• 他们明显欣赏

    They obviously appreciate you very much.


  • 他们明显少数

    They are in a decided minority.


  • 他们明显行动保护自己

    They are clearly acting to protect themselves.


  • 其结果就是他们明显不如平时那么健谈

    As a result they were considerably less talkative than normal.


  • 的话他们明显影响

    My words made a visible impression on them.


  • 他们明显的失误未能说服德国人为他们目睹改变作出妥协。

    What they have apparently failed to do is to persuade Germans to come to terms with the changes they are witnessing.


  • 我们有些祖先有着更小大脑类人猿似的脸,他们明显不如我们

    Some of our ancestors are clearly inferior to us, with smaller brains and apelike countenances.


  • 实际上比起那些每天选择三明治的人,他们明显自己选择不满意

    In fact they are significantly less happy with their choices than the group who chose their sandwiches on the day.


  • 他们明显发现中的成员越多被试对于这个紧急情况的反应速度就越慢。

    They clearly found that the more people were involved in the group discussion, the slower participants were to respond to the apparent emergency.


  • 也许发觉他们明显上一次见到年轻了许多,而且他们毫无记忆

    You might notice that they look decidedly younger than when you last saw them alive and they won't have any memory of you either.


  • 所有他们明显我们其他国家传递一种信号不是只有你们能够制造使用无人机

    "So they're definitely sending a signal to us and to other countries that, 'You're not the only ones who are going to be able to build these things and to fly them,'" he says.


  • 他们明显迅速自愈能耐使他们近乎不也许被刀子或许轻兵器之类世俗兵器杀害

    They heal remarkably quickly making them nearly impossible to kill with mundane weaponry such as knives or small firearms.


  • 录象放映了费伊•特尼,扣人员唯一名女性他们明显侵入”了伊朗水域。

    The video shows Faye Turney, the only woman in the group saying it's obvious the Brits were trespassing.


  • 他们明显是违反现有条约精神化学武器大会上被提议,现在摆在参议院

    They clearly violate the spirit of existing treaties as well as the pro posed Chemical Weapons Convention, which is now before the Senate.


  • 虽然G500按键较少,这些远非完美的他们明显更好地融入这些野兽老鼠尸体

    Although the G500 had fewer buttons, and these were still far from perfect, they were much better integrated into the mouse's body than these beasts.


  • 当然建议使用厕所之后吃饭之前尿布之后以及在处理食物前后洗手,”只要他们明显了就要洗手,写道

    I certainly recommend washing your hands after using the bathroom, before eating, after changing a diaper, before and after handling food, ” and whenever they’re visibly soiled, she wrote.


  • 那些每天说谎或者隐藏重大秘密多年的人可能会发现,一时间后他们容易这样但是他们明显其他人着的不利健康的风险要多。

    Those who lie on a daily basis or have been keeping a big secret for years may find it easy to do so over time, but they’re significantly more at risk for these negative health affects than others.


  • 他们评估了40对同志伴侣40对异性恋伴侣。心理学家们发现同性恋者伴侣争吵的时候要友好的多:他们明显的没有那么好战跋扈或是可怕

    The psychologists concluded that gays and lesbians are nicer than straight people during arguments with partners: they are significantly less belligerent, less domineering and less fearful.


  • 需要注意的有趣创世纪第5亚当挪亚世代,在这个世代里该隐亚伯没有出现在亚当家谱里即使他们明显的是亚当最早的两个孩子

    It is interesting to note that in Genesis, chapter 5, Generations of Adam to Noah, that Cain and Abel do not appear in Adam's genealogy, even though it appears that these were his first children.


  • 上半场比赛还未过半,他们否决了一次明显罚球机会

    They were denied an obvious penalty before the midway point of the first half.


  • 种族主义抬头使锡克教徒很担心,因为他们如此明显一个少数民族

    The rise of racism concerns Sikhs because they are such a visible minority.


  • 他们争取机会明显表现出不情愿的态度。

    They are showing a marked disinclination to pursue these opportunities.


  • 随着他们越来越接近市郊心情明显变得轻松了

    As they approached the outskirts of the city, Ella's mood visibly lightened.


  • 随着他们愈往南行杰克拖腔拉调的南方口音就愈发明显了。

    Jack's southern drawl had become more pronounced as they'd travelled southward.


  • 他们必须这些孩子采取点行动因为明显他们的行为已经出轨

    They've got to do something about these children because clearly they've gone off the rails.


  • 他们最终接受一个不同的错误陈述明显错误。

    They end up embracing a differe nt error: stating the obvious.


  • 心理学家已经表明,婴儿个月时候就表现出明显期望,希望他们世界遵守物理定律因果关系。

    Psychologists have shown that babies apparently expect their world to comply with the laws of physics and cause and effect as early as two months of age.


  • 明显除了利益民族主义,其他紧急的事物迫使人类地球表面留下他们足迹

    It is clear that imperatives other than profits or nationalism will have to compel human beings to leave their tracks on the planet's reddish surface.


  • 明显除了利益民族主义,其他紧急的事物迫使人类地球表面留下他们足迹

    It is clear that imperatives other than profits or nationalism will have to compel human beings to leave their tracks on the planet's reddish surface.


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