• 自己身上试验还处于初级阶段的疫苗时,有些人行为莽撞的。

    When he tested an early vaccine on himself, some described the act as foolhardy.


  • 名叫比尔•特雷热的咨询师专门经理人传授勇敢之道,藉此建立自己公司(进入咨询业之前的拿手绝技是自己身上点火,然后英尺高台跃入水中)。

    A consultant named Bill Treasurer has built his practice on teaching courage to managers (before consulting, he made a living by diving into water from 100 feet while on fire).


  • 这些特质可以自己的身上找到,还有着提高的空间,于是成了一名佛教徒

    These were all qualities he recognized in himself, but which all could be improved upon, and so he became a Buddhist.


  • 父母头胎孩子身上感到喜悦不是容貌而自豪而是因为自己孩子。

    The joy of parents in their first-born is not due to any pride in its appearance, but because it is their very own.


  • 《圣诞清晨歌》中个无宗教信仰逃跑画面认为弥尔顿同时描绘一个剧情某种程度上希望这样的事情也会发生自己身上

    With the scene of the flight of the pagan gods at the nativity of Christ Milton is also depicting a scenario that, I think, on some level he's hoping will occur within himself.


  • 身上穿脏兮兮裤子蓝色衬衫让人群中很不显眼,人任何气势,连自己似乎也认定任何人都对不感兴趣。

    He was too slight for his somewhat dirty slacks and pale blue dress shirt-and carried himself with so little swagger he seemed resigned to the fact that he interested no one.


  • 的问题:吉普森要是自己身上太多时间可能会变得有点疯癫

    Potential Bust-Up: Spending too much time on his own could turn Gibson a little bit mad.


  • 自己身上时间女人身上多得多……她们已经心许然后一些事情就突然发生了

    He's got a lot of time for himself and some time for the ladies... as long they've got time for him; and then something massive happens to him.


  • 随着建国方案实现的可能性减少,阿巴斯先生承受越来越尖刻口头攻击1993年与以色列领导共同签订《奥斯陆协议》后,就把自己诚信了两方案身上

    As the prospect of statehood has receded, there have been harsher verbal attacks on Mr Abbas, who has staked his credibility on a two-state deal ever since he co-drafted the Oslo accords in 1993.


  • 克尼维尔飞车生涯中,最终能登上吉尼斯记录是用35根断换来的;身上布满了嘎嘎作响的别针金属板而且有人本该肺部纤维症而自己床上听起来荒谬。

    Over his career, his 35 broken bones made the Guinness Book of Records; his body rattled with pins and plates, and it seemed preposterous that he should have died in his bed, of pulmonary fibrosis.


  • 这位托雷斯的锋线队友,2008年欧锦赛最佳射手已经完成前往巴塞罗那的天价转会,而且已经迫不及待的想证明世界的贡献是配上俱乐部自己身上砸的欧元

    Torrestrike partner and the top scorer at Euro 2008 has just completed a big-money move to Barcelona and will be eager to show the world why they forked out so many Euros for his services.


  • 就是基督身上,所运行大能大力,使死里复活,叫他在天上自己右边

    Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places?


  • 阿克兰·阿萨夏(Akram al-Shaar)医生,声称自己负责哈姆萨特斯尹验尸,没有虐待迹象,哈姆萨身上伤痕是由于自然腐烂.

    Dr. Akram al-Shaar, who claimed to have supervised the autopsy of Hamza in Tishreen, said he found no signs of torture, claiming the marks on Hamza's body had been caused by natural decomposition.


  • Delbono虽然说自己没有犯法,但是私人助理(也是情人)自己身上花过公款

    His former personal assistant (and lover) has claimed that Mr Delbono, who denies breaking the law, spent public money on her.


  • 气喘一句话出,一直等到两个分别戴上手铐一个士兵身上支撑自己不致跌倒。

    He could not so much as get his breath to speak, until they were both separately handcuffed, but leaned upon a soldier to keep himself from falling.


  • 这时骏马,而不是原来匹老马。向岸边时,侏儒感到自己身上变化

    Instead of the old horse, he was riding on a noble one. As the horse swam to the bank, the dwarf felt a change come over himself.


  • 伸出只手从小精灵身体拔出锋利刀子,然后自己外套,把毯子一样身上

    He stretched out a hand and pulled the sharp blade from the elf 's body, then dragged off his own jacket and covered Dobby in it like a blanket.


  • 描述马德琳形象时,作家通过男主人公自己思想情感价值取向强加主人公身上,致使马德琳成了一个与“我”相对者形象。

    When presenting the image of Madeleine, in the name of the protagonist, the writer puts so much his own feelings and values on the heroine that Madeleine becomes the opposite image of the other.


  • 父母者更加欣赏上帝身上责任尊荣使孩子们面前作为自己代表

    Parents need to appreciate more fully the responsibility and honor that God has placed upon them, in making them, to the child, the representative of Himself.


  • 被子轻盈地身上觉得自己手脚一点点身体一点点变暖,一点点变暖。

    The quilt lightly cover the body, he felt his feet in a little bit of warming, the body in a little warming, heart, also a little bit of warming.


  • 身上具有一些个人弱点困境补充道但是来生成为自己设定理想人物。

    He had some personal weaknesses and certain difficulties in concentration, he added, but in his next life he would be the ideal which he had set for himself.


  • 格林自己身上看到很大变化说,依然内向已经可以比较轻松地交流分享自己相关的信息结交朋友了。

    Mr. Green sees a big change in himself. He is still introverted, he says, but more comfortable interacting with others, sharing information about himself and making friends.


  • 正如“嫁接”在自己身上那位政客一样,乔是个出了名的“话”,对于本就狼藉的声名而言,无疑雪上加霜

    This was doubly damaging because Mr Biden, like the man whose identity he tried to purloin, is a notorious wind-bag.


  • 察觉到自己身上有一点生理上的排斥

    He discerned in himself a faint physical repulsion from her.


  • 这些同样品质也是自己丈夫身上寻找的,就是巴拉克·奥巴马

    And these were the same qualities that I looked for in my own husband, Barack Obama.


  • 从来没有玷污自己从来没有们一样,放纵自己女人身上享乐。

    Yes, he is a virgin. he has never defiled himself. he has never abandoned himself to women, like the other gods.


  • 从来没有玷污自己从来没有们一样,放纵自己女人身上享乐。

    Yes, he is a virgin. he has never defiled himself. he has never abandoned himself to women, like the other gods.


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