• 突然攥紧拳头不过朋友阻止冷静下来。

    He clenched his fist and got ready to hit me, but his friend told him to stop and calmed him down.


  • 可以赎回城镇中心(字面意思就是你付给玩家一些金子),可以通过杀死周围所有敌人来营救

    You can either ransom him back to your town center (literally paying the other player some gold), or you can rescue him by killing all the nearby enemies and allowing him to heal back up.


  • 国王第二十字军东征中离开时任命苏格摄政王掌管政府

    When the king left on the Second Crusade, he appointed Suger as regent and left him in charge of the government.


  • 尽我能地炸薯条红酒吃甜点这些似乎从来不允许自己

    I was hellbent on getting him to eat French fries, drink wine, have dessert and say bad words. These are things he never seemed to allow himself to do.


  • 发现名心理治疗师一名代理旁边监督工作代理洛杉矶飞往那里

    He found a psychotherapist near him to supervise his work with a surrogate, and flew the surrogate there from Los Angeles.


  • 今天早上给打电话告诉我,所有同学参加同学聚会

    He phoned me this morning and told me he wanted all his old classmates to come to the reunion.


  • 把那捆树枝逐一交给每个儿子,并让把一捆树枝折断。

    One by one, he gave the bundle to each son and asked him to break the bundle.


  • 说,“在这个时刻,我不得不说,我不知道我是否会以同样的精神继续学习。”补充说受到的所有关注有点累。

    "I have to say that in this moment, I don't know whether I would keep on studying with the same spirit," he said, adding that all the attention had made him a bit tired.


  • 马上想到了许多名字:我们当地书店的老板,在开店前我和我的小儿子进去,主动播放最喜欢的歌曲;我们的保姆,她会放下一袋旧的棋盘游戏给我们的孩子玩;……

    I thought of a number of names right away: the owner of our local bookstore, who let me and my little son in before the store opened and offered to play his favorite songs; our babysitter, who dropped off a bag of old board games for our kids to play; ...


  • 例如详细描述向导告诉向导从向导那里得到什么

    For example, have her describe the wizard in detail and tell the wizard what she wants him to do.


  • 发现名心理治疗师旁边监督代理工作代理洛杉矶飞往那里。

    He found a psychotherapist near him to supervise his work with a surrogate, and flew the surrogate out from Los Angeles.


  • 但是明尼克斯打断发言抱怨公司现金客户都在流失时,现场的气氛感到不安。

    But the air went out of his reassurances after Mr. Minikes interrupted him to complain that the firm was hemorrhaging cash and clients.


  • 情况告诉了,向恳求主动提出如果进去,我愿意帮助清理博物馆花园里树枝其它垃圾

    I pleaded my case and offered to clean up the branches and other litter in the museums garden if he'd let me in.


  • 房子的主人了解处境冻结了房租答应在有生之年继续住那里

    The new owners, familiar with his situation, froze his rent and agreed to let him live there until he dies.


  • 母亲来自富裕家庭商学院,读了就退学了,转而里斯本学习体育科学

    His mother came from a wealthy family and wanted him to attend business school, but he left after one day and instead studied sports science in Lisbon.


  • 应该利用的活力点儿有意义的事情,工钱,说服修理草坪一发不可收拾。

    I told him that he should channel that into doing something useful and convinced him to mow my lawn, which I paid him for.


  • 会计则安慰别担心——早就我的预估税款里面扣除酬金圣诞节补助了。

    My accountant wished me well and said not to worryhe’d already deducted his fee and Christmas tip from my estimated taxes.


  • 这个发光人用非语言沟通,一个问题评估自己一生回顾一生主要事件活动画面。

    This being nonverbally asks him a question to make him evaluate his life and shows him a panoramic replay of the major events of his life.


  • 得到了一份有报酬广告工作终于能够音乐谋生

    That led to paid work in advertising and eventually, the ability to make a living in music.


  • 击败了那个长期折磨对手——2010年季后赛中蒙羞最终使离开克利夫兰的球队。

    He defeated his longtime Nemesis, the team that embarrassed him in the 2010 playoffs and ultimately chased him out of Cleveland.


  • 有一些演员认出了凑足回到巡回赛

    Some actors recognised him and raised enough money to get him back on the tour.


  • 对于有食物过敏小孩应该尽早地知道自己健康问题告诫一点点的过敏食物都会的健康产生影响。

    The child should be sensitized about his health problem and the dangers of consuming even if its a small bite of a restricted food.


  • 一边穿过过道老师介绍自己纸条上签名一边偷偷瞄着

    As I walked down the aisle to introduce myself to the teacher and get my slip signed, I was watching him surreptitiously.


  • 希望通过年轻设计师看见触摸作品激发的创作。

    He said he hopes that through it, he can inspire young designers by letting them see and touch the work.


  • 但是共和党必须首先内心原谅罗氏医改案中的越界代表自己巴马先生竞选

    But first the Republicans must find it in their hearts to forgive him the transgression of Romneycare and let him run against Mr Obama as himself.


  • 会认为就是正确行为可能只是父母称许没有走向那个女孩吐口水。

    He thinks that is simply the right thing to do; perhaps he just wants his parents to approve of him, and without thinking, he walks up to her and spits at her.


  • 一步而且非常重要的一步,因为这会使重新思考更多机会后悔最终重新回到你身边!

    It's the first and a very critical step because it'll make him think and give you more time to make him regret and come back to you!


  • 决定杀死叔叔母亲罪行忏悔

    He made up his mind to kill his uncle and let his mother repent for her SINS.


  • 20岁的托马斯·穆勒凭借在本届世界杯上的惊艳表现全世界都为叫好开始关注

    At only 20 years old, Thomas Mueller has used this world Cup to make the football world stand up and take notice.


  • 20岁的托马斯·穆勒凭借在本届世界杯上的惊艳表现全世界都为叫好开始关注

    At only 20 years old, Thomas Mueller has used this world Cup to make the football world stand up and take notice.


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