• 为什么喜欢恐龙呢?

    Why does he like dinosaurs?


  • 认为恐龙所以命名为 Oviraptor,在拉丁语中表示“偷”,这进一步恶化了这些恐龙在人们心目中的负面形象。

    He assumed the dinosaur was stealing the eggs, so he named it Oviraptor that means egg thief in Latin, which fueled the generally negative public image of such dinosaurs.


  • 使能够调整恐龙巧克力库存

    This will allow him to adjust his chocolate dinosaur inventory.


  • 徐星发现恐龙种类任何当代科学家都要表示某些恐龙拥有鸟类的特征,甚至长有羽毛

    Discoverer of more dinosaur species than any other living scientist, Xu Xing, with a cast of parrot-faced Psittacosaurus, says some dinosaurs have birdlike traits, including feathers.


  • 这里输入译文已经有两种恐龙命名霍纳正在筹划古生物学家们想鉴定化石时使用的严谨称为‘统一制定参考’的程序

    Horner, who has two dinosaurs named after him, is proposing that paleontologists follow a rigorous set of procedures known as the Unified Frame of Reference (UFR) when attempting to identify fossils.


  • 尽管祖格同意化石首例恐龙证据这种行为不会使熟悉现代蛇行方式的人震惊

    Though Zug agrees the new fossils are the first proof of snakes eating dinosaurs, he said the behavior wouldn't shock anyone familiar with the ways of modern snakes.


  • 首先在10至15熔岩发现了恐龙巢穴证明当时的动物很好地应对火山活动不是遭到了打击。

    First, he found dinosaur nests that had been built between lava flows 10-15 metres thick-evidence that the animals were coping well with the volcanic activity rather than being weakened by it.


  • 通过大量介绍恐龙时代化石开始描述最初羽毛结构鸟类进化的开端。

    He starts at their beginning with a weighty introduction that looks at fossils dating back to the dinosaurs, the structure of feathers and the evolution of birds.


  • 奥古斯塔纳大学Augustana College)威廉·汉莫(William Hammer)发现了这种新的生物——五英尺的鸟臀目恐龙认为它与法布尔龙齿龙有血缘关系。

    William Hammer of Augustana College found the new creature -- a four- to five-foot ornithischian or bird-hipped dinosaur that he believes is related to the fabrosaur or heterodontosaur.


  • 伶盗龙(velociraptor)一般视为恐龙小型动物其实像没有羽毛的鸟类

    Small animals such as velociraptor that have generally been thought to be dinosaurs are more likely flightless birds, he said.


  • Longrich研究其它从各不同博物馆送来的恐龙化石时,发现了其它一些证据来证明霸王龙是吃同类的动物。

    When Longrich searched through additional T. rex fossil collections from several different museums, he found other evidence that this dinosaur was a cannibal.


  • 直到菲尔告诉恐龙罗伊wogelius来自曼彻斯特大学,负责研究周围土壤地球化学,“恐龙没有兴趣。”

    "Up until Phil showed me this dinosaur," said Roy Wogelius, a geochemist from the University of Manchester studying the soil surrounding Dakota, "I had no interest in dinosaurs."


  • 总结说这类研究“为恐龙的研究开辟了新路,让研究豁然开朗。过去,很多恐龙‘只能在黑暗四处奔跑’。”

    Such research, he concluded, "sheds a new light on dinosaurswhich is handy because a lot of them were running around in the dark!


  • 如果恐龙并且另一恐龙面对面对峙的话唯一的正确战略便是等待个好的时机然后直接对准对手头部攻击,”

    "If I was a tyrannosaur facing another tyrannosaur face-to-face, I'd say the only real strategy is to wait for an opening and then go straight for the head," he said.


  • 徐星发现恐龙数量当代任何科学家都要多,表示某些恐龙拥有鸟类特征甚至长有羽毛

    Discoverer of more dinosaur species than any other living scientist, Xu Xing says some dinosaurs have birdlike traits, including feathers.


  • 如果喜欢恐龙,就帮买相关的电影或者博物馆

    If he likes dinosaurs, find books and movies about them, or visit a museum.


  • 汉莫1990年发现那条恐龙之后尝试返回地点2003年的那次探访行程由于恶劣天气直升机的故障而缩短

    Hammer said he had been trying to return to the site since he found the earlier dinosaurs in 1990, but a 2003 visit was cut short because of bad weather and helicopter problems.


  • 发现体重公斤几吨的恐龙来说它们的肌肉需要能量极其冷血动物所无法提供的。

    He found that, for dinosaurs weighing from a few kilograms to tonnes, the power their muscles needed was far too high for the animals to have been cold-blooded.


  • 但是直到2001年重新检视这块化石时才看到条蛇缠绕在一只破了恐龙上,旁边还有一个刚孵出的恐龙两个恐龙

    It wasn't until 2001, however, that he took a second look and found a snake coiled around a broken egg, with a hatchling and two other eggs nearby.


  • 当时正在种树,”应方回忆说今天发现化石的原址上已经建起了恐龙博物馆,也在博物馆中谋到了一份全职工作。

    "I was digging holes for planting trees," recalls Li, who now has a full-time job at a dinosaur museum built at that very site.


  • ,“因为拥有灵活四肢们可以走出水面,在岸上袭击恐龙。”

    With its agile legs, he says, "that thing probably came out of the water and charged up the bank to attack dinosaurs."


  • 个非常有说服力例子——指出孟买海岸不远处座名为“孟买高山”的水下恰好是恐龙灭绝时候形成

    He makes a compelling case, identifying an underwater mountain called Bombay High, off the coast of Mumbai, that formed right at the time of the dinosaur extinction.


  • 同事们研究西北美洲恐龙化石时有了这项发现,并把这项发现出版最新一期的PLoS ONE杂志上。

    He and his colleagues made the discovery, published in the latest PLoS ONE journal, while searching through western North American dinosaur fossil collections.


  • 普鲁姆博士是研究羽毛结构专家告诉EarthSky,羽毛起源于恐龙

    Dr. Prum, an expert on the structure of feathers, told EarthSky that feathers originated in dinosaurs.


  • 普鲁姆博士是研究羽毛结构专家告诉EarthSky,羽毛起源于恐龙

    Dr. Prum, an expert on the structure of feathers, told EarthSky that feathers originated in dinosaurs.


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