• 一种社会分析表明,开始能够进步部分原因马克思主义和社会学

    There is a social analysis that he begins to be able to advance partly due to his reading in Marxism, in sociology.


  • 然而说到自由者彻底解放原因

    Freedom, however, has set him free, he says, for three reasons.


  • 目前了一本书,里面浓缩许多发现,该书一半学术分析,一半是权利指南,书名《权利:一些—一些人无的原因》。

    Now he has condensed many of his findings into a book that is part academic analysis and part how-to guide, “Power: Why Some People Have It—and Others Don't”.


  • 目前了一本书,里面浓缩许多发现,该书一半学术分析,一半是权利指南,书名《权利:一些—一些人无的原因》。

    Now he has condensed many of his findings into a book that is part academic analysis and part how-to guide, “Power: Why Some People Have It—and Others Don’t”.


  • 放弃了自由,这有原因的。

    It was not for nothing he gave up his freedom.


  • 不是普通明星因为一个重要原因

    He is not an ordinary celebrity for another important reason: he has four legs.


  • 因为之前声称打劫原因就开始是做什么工作需要缴多少生活艰难。

    Since he claimed the rise in taxes as the reason for looting, I begin to wonder what job he does, how much tax he pays, how hard life must be for him.


  • 传达核心信息中,一部分简而言之就是金钱不是万能的,尽管当下的中国颇为违直觉,但正是拨动许多人心弦原因

    And if part of his core message — in essence, that money isn't everything — seems rather counterintuitive in China these days, that's precisely the reason he has struck a chord.


  • 贾斯丁·卡普兰是“克莱门斯先生马克·吐温作者电话采访中:“马克·吐温的长盛不衰,原因暴怒和厌憎。”

    Justin Kaplan, author of "Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain: a Biography," said in a telephone interview: "one thing that gets Mark Twain going is his rage and resentment."


  • 离开有原因的。喜欢把头依偎妈妈胸怀中一刻不能忍受看不到妈妈

    It is not for nothing that he does not leave us.He loves to rest his head on mother's bosom, and cannot ever bear to lose sight of her.


  • 出于某种原因能否父亲坦诚交流,能否把我抽烟想法感受不满统统告诉和我能否掌握自己命运两者之间一定的关联。

    For some reason being able to talk straight to my father about my opinions, my feelings and my anger at his smoking has everything to do with my ability to be the leader I want to be in my life.


  • 最近的敌人温恩邀请参加一起吃饭,化解彼此恩怨,拒绝了。 原因是温恩曾经一次叫做“脱线先生”(译注:脑子不好使的意思)。

    When his nemesis Wynn invited him to dinner recently to bury the hatchet, Wynn says Adelson refused, recalling that Wynn had once referred to him as Mr. Magoo.


  • 开采黄金原因相信黄金市场需求

    The reason why he mines gold is that he believes there is a market for it.


  • 认为自己两个入院原因试图枪打掉其中的个头。

    He believed he had two heads and was admitted to hospital suffering gunshot wounds from where he'd tried to shoot one off.


  • 但是导致兼并失败5原因清单觉得针对这五大原因目前P&G都做得还不错

    But he has a list of five reasons why mergers fail. On all counts he says P&G is now doing fine.


  • 很特别的球员,可以看得比许多球员快,任何球队如果失去都会想念就是为什么希望能够留下来原因,我希望我们能够一点时间一起比赛

    He will be a miss for any team, that's why I hope that he stays and we can play a bit longer together.


  • 鞋子里块石头,这就是一拐的原因

    A stone in his shoe accounts for why he was limping.


  • 去年名员工不能上班原因是,高速公里开车的时候,假牙车窗了飞出去了

    Last year an employee said he couldn't come in because his false teeth flew out the window while he was driving down the highway.


  • 有原因的。发现尸体

    That makes sense. He says he found the body.


  • 证据就是被杀的原因

    He had proof. That's why he was killed.


  • 家嫂之所以很好的外线得分能力,很重要的原因就是,属于发育的球员。在长高之前已经不断的训练很好的外线得分能力。

    Many of Gasol's perimeter skills come from the fact that he was late bloomer as a youth and had already developed perimeter talent before his growth spurt hit.


  • 原因相信拒绝你吗?

    Has he ever given you reason to believe he'd reject you?


  • 钩端螺旋体病症状使用强力霉素缓解后,感到进行性的胸腰椎疼痛原因沙门氏菌性脊椎骨髓炎阿莫西林反应

    As his leptospirosis symptoms resolved with doxycycline, he experienced increasing thoracolumbar spine pain, because of salmonella vertebral osteomyelitis, which responded to amoxicillin.


  • 故事和尚担任撞钟一职,半年下来觉得无聊之,“做和尚撞一天钟”而已。一天,主持宣布调后院劈柴挑水,原因不能胜任撞钟一职。

    Story: a young monk as a bell ringer, half down, feel very boring, one day at a time... one day, the host announces he went to the backyard firewood water, because he is not equal to ring the bell.


  • 英国媒体报道辞职原因不是因为自己不能胜任工作而是后院起火”,妻子保镖外遇

    "According to British media reports, the reason he resigned not because of their incompetence, but the" backfire ", his wife was having an affair with his bodyguards."


  • 出于某种原因父亲一个朋友阿伯里斯特威斯,因此那儿学习

    For some reason, his father had a friend at Aberystwyth and he wanted him to go there.


  • 很高天赋通常控制着天赋但是现在已经是公认的了,就是这个原因球队里得到了认可。

    He possesses great qualities, he always had them, but now he has acknowledged his abilities and for this reason he is very appreciated by his team-mates.


  • 这位17岁球员目前专注曼城比赛,但是特别原因进入决赛:一个前英格兰球星儿子之间一个进球的约定

    The 17-year-old is focused on City at the moment but he has a special reason for wanting to reach the Final - he has a personal score to settle with the son of a former England star.


  • 这位17岁球员目前专注曼城比赛,但是特别原因进入决赛:一个前英格兰球星儿子之间一个进球的约定

    The 17-year-old is focused on City at the moment but he has a special reason for wanting to reach the Final - he has a personal score to settle with the son of a former England star.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定