• 全身心地投入工作结果损害了健康

    He was engrossed in his job to the detriment of his health.


  • 全身心地投入激发学生优秀的品质。

    He is totally dedicated and brings out the best in his pupils.


  • 全身心地投入这项任务中去。

    He devotes all his efforts to this task.


  • 全身心地投入工作中。

    He threw himself into his work heart and soul.


  • 鲁宾斯坦劝说全身心投入音乐创作中去。

    Rubenstein persuaded him to devote himself entirely to music.


  • 全身心地投入英语教学,过去如此,现在依然如此。

    He was, and still is, devoted to teaching English.


  • 摩羯座父亲是个工作狂由于全身心地投入工作也许很难感觉到

    Your Capricorn dad is a hard worker, and sometimes it may be hard to feel his love for you since he is so caught up in his work.


  • 威尔斯这般表达,对之,只是艺术觉得令人愉快,因此如果是个艺术家,你就拥有,快乐生活全身心地投入艺术中去。

    Welles presented it. He'll say no. It's a work of art. I find it exhilarating. So if you are an artist, you can always have an happy life dedicating yourself to your art.


  • 随后几十年里特德全身心地投入于被称之为美国伟大未竟事业”,同时提防多于应该得到的那份人生苦难。

    Ted, spent the decades that followed working patiently on what he called "the great unfinished business of America", and fending off more than his fair share of trouble.


  • 如果放弃别的工作全身心地投入音乐中去,必须面对这个折磨人问题大卖与否

    If he wants to quit his day job and pursue music full time, he's going to have to confront that aching question: to sell or not to sell?


  • 全身心投入救灾工作中,”:“有助于缓解妻之痛。”

    "I threw myself into relief work," he says. "It helped me to bear my loss."


  • 有一年轻国王正在睡觉的时候,打电话给船长抓住头部睡觉丈夫船长因此全身心地投入大海里去了。

    One day when the young king was lying there asleep, she called the captain and seized her sleeping husband by the head and made the captain take him by the feet, and thus they threw him into the sea.


  • 同时还保证不会一月份离开并且将会全身心投入球队这个赛季的比赛中。

    He also reassured the Toon Army that he would not be leaving in January, and remained fully committed to United's cause this season.


  • 开始自己违背传统感到有些担忧,但很快就希德全身心地投入工作。西奥·米特总会一部分收入回奎朗老家

    Despite some initial misgivings over turning his back on tradition, he fully embraced the assignment in Theed and took care to tithe his income to his family in Kwilaan.


  • 威尔斯这般表达,对之只是艺术觉得令人愉快因此如果是个艺术家,你就拥有快乐生活全身心地投入艺术中去。

    Welles presented it. He'll say no. It's a work of art. I find it exhilarating. So if you are an artist, you can always have an happy life dedicating yourself to your art.


  • 怀着创造性情感自己全身心地投入的中间,不断增添内容,飘浮路上每一漂亮羽毛去装扮它。

    He had thrown himself into it with a creative passion, adding to it all the time, decking it out with every bright feather that drifted his way.


  • 令人伤心的尽管·高全身心地投入绘画,但直到1890年去世时卖出了

    The sad thing is that although van Gogh devoted his whole self to painting, he only sold one painting before he died in 1890.


  • 自己要求更加严格,全身心地投入

    Being much more strict with himself, he contributed himself to the case.


  • 为了全身心地投入诗歌创作高中时候就学校辍学了。

    He dropped out of high school to pursue his obsession with poetry full-time.


  • :“学习成绩好的关键全身心地投入如果孩子们愿意置身其中并且乐在其中通常情况下,的学业表现也会更出色。”

    He said: "the key to attainment is engagement and if children want to be there and enjoy being there, universally they do better."


  • 如果没有用你所期望的方式爱你,那并不代表着没有对你全身心地投入

    Just because someone doesn't love you the the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.


  • 也许摆脱了名誉金钱追逐一个人才全身心投入意图有所成就的领域,并且最终成功出乎与之前预料

    Maybe after abandoning pursuit of fame and money, a man will put heart and soul into what he aims to achieve and at length the success is beyond his earlier expectation.


  • 王平可是张健无所畏惧2阗0年10月15开始全身心投入训练,甚至元旦春节是在游泳池度过的。

    Wang Ping: However, Zhang Jian was fearless. Since October 15, 2000, he started training with ail his heart and he even spent the New Year and the Spring Festival in the swimming pool.


  • 王平可是张健无所畏惧2阗0年10月15开始全身心投入训练,甚至元旦春节是在游泳池度过的。

    Wang Ping: However, Zhang Jian was fearless. Since October 15, 2000, he started training with ail his heart and he even spent the New Year and the Spring Festival in the swimming pool.


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