• 知道什么。”木偶开始害怕得发抖。

    "I don't know what you are talking about," said the Marionette, who was beginning to tremble with fear.


  • 然后,开始害怕

    Then he began to be afraid.


  • 谢先生公司拥有100个员工时,开始害怕每天早上起床自己的公司了。这种感觉使有了这样的一个想法——我的员工也一定也有这种感觉。

    Hsieh said by the time the company had about 100 employees, he dreaded getting out of bed to go to his own company, which made him question how his employees must feel.


  • 害怕了,以至于开始相信自己听到了们的电话发出的奇怪咔哒声

    He was so spooked that he, too, began to believe that he heard strange clicks and noises on their telephones.


  • 从不害怕失败是个冒险家,随时准备别的地方重新开始

    He had never been afraid of failure: he was a gambler, ready to go off somewhere else and start all over again.


  • 但是没有特别指出这个公司违反了哪条乔治亚州法律害怕这样帮助这个公司开始研究开脱办法。

    He would not, however, specify which Georgia laws the company may have violated for fear it would help the company start planning its defense.


  • 这时,一开始在一起的兹觉得非常害怕决定回家

    At this point, Oz, who'd been with me since the start, got very scared and decided to go home.


  • 的这种模仿意识行为很早就开始了(周围的人都看着天花板抬头仰望,或者害怕和焦虑时像别人一样畏缩)。

    They sense and mimic peers' behavior from early on, too, looking up at the ceiling if others around them do so or mirroring others' cringes of fear and anxiety.


  • 警告这儿但是谁又真正害怕路上呢?几个小时旅程又继续开始

    He warns there are a lot of bears here. But who you really should be afraid of is people on the road. Several hours later the trip continues.


  • 错误中学习开始一部分,福克并不害怕失败:”但件事时,糟糕的莫过于失败一次后从此再也不敢去尝试.

    Learning from mistakes is a part of startup, says Fikhman, who wasn't afraid to fail: "The worst thing that can happen is you try something, you mess up and you never do it again."


  • 开始意识到必须启用弹射逃生最终拉动弹射拉手一刻时间根本不到1秒钟,所以根本没有时间害怕

    From the time he realized he had to eject to the point he finally pulled the handle was less than a second. There wasn't time to be scared.


  • 尼克松女士目前已经开始银行停贷斗争害怕的是补助金结束的时候,“我们无家可归”。

    Ms. Nixon is already fighting foreclosure and said she feared that when the benefits end, “we’ll be homeless.”


  • 开始觉得害怕

    He began to feel afraid.


  • Ada:因为开始变得害怕并且不再我所想。

    Ada: He became frightened and stopped listening.


  • 瑞克小心翼翼地打开信封,就害怕知道的内容一样。最后还是开始那封信。

    Rick softly opened the envelope, as if he was scared, and started to read what was in the letter.


  • 乔治亚很快开始害怕注视表情变得苍白。那个胎记白石头上的红宝石一样突出

    Georgiana soon began to fear his look. His expression would make her face go pale. And the birthmark would stand out like a red jewel on white stone.


  • 他开始干这项工作是否害怕肯定地说是但是现在已经习惯这份工作,不再害怕了。

    I asked him if he was afraid at first time, he said: "Yes, sure". But now he has already got used to his job and he is not afraid.


  • 21岁时候,巴菲特奥马哈从事证券业务开始职业生涯为了发挥的所有的潜能,不得不克服害怕公开演讲这个恐惧。

    At the age of 21, Buffett started his career in the securities business in Omaha and decided that to reach his full potential, he had to overcome his fear of public speaking.


  • 现在害怕单独在一起,因为我担心开始喜欢

    Now I'm afraid to be alone with him because I think he may start hitting on me.


  • 小伙子开始害怕了,魔术要叫支扫把停下来

    The boy was getting scared. He ran to the magic book and started to read. He wanted to stop the broom.


  • 开始害怕有一,自己无法回忆起丈夫不是因为了早老性痴呆症,仅仅是因为记忆可能会渐渐消退

    I became afraid that one day I, too, would be unable to recall my husband, not because of Alzheimer's, but simply because my memory of him might fade.


  • 某些声音开始出现,懂得声音意思并不害怕

    Sounds that he was not afraid of, for he divined their meaning, thenbegan to be audible.


  • 开始害怕有一,自己无法回忆起丈夫不是因为患了早老性痴呆病,仅仅是因为记忆可能会渐渐消退

    I became afraid that one day I, too, would be unable to recall my husband, not because of 3 Alzheimer's, but simply because my memory of him might fade.


  • 开始害怕有一,自己无法回忆起丈夫不是因为患了早老性痴呆病,仅仅是因为记忆可能会渐渐消退

    I became afraid that one day I, too, would be unable to recall my husband, not because of 3 Alzheimer's, but simply because my memory of him might fade.


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