• 拿 NBA球员来说,他们身高增加似乎由于世界各地招募球员做法越来越普遍

    In the case of NBA players, their increase in height appears to result from the increasingly common practice of recruiting players from all over the world.


  • 他们身高相仿,而且走路步伐完全一致。

    They were almost the same height and they moved perfectly in step.


  • 必须知道参与者名字他们大小大概身高

    You have to know the names of participants and their feet size and approximate height.


  • 他们身高体型应该一样的。

    Their height and build should be about the same.


  • 小个子需要消耗更多能量并不是因为步伐不同或者低的代谢。原因其实简单:就是他们身高

    The reason smaller people use more energy is not due to a different gait or a less efficient metabolic rate per stride. The key was something simpler: their height.


  • 他们收集数据涉及到14种变量包括人类身高黄金价格树木年轮密度,以及欧洲工业化之前公元1500年到1800年之间温度变化。

    They collected data on 14 variables, such as human height, the price of gold, tree ring width, and temperature from pre-industrial Europe between the years 1500 and 1800.


  • 参与者被询问多长时间做一次锻炼提供了体重身高数据,用来计算出他们的体质指数BMI)。

    People were also asked how often they exercised, and provided weight and height so that body mass index, or BMI, could be calculated.


  • 海报记录着顾客孩子们的身高,每一道横线旁都写着他们名字

    On it, the heights of customers’ kids were recorded with horizontal lines accompanied by their names.


  • 人们一般自己年龄保持诚实教授可能是因为他们可以宣称不知道自己的体重身高

    People were most honest about their age, something Professor Toma said is probably because they can claim ignorance about weight and height.


  • 他们惊喜这所学校学生身高以及体重了详尽的记录每周还会做声音测试记录是否有任何故意声。

    To their delight, they were told that the school had kept meticulous records of children's height and weight, and made weekly voice assessments to record any unintentional falsettos.


  • 国家队其他NBA球员他们没有一个身高性格,善于言辞方面能上海的巨人相比。

    There are other Chinese NBA players, but none of them come close to matching the stature, the character and the skills of the soft-spoken giant from Shanghai.


  • 科学家对121名死者股骨,就是大腿骨进行了鉴定,同时也获取他们身高体重数据。

    The scientists evaluated the femurs (or thigh bones) of 121 deceased men for whom they had both weight and height.


  • 他们肯定不会满意身高

    They definitely won't be happy with his height.


  • 他们同时发现正如其他研究人员已经发现的那样,较高体重指数(BMI)——一项根据身高体重计算出的指标,同样早熟有联系

    They also found, as other researchers have, that higher body-mass index (BMI), a calculation based on height and weight, was also linked with earlier puberty.


  • 这样他们体重增加变他们身高持续增加

    That way, you'll automatically slow the rate of their weight gain while they continue to grow in height.


  • 调查结果显示很多美国过高估计了自己身高同时低估了自己的体重即便他们确实超重了,他们并不觉得自己

    The investigation result shows that many people overestimate how tall they are and underestimate how much they weigh — and thus do not rate themselves are overweight, even when they are.


  • 美国公司曾经位居第二梯队人力资源经理们如今也能跻身高收入人群之列。他们需要行动证明这一身份是正当的。

    Human-resource managers, once second-tier figures, now often rank among the highest-paid people at American firms; they will have to justify that status.


  • 开采计划使得人类外星土著“纳发生冲突皮肤“纳威人”身高7英尺他们热爱和平,与大自然十分和谐地相处。

    The humans clash with the natives - a peace-loving race of 7ft tall, blue-skinned creatures called the Na'vi, who exist in perfect harmony with nature.


  • 他们教练——冈田武史,谈到喀麦隆的身高优势认为日本有希望进入前四强。

    The manager, Takeshi Okada, jokes about Cameroon's height advantage yet still feels Japan can reach the semi-finals.


  • 通过将遗骨化石拼合在一起研究人员估测出他们身高大约1.5大脑现代人类大脑的一半略微

    By piecing the skeletal remains together, researchers estimate they stood about 1.5 metres tall and had brains a little more than half the size of those in modern humans.


  • 2007年,一份康乃尔大学密歇根大学研究人员联合进行的研究发现81%的曾经在在线约会网站注册的用户在他们身高年龄体重方面提供信息

    A 2007 study by Cornell and Michigan State researchers found that 81 percent of participants who used online dating sites provided false information about how short, old, or heavy they were.


  • 两个兄弟Jamesand Larry,身高五尺五寸半,他们给予了我所能一切

    I got two brothers, James and Larry, five four and five five in height. They give me all I could ever ask for.


  • 他们大学挑选名一百短跑运动员名二百米运动员进行分析,12同等身高运动员大学生进行比较

    They looked at seven university sprinters who specialise in the 100-metre dash and five 200-metre specialists, and compared them with 12 non-athletic university students of the same height.


  • 他们甚至发育期还没开始之前,就已经自己的身体意象较劲了(比如体重作战或者身高不满)。

    They may have wrestled with body image even before puberty started (for example, battles with weight or dissatisfaction with height).


  • 他们身高成熟程度兴趣以及玩耍安全到校的需要意味着需要对他们采取特别安全措施

    Their height, level of maturity, their interests, as well as their need to play and travel safely to school, mean that they require special safety measures.


  • 他们夸大自己身高薪水隐藏自己的斑秃背部赘肉

    They exaggerate their height and salary. They hide their bald spots and back fat.


  • 他们夸大自己身高薪水隐藏自己的斑秃背部赘肉

    They exaggerate their height and salary. They hide their bald spots and back fat.


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