• 人们期望受到他们这个年龄应得尊敬

    Old people expect to be treated with the respect due to their age.


  • 问题部分原因婴儿潮”一代认为社交网络并不他们这个年龄导向。

    Part of the problem here is that boomers don't think that these social networks are focused on their age group.


  • 研究发现健康尤其是年轻人达不到他们这个年龄需要睡眠量。

    The study also found that most healthy people, and young people in particular, don't get as much sleep as they need.


  • 他们有着属于每个孩子天真梦想有着属于他们这个年龄敏感忧伤

    They belong to every child with the naive and dreams, but also they do not belong there in this age of sensitivity and sadness.


  • 知道他们而言未来艰难因为他们这个年龄面临过同样处境

    I know that for them the future will be very difficult, because at their age I also faced the same situation.


  • 这里有30名学生他们准备接受一项他们这个年龄孩子来说困难挑战

    There are more than 30 students here, ready to take on a difficult challenge for kids of their age.


  • 他们这个年龄很多玩具都不玩了,不会衣服饰物感兴趣甚至可能都没有什么爱好

    They are too old for many toys, may not be interested in clothes or accessories, and may not even have hobbies.


  • 二类“大额储户”是一个年龄35-54岁之间的群体,他们这个年龄段正是挣钱存钱时候。

    The second category comprises those in the 35-54 age range, the prime earning and saving years.


  • 他们告诉他们这个年龄期望时,高兴起来,葡萄酒这样庆祝就是真正的酒神了。

    And when they told him what one would expect of their age, he began to be merry, declaring that a vintage celebrated in such a manner was truly bacchanalian.


  • 兰西18个月时候大多数孩子渴望帮助父母许多文化中他们这个年龄开始帮助家务

    At about 18 months of age, Lancy says, most children become eager to help their parents, and in many cultures, they begin helping with housework at that age.


  • 例如给受试者单词年龄”、“英里沙子”,要求他们想出单词这个单词可以在这三个词之前之后组成一个复合词

    For instance, subjects are given three words such as "age", "mile" and "sand"—and asked to come up with a single word that can precede or follow each of them to form a compound word.


  • 父母这个年龄认为他们了解生活吗?

    Do you think you are more knowledgeable about life than your parents were at your age?


  • 这个年龄孩子被要求努力学习父母他们学校进步很高的期望。

    This is the age group when children are first expected to study hard and parents have great expectations of their progress in school.


  • 进化的角度来说这个年龄正处于这样一个阶段他们可以父母分开、自谋生计的同时,寻找伴侣组建自己家庭准备。

    Evolutionarily speaking, people in this age group are at a stage in which they can prepare to find a mate and start their own family while separating from parents and striking out on their own.


  • 他们到了这个年龄——女性25左右,男性2530岁左右——他们越来越多地转向相亲。

    When they reach the agein the middle twenties for women, the late twenties for men—they increasingly turn to omiai.


  • 你们这个年龄那些电视推销他们产品广告商来说一个有吸引力市场

    People your age are a very attractive market for advertisers who promote their products on television.


  • 他们是因为他们相信一个老师应该知道答案或者因为他们看到灰白头发胡子相信我的年龄应该有这个能力知道该怎么做。

    I assume they ask me because they believe a teacher should know the answers. Either that or they look at my gray hair and beard and believe that my age necessitates my ability to know.


  • 这个意义上互联网使用潜望镜使用者年龄50余岁时,研究人员已经发现他们也在向后向前寻找面向过去未来

    In that sense, Internet use is like a periscope: When users age 50-plus put theirs up, researchers have found, they're looking both backward and forward, toward the past and the future.


  • 孩子到达一定年龄时,他们这个好奇。

    Kids will be curious about it when they reach a certain age.


  • 最近日本研究者了一份20 - 83年龄超过500名女性男性的名为“坐位体测试研究这个测试要求被测试者退伸直坐下然后尽量触摸他们脚趾头。

    In a recent study, Japanese researchers asked more than 500 women and men ages 20 to 83 to perform a "sit and reach" test, where they sit with legs extended and tried to touch their toes.


  • 交通口号如果孩子开车年龄不要他们开,否则他们永远也不会到这个年龄

    A traffic slogan: Don't let your kids drive if they are not old enough or else they will never be.


  • 就这样循环着直至他们赚得足够的钱退休或者更多人工作年限到期,即他们年龄对于这个行业来说了,一般来说从事这个不会超过26岁

    The cycle ends when they earn enough to retire or, as more often happens, when they get too old for the job — which in this business can be as young as 26.


  • 因为他们一点也大猩猩基因啊~人类又是怎么得知地球十亿年龄的(十亿这个数字真是不小啊)。

    They don't look anything alike to those creatures.How come humans know the age of our planet we are talking about billions and that number is not small.


  • 他们要是这个年龄关闭了学习的兴趣,那就决不会开启了。

    They are switching off at four years old and never switching on again.


  • 这些结论尤其3 ~10这个年龄孩子密切相关研究人员在他们的报告中写道。这是因为年龄稍大的孩子们家庭以外的环境中舒缓压力,比如通过和朋友或者工作

    "Our findings are particularly relevant for children between the ages of 3 and 10," the researchers wrote, because older children can find release outside the home through friends or work.


  • 当然中产阶级越来越多他们都想吃肉制品需要更多粮食但是老年人肉类需求没有那么大,所以由于人口年龄化,这个需求会达到平衡

    Yes, the growing middle class wants to eat more meat, which requires more grain, but older people tend to eat less meat, so the demand could be balanced as the population ages.


  • 其他研究显示青少年的特有文化已相当流行,家长这个年龄孩子的智商能起到的影响随着他们年龄的增长而不断减弱

    Other studies have shown how pervasive teenage youth culture is, and what we see is parents' influence on IQ slowly diminishing with age.


  • 其他研究也显示青少年的特有文化已相当流行,家长这个年龄孩子的智商起到的影响随着他们年龄的增长而不断减弱

    Other studieshave shown how pervasive teenage youth culture is, and what we seeis parents' influence on IQ slowly diminishing with age.


  • 其他研究也显示青少年的特有文化已相当流行,家长这个年龄孩子的智商起到的影响随着他们年龄的增长而不断减弱

    Other studieshave shown how pervasive teenage youth culture is, and what we seeis parents' influence on IQ slowly diminishing with age.


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