• 是的他们,还装满肥皂海绵但是他们看上去对让彼此浑身都沾上兴趣,而不是擦掉车上污垢

    Yes, they had hoses, buckets filled with soapy water, and sponges, but they seemed more interested in getting each other wet than in getting the dirt off the car.


  • 他们每天这种危险的环境下工作很长时间泥沙中淘出金沙

    Here they endure long hours at dangerous jobs, wringing flecks of gold from the dirt with mercury.


  • 之后捐赠者可能会得到一些果汁也许有水他们提供能量

    Afterward, the donors may receive some juice or water and maybe fruit to give them energy.


  • 他们可能会栖身之所,里面,没电话,也没设备。

    They may have a home to shelter themselves, but it does not have power supply, a telephone or plumbing.


  • 他们对于我们颗行星卫星上是否追求下,研究者不得不依靠美国阿波罗太空任务带来将20世纪60年代70年代早期地球月球岩石带回地球进行分析

    In their quest for water on our planet's satellite, researchers have had to rely on the analysis of lunar rocks that US Apollo space missions brought to Earth in the late 1960s and early 1970s.


  • 智利国内一些挪威公司也开始在这些破坏的峡湾里养殖鲑鱼,更糟糕是,跟其它密集型动物农业一样,鲑鱼产业产生大量的废弃物,使恶化、缺氧,造成一种致命鲑鱼病毒的广泛传播,这些鲑鱼养殖公司的做法不过是简单再向南,直到干净无污染再开始养殖,因为他们已经取得整个南部峡湾的所有水体的新租赁权

    The solution of the salmon-farming companies has simply been to move south into clean waters. Already the companies have taken out new leases on stretches of water throughout the southern fjords.


  • 他们漂流一个荒岛上,既食物,也没

    They were cast away on a desert island without food or water.


  • 地质学家首次研究阿波罗样本他们发现月球证据宣布月球事干燥的。

    When geologists first studied the Apollo samples, they found no evidence of water and declared the Moon dry.


  • 如果没他们继续加热可能辐射到核设施以外的地方。

    Without water they will continue to heat and potentially spew radiation beyond the coastal facility.


  • 表示,他们消防车,其中只车上

    He says he only has four trucks and only two hold water.


  • 尽管这种非常糟糕的天气状况使撤离非常的困难因为他们食物,没,也没足够的能源

    However, under the severe cold weather, evacuees are having a very difficult time because they lack food, water, and energy sources," he said.


  • 尽管这种非常糟糕的天气状况使撤离非常的困难因为他们食物,没,也没足够的能源

    However, under the severe cold weather, evacuees are having a very difficult time because they lack food, water, and energy sources, " he said.


  • 他们1516年威廉公爵四世公布的德国啤酒纯度条约为证,条约规定啤酒花大麦用于酿造啤酒。

    They cite Bavarian Purity Requirements that date to Duke William IV in 1516, which allow only water, hops, and barley to be used in the brewing process.


  • 他们津巴布韦资源管理局接管提供无污染修理坍塌管道职责

    They also took over responsibility from the state-run Zimbabwe National water Authority for delivering disease-free water and repairing collapsed sewerage pipes.


  • 村民他们已经,没东西吃地方了,由于山顶落石道路中断,他们不出山去。

    The residents said they had been without fresh water, food or shelter for six days and could not leave the mountain due to sheer drops and missing sections of road.


  • 他们包括城市乡村公园等等自然环境都是的。而且绿色的环境里如果还存在的话,带来积极影响

    All natural environments were beneficial, including parks in towns or cities, they said, but green areas with water appeared to have a more positive effect.


  • 他们知道如果他们毅力决心不必害怕顾客拒绝因为事情总到渠成天。

    They know that, if they have perseverance and determination, they don't need to be afraid of customer rejection, because there will be a yes somewhere down the road.


  • 那些平均智商以下真的分数反映的那样么?或者他们只是缺乏积极性测试中没发挥有水

    Is a person truly of less-than-average intelligence? Or were they simply not very well-motivated to approach the test to perform as well as they possibly could?


  • 他们先把细菌封闭凝胶内,这样这些单细胞细菌就的条件下清除盐结晶,因为没有水分的参与,也就不会损坏壁画

    The scientists trap the bacteria in a gel.This way, the single-celled cleaning crew can destroy the salt layer with no moisture penetrating the murals.


  • 然而他们表示发现不能提供火星存在直接证据

    The scientists say their best explanation for this is the flow of salty water, possibly underground, although they say the findings don't provide direct evidence of water on Mars.


  • 之后野花如果他们枯萎强调

    After that, only water the wildflowers if they look wilted or stressed.


  • 他们通过一种新的方法分析样本,并从中发现证据证明30亿年前月球曾存在。

    They used a new method of analyzing elements in the lunar sand samples to show strong evidence of water, dating back 3 billion years.


  • 但是日本管理机构(Japanese nuclear regulatory agency)已经承认他们知道冷却池里到底剩下

    The Japanese nuclear regulatory agency, however, has acknowledged that it doesn't know if there is water left in the pool.


  • 现在播种,就连他们唯一收入来源枯竭了。

    But now, with no water for seeding, their only source of income has dried up.


  • 一旦我们辨识这些基因方面克服当前障碍,“他们分析基因到大脑行为一般机制提供扣人心弦的瞥见。”

    Once we overcome the remaining obstacles to identifying these genes, they will provide exciting glimpses into general mechanisms at all levels of analysis from genes to brain to behavior.


  • 担心数天隐藏的黎波里周围地下监狱许多犯人可能丢下,他们食物

    He feared that many prisoners may have been abandoned days ago without food or water in underground prisons hidden around Tripoli.


  • 担心数天隐藏的黎波里周围地下监狱许多犯人可能丢下,他们食物

    He feared that many prisoners may have been abandoned days ago without food or water in underground prisons hidden around Tripoli.


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