• 如果吉姆曾经独立一些离婚不会对深的影响了

    If Jim had been more independent, the divorce would not have affected him as deeply.


  • 完整关于的事情。

    He has this integrity about him.


  • 有这样的行为应该关进精神病院。

    He ought to be locked away for behaving like that.


  • 但是爱德·鲍尔斯认为有这权利。

    Yet Ed Balls thinks he does.


  • 知道情况好,我也知道他有天分

    I know he is good. I know he has such talent.


  • 极端经历一天改正自己犯下错误

    "He has this extreme experience and USES that day to correct all the mistakes he's made." -am.


  • 知道能否一直主力,但是机会,”温格说道

    "He doesn't know that he is going to play but he knows that he will get a chance," said Wenger.


  • 不管干嘛不敢相信胆量寄来

    Sue: Whatever he was trying to do, I can't believe he was 3 brave enough to send it to you.


  • 天赋,强大的力量,却指方向可能具破坏性。

    He has this great gift, this great strength, and pointed in the wrong direction it can be quite destructive, "says star Chris Hemsworth."


  • 一定不能让觉得应该在一起,一定小心,不能让他有这种感觉。

    He mustn't feel he ought to be with me. I must be careful.


  • 或许样,可能无意中激起恐惧焦虑,使他有这反应

    Perhaps he was, but it is also possible that he was simply reacting our of his own fears and anxieties to provocations he perceived that you did not intend.


  • 奥利弗·斯通之所以能够我行我素,是因为一辈子都在么干,而且他有这个能力。

    Fundamentally, Oliver Stone is doing it his way because he can and because he's spent his life doing things his way.


  • 另外一个腿的基因,不想成为个宇航员,于是次等顶替了身份

    There was another guy crippled who had such but didn't have a desire to so anything as such. The inferior one takes his identity.


  • 人们都纷纷指责错处,今天说错处,明天又说他有那个错处,可是一个才是真正的错处。

    He has been accused of many faults at different times, but this is the true one.


  • 过去他有感觉的时候,同样感到需要别人帮助,然而发现种需要却赶走寻求支持的人。

    He's noted that when he's felt this way in the past, he's also felt himself to be too needy, finding his neediness driving away the very people to whom he's turned for support.


  • 数字签名实际意义应该理解:“声称某某电子邮件地址证明他有文件并且此后此文件被更改过。”

    The actual meaning of the digital signature should be understood as: "a person who claims to have such and such E-mail address certified this file, and it hasn't changed since then."


  • 一些富人确实可以乘着私人飞机跑纽约查理要是别人一点抱负星球又能住人了,他有这自由

    Certain rich people, of course, should be left free to use their private planes to fly to New York to tell Charlie that if other people would stop aspiring, our planet would be livable once more.


  • 多多地陪4儿子玩蝙蝠侠”游戏,嬉笑打闹中,我会抓住紧紧地抱著告诉他有一个儿子多么感激

    I am going to play Batman with my four year old more often, and in the middle of our romping, I am going to grab him, hug him tightly, and tell him how thankful I am that he is my son.


  • 一方面,如果·西克斯·帕克自己的专用标志制作自己的基于LinuxBSD操作系统软件,那么,有这自由

    On the other hand, if Joe Sixpack wants to make his own Linux - or BSD-based operating system with his own logo and software, he's free to do that.


  • 可以使用任何你们可以里得到东西,剩下道路中,不要受阻,不要觉得缺陷,不要想着“成果,只是老头

    So use whatever you can get out of me for the rest of way don't be deterred don't be flawed " because "Oh, he's produced so much", no I'm such an old man,too.


  • 约翰逊尼克松一定不过最后项测试,就尼克松例子说有这么句话,"我,尼某不会待在你们糟蹋了",透露不能处理好自己的挫败情绪。

    Johnson and Nixon would never have passed the last two tests, and in Nixon's case, the line about not having "Nixon to kick around any more" was a sign he couldn't handle setbacks well.


  • 房子游泳池使用权。

    He had the run of the house and the pool.


  • 我站在那里凝视惊叹美的人。

    I stood and gazed at him, awestruck that anyone could be so beautiful.


  • 发现么大的力气大吃一惊。

    He gasped with surprise at her strength.


  • 关于失业话题使心神不宁

    All this talk of job losses was making him jittery.


  • 可能会因为而穿孔

    His stomach might rupture from all the acid.


  • 女儿本应站出来制止谣言

    His daughter should have stood up and put a stop to all these rumours.


  • 棒!”说道。“知道你还两下子。”

    "You were brilliant!" he said. "I didn't know you had it in you."


  • 或许创造能力数学才能得到计算机方面的工作。

    Perhaps, with such powers of invention and mathematical ability, he will be offered a job in computers.


  • 或许创造能力数学才能得到计算机方面的工作。

    Perhaps, with such powers of invention and mathematical ability, he will be offered a job in computers.


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