• 注意到这个女人

    He noticed her.


  • 这时注意这个人又食物气,越发不解。

    This time, he watched him blowing on the food, which intrigued24) him all the more25).


  • 注意这个看上去非常开心的,两条都没有了,坐在一张放在电梯角落轮椅上。

    This disabled man delightfully asked Carnegie to leave him some space so that he could move his wheelchair, when the elevator stopped at the floor where he was going.


  • 注意这个观点专注于大脑处理社会地位怎样造成严重的公众健康影响甚至可能将会铺建一通向新的减压治疗道路

    He notes that this new insight into how the brain processes social standing may have important public health consequences, possibly even paving the way to new stress-reduction therapies.


  • 在这时,我第一次注意到这个男孩看不见,因为是盲人。

    Just then, for the first time, I noticed that the boy could not see because he was blind.


  • 柜台我们注意外国人正在一个店员寻求帮助,可是这个店员说的话

    At a counter we noticed that a foreigner was asking a clerk for help, but the clerk didn't understand what the foreigner said.


  • 注意到韩国人总是展示自己最好一面,”,一旦这个无法的时候,经常简单直接导致放弃”的念头

    Koreans always want to show their best image to other people, ” he notes, but when this cannot be maintained, it can lead to a desire simply to “give up”.


  • 把手伸进桌上着的纸箱里,先前注意到这个箱子。

    He reached into a cardboard box set on the prefects' desk; I had not previously noticed it.


  • 他注意到浩瀚大洋这个岛上可怕干旱”,认为是该岛上居民祖先们砍伐了岛上的树木而导致了这种气候。

    Noting the island's "dreadful aridity" in the midst of an immense ocean, he blamed the ancestors of the island's inhabitants, who had cut down the trees.


  • 递给一些然后注意到这个女孩手臂上身覆盖纹身

    He hands her some money and sees that her arms and chest are completely covered in tattoos.


  • 这个假设没有说服默梅什,注意填补职位空缺女人不管漂漂亮不可能同一部门工作。

    Hamermesh wasn't convinced of the hypothesis, noting that the women trying to fill the open position were unlikely to work in the same division as the applicant, attractive or not.


  • 售票员注意到男子好象睡着了担心这个坐过,就用轻轻地碰了碰:“先生醒!”

    The conductor noticed a man who seemed to be asleep, and fearing he might miss his stop, he nudged him and said: "Wake up, Sir!"


  • 注意到这个说话方式吗?一定一个商人

    Do you notice the way the man speaks? He must be a business man.


  • 但是McNulty注意到不能准确地定义什么可能原谅或者不可能原谅”,这个不足日后研究中补充进去。

    However, McNulty notes he didn't define exactly what it means to be "more likely to forgive" or "less likely to forgive," a limitation that he said needs to be addressed by future research.


  • 奇怪,以前没有注意到这件事活着,真是奇迹领导这个国家没有宣布

    It is strange that no one has noticed it before. It is a miracle that he is still alive. Who will lead the country has not been made public.


  • 然后注意到小鹿妈妈草里英尺的地方。这个角度不能打中所以等待着。

    Then Wu noticed its mother a few feet away in the grass. He couldn't get a good shot at her from his angle, so he waited.


  • 正在这个时候,分钟之前离开了房间的特拉德尔带着希普太太重新出现了。尤赖亚在此之前注意到特拉德尔。“?”愤愤地问道

    Just then Traddles, who had disappeared a few minutes before, reappeared with Mrs Heep. Uriah had not noticed Traddles before. ' Who are you? '; he demanded angrily.


  • 牛顿有了这个发现,是因为注意白色光线进入玻璃棱镜时,会被分解一系列不同颜色

    Newton made his discovery when he noticed that white light going into a glass prism emerged split into a range of different colours.


  • 注意用户很快投入很大精力注意一个游戏的同时,如果这个游戏很枯燥,们会更快的摆脱它。

    He noted that users need to invest effort and attention to play a game and as such, will disengage faster if the game is boring.


  • 这个白人注意爱好和平当地人贪婪公司工具嗜血的美军类型要酷便了过去

    The white guy notices that the peace-loving natives are much cooler than the greedy corporate tools and the bloodthirsty U. S. military types he came over with.


  • 注意到韩国人总是展示自己最好一面,”,一旦这个无法的时候,经常简单直接导致放弃”的念头

    "Koreans always want to show their best image to other people," he notes, but when this cannot be maintained, it can lead to a desire simply to "give up".


  • 交易者注意到这个好的方法,而且确信通过不断优化技术图形理解可以有效保证利润源源不断

    Traders, noticing this advantage, are certain that by developing the technique of chart reading farther they will so increase its reliability as to assure themselves continued profits.


  • 这个农民太容易注意因为总是在与怪物作战。谨记这点。

    This farmer may not be as noticeable because he's always fighting monsters. Make sure to keep this in mind!


  • 但是妈妈注意每当弹起西方流行音乐时,这个安静而害羞男孩子似乎激动

    But his mother noticed that the quiet, shy boy seemed to practically vibrate when he heard the Western pop music she used to play.


  • 所有的校对人员都没有发现这个错误但是年后名编辑注意到这个词没有词源然后开始溯源并最终将这个词从词典中去除。

    No proofreader caught the error, but five years later an editor noticed the word had no etymology and began the investigation that led to the word's being banished.


  • 所有的校对人员都没有发现这个错误但是年后名编辑注意到这个词没有词源然后开始溯源并最终将这个词从词典中去除。

    No proofreader caught the error, but five years later an editor noticed the word had no etymology and began the investigation that led to the word's being banished.


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