• 位父亲说,他小儿子还在楼上,但不知道具体位置。

    The father said his younger child was still on the upper level of the house but he didn't know where.


  • 小儿子不断问问题回答得都不耐烦了。

    He was tired of answering his little son's continual questions.


  • 老伯后来苦笑了一下,说道现代车上的人小儿子发小,很厌恶外来者但是们这些人还行。

    Mr.Song laughed mirthlessly afterward, saying the man in the Hyundai was a boyhood friend of his youngest son and hated outsiders but probably would not hurt a family friend.


  • 上来攻击犹大侵入境内,掳掠王宫里所有妻子儿女除了小儿子约哈斯(又名亚哈)之外,没有留下一个儿子

    They attacked Judah, invaded it and carried off all the goods found in the king's palace, together with his sons and wives. Not a son was left to him except Ahaziah, the youngest.


  • 病人故事,一个第一次做母亲的人,抱怨小儿子总是着她,无论哪里,总是缠着她。

    He tells the story of a patient, a first-time mother who complained that her young son was always clinging to her, wrapping himself around her legs wherever she went.


  • 想:“我的小儿子比我要聪明。尽管我有智慧罐,但还是更聪明。”

    He thought, "My young son is wiser than I. I have the wisdom pot, yet he is wiser."


  • 糟糕的是,的妻子在不久后离开了,留下和六岁的小儿子

    Even worse, a short time later his wife left him, leaving him alone with his six-year-old younger son.


  • 马上想到了许多名字:我们当地书店的老板,在开店前让我和我的小儿子进去,并主动播放最喜欢的歌曲;我们的保姆,她会放下一袋旧的棋盘游戏给我们的孩子玩;……

    I thought of a number of names right away: the owner of our local bookstore, who let me and my little son in before the store opened and offered to play his favorite songs; our babysitter, who dropped off a bag of old board games for our kids to play; ...


  • 小儿子拒绝孩子因为属于自己自行车没有。由于这个原因,亚历山大发明一种无可超越的自行车模型

    When his small son refused to play with other kids because all of them had bicycles of their own and he didn't, Alexander invented a model no one else could boast of.


  • 小儿子在沙子里玩,然后化妆品涂鸦。 我放任做。

    So he got into the sand and then into my makeup.


  • 小儿子宠坏了。

    He spoilt his little son.


  • 韦德打算奥兰多观看詹姆斯的发布会,在那里小儿子进行主题公园计划

    Wade had plans to watch the James broadcast in Orlando, where he has theme-park plans with his young sons.


  • 两个年长儿子获得了较多的财产,小儿子除了只猫外,什么也没得到,于是,总是牢骚满腹

    The older sons fared very well, but the youngest received nothing but the cat, and he often complained bitterly of his lot.


  • 高兴,便小儿子举起来,让自己脖子上

    He was so happy that he put the son ride his neck.


  • 烟囱木桩都运送进屋之后,奥奇古打开了低矮的木门,跟着进屋的是妻子乌,小儿子乌拉卡,和六岁的女儿卡。

    Once his stovepipe was raised and the stakes driven in, he opened the low wooden door for his wife, Norvoo; their baby boy, Ulaka; and their six-year-old daughter, Anuka.


  • 然而小儿子约翰愿意做动手工作学校用功,但对技术性学科不感兴趣高中毕业参加了工作而没有大学

    He studied hard in school but took less interest in the technical subjects. After high school he got a job instead of going on to university.


  • 这时看到小儿子树叶地方树叶玩,干枯树叶被踩时发出的噼啪声,开心地着。

    Then I looked over at my son. He was in an area I hadn't raked yet, stepping on the dry leaves to hear the crackling noise they made, and smiling happily.


  • 有人把利加大儿子的话告诉利百加,打发人去,叫了小儿子雅各来:“哥哥以扫要杀,报仇雪恨。”

    When Rebekah was told what her older son Esau had said, she sent for her younger son Jacob and said to him, "Your brother Esau is consoling himself with the thought of killing you."


  • 默多克角度来看显然小儿子詹姆斯36岁运行公司欧洲亚洲区业务

    From Mr Murdoch's point of view, the obvious candidate is his youngest son, James, 36, who has run the company's European and Asian businesses well.


  • 给予吉尔小儿子的款项则用来购买健康营养品对于健康成长、做好准备上学起着至关重要的作用。

    The funding for her youngest child helps pay for healthy nutrition, that's critical to his being ready to enter school.


  • 看到这些不禁喜极而泣:“遗失森林里小儿子啊!”

    And when she saw them she wept for joy, and said, 'he is my little son whom I lost in the forest.


  • 前任寿司大厨2003年的回忆录中喜欢小儿子长相做派都很像

    He favours his youngest, who looks and is said to act like him, the leader's former sushi chef wrote in a in a 2003 memoir.


  • 回家第一父亲最钟爱小儿子村里庆祝了一场,因为美国家里了光。

    On his first day home, his father organized a celebration in the village for his favourite son, who had brought honour to the family by going all the way to America.


  • 小儿子告知明年不得上学因为艾滋病毒呈阳性

    She said the younger boy was told he will not be allowed to go to school next year because he is HIV positive.


  • 彭宁顿太太不想小儿子来玩。

    Mrs. Pennington wasn't about to let her little boy run into the city dump.


  • 后来父亲生了大病在病床上,临终妻子叫到身旁对她,“亲爱的,在之前,你对老实话-我们小儿子是不是孩子?”

    The father eventually took ill and was lying on his deathbed when he turned to his wife and said, "Honey, before I die, be totally honest with me - is our youngest son my child?"


  • 2008年1月一个下午,内森•Nathan Lee下班回家发现两个小儿子一张儿童床上大哭

    One afternoon in January 2008, Nathan Lee returned home from work to find his two little boys crammed into the same crib, crying.


  • 雷•阿伦不确定因素由于小儿子生病而在第五独自留在洛杉矶

    There was also uncertainty surrounding Allen, who stayed behind in Los Angeles following Game 5 after his youngest son became ill.


  • 小儿子坐在沙发上,告诉我们陷于困境了。’

    I sat down my youngest son on the couch and I told him, 'These are rough times.'


  • 小儿子坐在沙发上,告诉我们陷于困境了。’

    I sat down my youngest son on the couch and I told him, 'These are rough times.'


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