• 一天车后,有时途径告诉孩子很快回家了,他们总是想到车上坐坐

    When I have a long drive near the end of the day, I sometimes go past my home to tell my two little children I'll be home soon, and they always want to come along in my car.


  • 告诉我,他的祖父不能再住在他们家里了,因为他得了阿尔茨海默症。

    He shared with me that his grandfather couldn't live in their home any longer either because he had Alzheimer's disease (阿尔茨海默症).


  • 本周华盛顿大学教授告诉,致力于项目毕业生正在工作他们赚的不是很多当然就更不用说养活一个家庭了。

    A college professor in Washington told me this week that graduates from his program were finding jobs, but they were not making very much money, certainly not enough to think about raising a family.


  • 于是那些术士,法术的,勒底人,兆的都进来将那告诉他们他们不能讲解告诉

    Then came in the magicians, the astrologers, the Chaldeans, and the soothsayers: and I told the dream before them; but they did not make known unto me the interpretation thereof.


  • 马克第一会面时告诉相信不管当时他们选择了哪濒危野生动物,现在都会四分之一惨遭灭绝

    Mark told me at our first meeting that he believes whichever eight critically endangered species they had chosen back then, the chances are that a quarter would now be extinct.


  • 有人告诉他们已经公开募股了,它们许多作家保时捷

    I was told that they had gone public, and many of the writers there were driving Porsches.


  • 他们决定告诉是个恶作剧,却是工作蹬了女友开始准备卖房之后才说。

    They decided to tell me it was a prank after I quit my job, dumped my girlfriend, and started preparing my house to be sold.


  • 人们崭新的公寓楼,因此他们漂亮冰箱,”一位职员告诉,“有了双门的,人们现在又想要三门的。”

    "People are moving into newly renovated apartments, so they want a pretty, new fridge," a clerk told me. "People had a two-door one, and now they want a three-door."


  • 然后他还雪上加霜告诉家人,向他们描述如果万幸下来面临怎样生活——可能再也不会走路了,不会说话,甚至不能理解一些极其简单的命令。

    If this were not bad enough, the neurosurgeon further shocked my family by telling them what life would be like for me if I 13 beat the odds and survived.


  • 他们美分邮票点”告诉)因为很无聊,参观了那里的院子里两个年轻(10岁?)

    They have spots for one-cent stamps!” she told me.


  • 其实,只是不太确定没有拐杖的帮助下是否能够绕场走一圈 (笑声) 他们告诉我并非玩笑 这会是第一仅仅女性举着奥林匹克位女性代表了五个大陆,另外还有三位奥林匹克金牌获得者相当自然地,的第一个问题是,穿什么好呢?

    This would be the first time that only women would carry the Olympic flag. Five women, representing five continents, and three Olympic gold medal winners.


  • 投资者告诉华尔街日报:“伯尼告诉说‘这些投资者们些小钱,如果在开始几年让他们高兴了,他们投入更多的钱。’”

    "Bernie would tell me, 'Let them start small, and if they're happy the first year or two, they can put in more,'" one investor told the Wall Street Journal.


  • 你读到这里的时候,也许不会同意所说一件事所以他们告诉我我做错什么了或者自己也不知道在说什么。

    People reading this may not agree with everything I say, so they tell me I’m doing something wrong or that I don’t know what I’m talking about.


  • 许多读者告诉他们设定了许多目标

    Many of our readers have told me that they set lots of goals.


  • 120个包围着,真是经历最好一天了,人们现在还告诉们,那场婚礼也是他们参加过的最好的婚礼。

    We were surrounded by 120 people who loved us. It was the most perfect day I've ever experienced. People still tell us it was the best wedding they've ever been to.


  • 人们纷纷写信,告诉他们现在了与自己的妻子丈夫讨论自己疾病的勇气。

    People were writing to me saying that now they could talk about their illness with their wives or husbands.


  • 别人那里接收到到告诉他们生活正在发生怎样改变电子邮件,这些已经足够继续写作生涯

    The e-mails that I receive from people who tell me how their lives are changing, is sufficient enough reason for me to write.


  • “现在回想起来,虽然当时才30岁多一点,但他们已经完全不是一类人了,”去年春天伍思特会面奈特告诉说。

    “I was in my early- to mid-30s myself, and I remember thinking, They’re not a thing like me, ” Arnett told me when we met last spring in Worcester.


  • 他们当中有这么多人告诉他们给了奥巴马,令人吃惊;现在又有那么多人告诉他们并不快乐,同样令人吃惊。

    A surprising number of them told me they had voted for Obama, and an equally surprising number of them now tell me they're unhappy.


  • “现在回想起来,虽然当时才30岁多一点,但他们已经完全不是一类人了,”去年春天伍思特会面奈特告诉说。

    “I was in my early- to mid-30s myself, and I remember thinking, They're not a thing like me,” Arnett told me when we met last spring in Worcester.


  • 每次打电话去催,他们告诉我已经好了过五分钟就可以出院

    Each time I call again, I am told it has been done and I will be out in five minutes.


  • 告诉现年55正在攻读生物技术学位不只是因为家具业的工作没有了,而是因为她想鼓励她的孩子追求他们梦想

    And she told me she's earning her degree in biotechnology now, at 55 years old, not just because the furniture jobs are gone, but because she wants to inspire her children to pursue their dreams too.


  • 糟的他们深夜里电话告诉他们逮捕了一个嫌犯

    The worst thing was when they rang me late at night and told me they'd arrested a suspect.


  • 他们提供了燕麦片点心,给看了许多非常棒的图片告诉我应该怎么办

    They were plying me with oatmeal cookies, showing me wonderful pictures, and telling me what to do.


  • 他们写了很多秘密地告诉我书将出版了

    They each have written numerous books and they Shared some of their secrets of getting published.


  • 他们写了很多秘密地告诉我书将出版了

    They each have written numerous books and they Shared some of their secrets of getting published.


- 来自原声例句

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