• 喜欢鬼脸样子,就好像早知道会那么

    I loved how she laughed and made a face liked she knew he would say that.


  • ,”继续抱歉地,“亲生父亲显得那么。”

    "You see," he continued apologetically, "it would make me seem so old to be their real father."


  • 如果抱怨每周一次的洗澡时没有足够的那么下一次少。

    If he complained that there was not enough water for his weekly bath, there would be less water next time.


  • 为什么那么做并不是秘密——“可能看到别人遭受那样的痛苦害怕甚至不想帮助。”虽然这样,但还是不能完全解释怎样发生这样的事。

    It's no mystery to him why he did what he did - "I would be such a horrible human being to watch someone suffer like that and not even try to help," he says-but he can't quite figure out how.


  • :“如果在在产生较多能量的前提下减少自由基的产出,那么你就可以避免衰老,同时你的寿命提高”。

    If you manage to produce more energy with less free-radical production, then you can avoid aging and increase lifespan, ” he said.


  • 若夫制裁恶化俄罗斯西方关系如果执行制裁,那么制裁西方国家造成的伤害大于俄罗斯可能带来的损失。

    Chizhov says sanctions would worsen relations between Russia and West and he says if they were to be implemented, they would actually hurt the West more than any pain that Russia might incur.


  • 如果知道的话,我就不会那么对待恶劣得对待朋友还以为带着我的钱。”懊悔

    "If I had known then, I would not have treated my friend poorly rather than harboring the thought he would run away with my money," he said this regretfully.


  • 塞里最初觉得大家很快支持工作重心这种转变,事实那么容易。

    This change in emphasis, Mr Seligmann says, has not been as easy for people to agree on as he initially thought it would be.


  • 科林妈妈如果最终大学同意科林参加国家科学基金趟行程并且满足最先所追求的那些课程要求那么非常满意

    Colin and his mother say they would be satisfied if the university ensures that the NSF-funded research trip and a seminar fulfill the academic requirements of the course he originally sought.


  • 佩里先生要么不可商榷截止期限促使拖延时间行动要么/ 她积聚足够的信息自信使大任务看上去那么可怕

    Mr.Perry says either a non-negotiable deadline will force action, or the procrastinator will gather enough information and confidence to make them appear less daunting.


  • 佩里先生要么不可商榷截止期限促使拖延时间行动要么/ 她积聚足够的信息自信使大任务看上去那么可怕

    Mr. Perry says either a non-negotiable deadline will force action, or the procrastinator will gather enough information and confidence to make them appear less daunting.


  • 如果这些群体里面跟自己内部的人结婚那么这个极高生育率群体”的人口大大超过群体的人口,然后,这个群体很快就成为多数人

    If people in these groups only married within them, he said "ultra-high fertility groups would rapidly outgrow the rest of the population and soon become a majority".


  • 利波随后了个难题鸡蛋立起来,谁能力建造穹顶那么委员应该任务委派

    Filippo then issued a challenge, saying that the commission to build the dome should be given to the man who could make an egg stand on end, as that man would have the skills required for the job.


  • 甚至如果一个傻瓜保持沉默,那么认为是聪明的,如果很挑剔,就是精明的。”箴言17:27,28.“的越多,错也少。

    Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue” Proverbs 17:27, 28.


  • 阻碍客厅窗户出去视野了一次一次,只是,‘砍掉一样那么可爱东西即便它遮挡了你的视野?’

    It spoils the view from the parlour Windows, as I've told him again and again, but he only says, 'Would you cut a lovely thing like that down even if it does shut out the view?'


  • 比方一名6的儿童拒绝上学来表达担忧。而青少年也许那么担心更多家长发生口角或学校表现不好。

    For example, six-year-olds may show their worries by refusing to attend school, whereas adolescents may minimize their concerns, but argue more with parents and show a decline in school performance.


  • 不是那么回事,”一个年长些女人,“从头尾都撒谎遭报应。”

    "It's not what it sounds like," she tells one elderly woman. "he's lying about the whole thing, and he's going to get in trouble for that."


  • 如果肌肉没有准备好用于持续点击’,那么再次造成损伤可能影响灵活性引起剧烈疼痛,”在接受《印度时报》采访时

    "If the muscles are not ready to be used continuously for 'swiping', then there is a repeated injury can affect flexibility and intense pain," he said as reported by the Times of India.


  • 一些相对不那么极端情况下房客健康可能受损变得容易出现感情问题情绪波动抑郁

    In less extreme cases, the tenants' well-being will suffer: They will become more prone to emotional issues, mood swings and depression, he said.


  • 中国崛起带来了,如果有更多日本企业也把一趋势看作是积极的,那么日本的经济前景光明起来

    China's rise also presents an opportunity: 'If more Japanese companies also viewed this situation as something positive, Japan's economic prospects would also brighten up.


  • 比如不能补偿所有的不公平性因此也就不能讲清,要是一位地位地下的年轻人更为有利条件下成长的话,那么怎样

    For example, they do not compensate for gross social inequality, and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been, had he grown up under more favorable circumstances.


  • 一定希望过,”梭尼,“否则那么兔子赛跑啊?”

    "He must have wished that," Sonny said, "Otherwise how could he be so stupid as to race with the hare?"


  • 一瓶威士忌走出汽车:”一点,那么感觉更好

    He takes the bottle of whisky out of his car and say, "Drink some of this, then you'll feel better."


  • 愣了怎么那么不想上学了。

    I Leng! Asked how he would then think, he only said do not want to go to school.


  • 圈里很多明星那么熟,偷偷透过朋友绕去的传来简讯,想出

    The ring also has a lot of stars I'm not familiar with, they would secretly go around came the newsletter through a friend, said he came up with the closet.


  • 圈里很多明星那么熟,偷偷透过朋友绕去的传来简讯,想出

    The ring also has a lot of stars I'm not familiar with, they would secretly go around came the newsletter through a friend, said he came up with the closet.


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