• 起来很诚恳不过,话说回来一贯如此

    He sounded sincere, but then, he always did.


  • 朋友已经当天早上动身上伦敦去,不过以内就要回来

    His friend had left him that morning for London, but was to return home in ten days time.


  • 今天早上留在公寓里不过回来时候不在了。

    I left him in my apartment this morning but he wasn't there when I got back.


  • 不过如果回来路上酒吧逗留,不会惊讶

    But I wouldn't be surprised if he's stopped off at the pub on the way back.


  • 不过这次青春真的回来了。因为所有一切不过除夕夜场梦而已。

    And his youth did return, for all this was only a dream which he had on New Year's Night.


  • 当时休息了,于是警卫便离开了,不过回来以后尝试叫醒艾米时,发现她已经没有了呼吸。

    She was in her bedroom after saying she wanted to sleep and when he went to wake her he found she wasn't breathing.


  • 不过不要留住,因为赶上,把孩子回来

    But do not stop me now — I may overtake him — I may find my child!


  • 时间,伯顿承认,伊恩索是回来的,而且受过严格的训练狗 - 不过训练指令威尔士的。 伯顿擅长这种语言泰勒完全懂。

    It was some time later that Burton admitted that he had actually purchased the dog fully trained, but only to commands spoken in Welsh--a language that he spoke fluently, and Taylor spoke not at all.


  • 不过办法从命所以公主逃跑而且再也别回来

    He can't follow through, so he tells her to run away and never return.


  • 往常这时候已经回来了,不过高兴今天一些,这样时间喘过气来,使脸色恢复平静,不致引起父亲的猜疑

    It was past time for him to come home, but she was glad that he was late. The delay would give her time to quiet her breathing and calm her face so that his suspicions would not be aroused.


  • 或者不会回来这是投资人担心的情况。不过大多数专家都认为尽管苹果有着一支强大的高管团队,但史蒂夫·乔布斯无人可以替代

    Jobs returns, as he said he hoped to, or does not, as some investors fear, most experts believe that despite having a strong executive team, he will be hard to replace.


  • 不过等到布巴回来发现老板因为心脏病突发,旁边围着医务人员

    But by the time Bubba returns, he finds that his boss has had a heart attack and is surrounded by paramedics.


  • 禅师这个鬼无所不知,知道许多事情,不过也许有些事情知道,如果她答错了的话,得答应不再回来打扰,让和心爱结婚

    If she answered incorrectly, then she should not come back and bother him any more. Then he could marry the one he loved.


  • 有时候知道今天不会下班回家有时候她不知道今年会不会下班回家,不过一个游戏因为总是回来

    Sometimes she'd wondered if he would come home from work that day, but it was a game, because he always came home.


  • 不过话说回来,莱弗勒这部著作中的瑕疵还真是之又少。而且,结论相当有说服力。

    But the shortcomings of Mr Leffler's book are few and his conclusion is powerful.


  • 位吹玻璃匠人了天,刚旅行回来带着一个真人大小的玻璃游遍全国谈吐幽默,经常笑得不过气来,使我暂时忘却大海

    A chat with a glassblower, returning from an Odyssey on which he had carried a full-sized glass man across the country, helped me forget the ocean (helpless laughter usually does).


  • 某种程度上,根据伯蒂·伍斯特所作创造仍然显示作者爱德华时代某个漫长下午的眷恋;不过话得说回来这种东西不受时间限制的。

    In some ways, the world he created around Bertie Wooster glowed with the nostalgia of a long Edwardian afternoon; in other ways, it is timeless.


  • 青春的确回来了,因为一切不过,一场在在元旦做的梦罢了。

    And his youth did return, for all this was only a dream, which he had on New Year's Night.


  • 不过也说一些患者十分迷信药物坦言,并不适合使用电视看到过的某种药物,们就不再回来了。

    But, he says, 'some patients are very medicine-oriented, and when you tell them they aren't good candidates for a drug they've heard about on TV, they don't come back.'


  • 不过不爱希刺克厉夫先生;回来,我就不敢来了走开好多吗?

    I don't love Mr Heathcliff, though; and I dare not come when he returns; will he stay away many days? '?


  • 不过并不是以我们所期待方式回到家中,而是一支护卫队、一支仪仗队以及伤亡援助军官陪同下回来的。

    When he did come home, it was not the way we expected, but with an escort and an honor guard and casualty assistance officers.


  • 我们非常了解个性希望能够尽快回来不过一定要遵守医疗小组设置时间表

    We know him well and his character and he will want to be back soon, he has to respect the time-table set by the medical team.


  • 青春确实回来所有一切不过平安一个噩梦

    And his youth did return, for all this was only a nightmare which he had on Christmas Eve.


  • 父亲我要离开巴黎有些等着办理不过很快就会回来的。

    I immediately went to my father and told him that I proposed to take my leave to attend to some matters which had called me back to Paris, but added that I would return promptly.


  • 尖叫吵闹,的斯迈尔廷手杖重重地父亲故意呕吐妈妈,还把养的乌龟暖房屋顶不过还是房间回来

    He'd screamed, whacked his father with his Smelting stick, been sick on purpose, kicked his mother, and thrown his tortoise through the greenhouse roof, and he still didn't have his room back.


  • 不过这个礼拜每天忘记一卷回来

    He's forgotten to bring any home every day without fail for the past seven days.


  • 不过这个礼拜每天忘记一卷回来

    He's forgotten to bring any home every day without fail for the past seven days.


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