见血演讲中,敦促第三国家进行全面改革

    In a hard-hitting speech to the IMF, he urged Third World countries to undertake sweeping reforms.


  • 里•霍耳36生日举行了年度娱乐最盛大名流派对。

    He threw one of the biggest showbiz bashes of the year as a 36th birthday party for Jerry Hall.


  • 始终无法忍受评论刻薄抨击。

    He never grew used to the lashings he got from the critics.


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