• 山上必须低速

    On hills, he must use low gears.


  • 必须学会使自己适应这项工作节奏

    He'll have to learn to pace himself in this job.


  • 必须按照目前市场价格出售这套房子。

    He must sell the house for the current market value.


  • 必须罚金

    That is the forfeit he must pay.


  • 必须努力才能成功

    In order to be successful he would have to exert himself.


  • 监狱长拒绝释放必须首先得到上级的许可。

    The prison governor has refused to let him go, saying he must first be given authority from his own superiors.


  • 必须立即服从命令然后前往

    He must obey it instantly, and go.


  • 必须无时无刻都处在看守之下。

    He must never be left an instant unguarded.


  • 必须什么。

    He must force some talk.


  • 必须离开我们独处直到再次人去叫

    He must go away and leave us alone until I send for him again.


  • 必须储存大量谷物而不是立即消耗掉所有的谷物。

    He must store a large quantity of grain instead of consuming all his grain immediately.


  • 必须确定无误。不能任何犹疑

    He had to be certain. There could be no room for doubt.


  • 必须付给前妻生活费

    He has to pay maintenance to his ex-wife.


  • 必须自己做饭

    He has to cook his own meals.


  • 今天资格赛中必须排名靠前才能进入决赛

    He needs a high placing in today's qualifier to reach the final.


  • 必须申请许可证我们必须份工作

    He has to apply for a permit, and we have to find him a job.


  • 法官有理地必须按照法律通过时的意义进行解释

    The judge quite rightly says that he has to interpret the law as it's been passed.


  • 必须使环境游说团确信,采取实质性行动降低排放量

    He has to satisfy the environmental lobby that real progress will be made to cut emissions.


  • 必须律师策略有所准备,从而将计就计战胜们。

    He must anticipate the manoeuvres of the other lawyers and beat them at their own game.


  • 必须获得可靠消息然后判断政策是否正确

    He has got to hear it from the horse's mouth. Then he can make a judgment as to whether his policy is correct or not.


  • 并不卡尔感到难过了解实情知道必须做什么,但又能做成。

    I don't feel sorry for Carl. He knew the score, he knew what he had to do and couldn't do it.


  • 必须个人统治这个国家

    He had to find someone to rule the country.


  • 必须穿过森林,跨越河流和山脉。

    He had to travel across forests, rivers and mountains.


  • 必须在前五名才能赢得这项荣誉。

    He would have to finish in the top 5 to win that honor.


  • 必须照顾们。

    He had to look after them.


  • 知道他必须面对所有的困难。

    He knew he had to face all the difficulties.


  • 觉得必须下定决心点什么

    He felt he had to make up his mind for either one thing or another.


  • 必须得粉刷栅栏,因为昨天犯了错,受到了惩罚。

    He has to paint the fence because he was punished for the mistakes he made yesterday.


  • 知道他必须买一双新的。但不想买错鞋子。

    He knew he had to buy a new pair. But he didn't want to buy the wrong shoes.


  • 有公共汽车时,他必须步行去上学吗?

    Does he have to walk to school when there's no bus service?


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