• 角色定义帮助人们理解他们责任以及完成分配他们任务需要技巧

    Role definitions help people understand their responsibilities and the skills they need to perform tasks assigned to them.


  • 确保每个人都完成他们任务能力然后他们自己方式来完成任务

    Make sure everyone has the ability to carry out their task, then let them carry it out in their own way.


  • 寻找这些公司以及他们任务价值的时候,我没有发现任何规模或者敏捷”相关的信息。

    When I looked for these companies and their missions and values, I found nothing that hinted about their size or their "agileness."


  • 他们实证地处理部分任务

    They approached this part of their task empirically.


  • 他们具体任务就是大量信息分类努力弄清意思

    Their specific task is to sort through the reams of information and try to determine what it means.


  • 没有他们不能完成面前任务

    Without them you will not be able to fulfil the tasks you have before you.


  • 任务得体地纠正他们不是急躁地呵斥。

    It is your job to correct them gracefully and not to be snippy about it.


  • 屋子每个人都知道摆在他们面前项最艰巨的任务

    Everyone in the room knew it was the single hardest task before them.


  • 他们试图任务分心。

    They have a tendency to try to sidetrack you from your task.


  • 他们没有充分了解这项任务仓促行动了

    They had rushed in without adequate appreciation of the task.


  • 清洗供水系统他们首要任务

    Cleaning up the water supply is their top priority.


  • 整个周末他们拼命工作,以求按时完成这项任务

    They worked furiously all weekend, trying to get it finished on time.


  • 任务安抚这些而不是激怒他们

    His duty was to conciliate the people, not to provoke them.


  • 一事,每个人都从事天生适合他们任务

    One man, one job, everyone doing or performing the task that naturally fits or suits them.


  • 尽管遇到了许多困难,但他们还是继续坚定地继续进行他们任务

    Despite meeting many obstacles, they press ahead with their task.


  • 孩子答应每天奶奶一封信所以他们立即开始他们任务

    The children had promised to write a letter to grandmama every day, so they immediately started on their task.


  • 为了时间内完成任务他们不同地方

    They went to different places to finish tasks in a short time.


  • 起初受试者会被噪音扰乱大约分钟后他们任务中的表现受噪音影响的对照组受试者一样

    The noise was quite disruptive at first, but after about four minutes the subjects were doing just as well on their tasks as control subjects who were not exposed to noise.


  • 他们一项艰巨任务就是告诉他们孩子妈咪爹地得了癌症。

    They are faced with the terrifying task of telling their children that mommy or daddy has cancer.


  • 他们初步任务决定欧洲关心许多森林问题哪些问题涉及最多国家需要联合各国采取行动来解决

    Their initial task was to decide which of the many forest problems of concern to Europe involved the largest number of countries and might be the subject of joint action.


  • 皮莱说:“人们没有意识到完成这些任务他们需要使用大脑中的专注分心这回路”。

    "What people don't realise is that in order to complete these tasks they need to use both the focus and unfocus circuits in their brain," says Pillay.


  • 即使是最早部落一种计算系统哪怕先进,也足以完成他们必须执行任务

    Even the earliest of tribes had a system of numeration that, if not advanced, was sufficient for the tasks that they had to perform.


  • 遇到那些认为自己不会写作学生时,我知道作为一名老师任务就是他们看到其他发展空间

    When I meet students who think they can't write, I know as a teacher my mission is to show them the rest of the rooms.


  • 然后会告诉特蕾莎修女是如何控制局面、让冷静下来的,如何给每个分配任务他们行动起来

    Then he tells you how Teresa took charge, calmed him down, assigned tasks for each person and got them on their way.


  • 令人难以置信的是,他们一举完成了所有任务

    It's unbelievable that they finish all the tasks at a stroke.


  • 希望他们内完成这个任务

    Hopefully, they'll be up in a few weeks' time.


  • 罗马人首要任务组织开发保卫他们领土

    Roman priorities lay in the organization, exploitation, and defense of their territory.


  • 重要的是,必须善于别人设定任务指导他们完成任务

    He must, above all, be skilled in setting tasks to others and coaching them to achieve tasks.


  • 最好之后困难任务——他们适应之后开始,他们感到疲倦之前结束。

    It's best to take on the most difficult task second—once they're settled, but before they get tired.


  • 他们就要有十分艰巨的任务

    They had an awesome task ahead.


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