• 举例说,音乐会上保安人员坚持阻止她和男友点打火机权利侵犯

    She cited as an intrusion on her rights the security guards' insistence at a concert that she and her boyfriend stop turning on their cigarette lighters.


  • 黑人权利而工作

    He worked for the rights of black people.


  • 保留改变主意权利

    He reserved the right to change his mind.


  • 取消了需要认真对待的权利

    He has forfeited his right to be taken seriously.


  • 一直在为争取同性恋者权利而斗争。

    He has always championed the cause of gay rights.


  • 从来没有真正赞同动物权利保护者目标

    He has never really sympathized with the aims of Animal Rights activists.


  • 杀害3个男孩罪行表示认罪伏法,放弃上诉权利

    He pleaded guilty to the murders of three boys and waived his right to appeal.


  • 没有权利总是问题身上。

    He's got no right to keep dumping his problems on me.


  • 警察宣读米兰达权利

    The police read him his Miranda rights.


  • 如果一个双方要求同意充当交战双方调解人,那么就会同意以后站队权利

    A person who agrees to serve as mediator between two warring factions at the request of both abandons by so agreeing the right to take sides later.


  • 警察必须告诉嫌疑犯逮捕原因以及法律赋予权利

    The police must give the suspect the reasons why they are arresting him and tell him his rights under the law.


  • 参与场死亡赛车中,拥有阻断对手权利冲撞的赛车,从后面任何公路上允许的事。

    Participation in a deadly car race gives you the right to cut off your rival, ram his car, hit it in the rear and do anything that is not allowed on the road.


  • 坚持声称分享遗产权利

    He persistently asserted his right to a share in the heritage.


  • 一旦保人卖掉保险单自然就丧失了一切相关权利

    Once the insured has sold his policy, he naturally loses all rights to it.


  • 人工流产同性恋者权利问题含糊其辞。

    He has waffled on abortion and gay rights.


  • 这个国家承认了继承王位权利

    The country acknowledged his claim to the throne.


  • 似乎坚决反对扩大分权、赋予地方当局更大权利想法

    He seems set against the idea of increased decentralization and greater powers for regional authorities.


  • 给予总统发动战争权利加强对于和平的掌控权。

    Giving the president the authority to go to war would strengthen his hand for peace.


  • 同意放弃财产一切权利要求

    He agreed to surrender all claims to the property.


  • 来到身边成为的人时,认为拥有权利就是公平

    All he thinks he has a right to when he comes to you to be yours is fairness.


  • 吗?她会希望自己权利脖子安慰吗?

    Would she cry, and wish that she had a right to put her arms around his neck and comfort him?


  • 认为:“大学收取家长支付一个普通幼儿园一半费用,大学应该权利收取认为合适的学费。”

    "Universities charge half of what parents pay for a place at an average nursery, "he said, "they should be allowed to set fees as they see fit."


  • 的梦想帮助美国所有种族的人得到相同的权利

    His dream helped American people of all races (种族) get the same rights.


  • 子既心地善良又天真无邪,所以不明白为什么人们会如此渴望权利、财富和赞誉。

    The prince is kind and innocent (天真无邪的) , so he doesn't understand why people want to have power, wealth and praises so much.


  • 取得附有购买新股票的权利

    He takes the cum right.


  • 提供所有权利

    I provide him with all his rights.


  • 知道即使是一个小孩权利非常重要的。

    It's so important to know that also a child has rights.


  • 侵犯了权利

    That violates his rights.


  • 侵犯了权利

    That violates his rights.


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