• 很多爱猫人都面临进退两难的境地:他们猫咪紧紧搂着它们如果这样做的话,他们眼睛就会起来,而且开始打喷嚏

    Many cat lovers live with a dilemma: they want to pick up the animals and hold them close, but if they do, their eyes will swell up and they'll start sneezing.


  • 正在进退两难当口我们他们下了决心

    At the moment of indecision, we helped them make up their minds.


  • 另一被告知了这种道德两难情况,然后要求他们预测自己是否每个问题作弊

    Another group was given a description of this moral dilemma, and was then asked to predict whether or not they would cheat for each question.


  • 他们仅有安慰新兴市场银行进军国外时,同样面临着进退两难

    Their only consolation is that emerging-market Banks face the same dilemmas as they venture abroad.


  • 人们功能性磁共振成像检查中时,将这些两难的选择摆在他们面前,脑部扫描图便变得混乱了。

    Pose these dilemmas to people while they're in an fMRI, and the brain scans get messy.


  • 微软是否真的他们典型的“Innovator ' s Dilemma(创新者的两难)”。

    Microsoft really does look like they have the classic "Innovator's Dilemma".


  • Kline所在的共和党面临两难境地,如果法案通过他们巴马一臂之力

    Mr Kline's party now faces an awkward choice. If the Republicans pass a new version of NCLB, they will give Mr Obama a victory.


  • 但是规定往往让人两难资产最少的人最有可能收到清算的要求,他们同时不可能筹措现金完成最终协商好的付款

    And there can be a Catch-22: those with the fewest assets are the likeliest to receive a settlement offer, but they are also the least able to come up with the cash for that final negotiated payment.


  • 来自阿伯丁大学丽萨·德布鲁因认为当今女性仍然面临这种两难境地而且他们选择会受到非意识因素的影响。

    Lisa DeBruine, of the University of Aberdeen, believes that today's women still face this dilemma and that their choices are affected by unconscious factors.


  • 客户他们表达了大家都明白两难境地:以有限资金预算保持独具匠心的建筑风格。

    Their client presented them with a familiar dilemma: construct something of architectural distinction on a limited budget.


  • 比较容易一部分工作就是他们可以通过提高银行安全缓冲减少遭遇两难境地的概率。

    The easier part of their job is to make the dilemma less likely, by boosting banks' safety buffers.


  • 斯珀默斯尔似乎陷入了无法挽回的进退两难困境,在逻辑上他们无论是否如此认为,都避免不了错误。

    Sperber and Mercier seem caught in a destructive dilemma, logically damned if they do and damned if they don't.


  • 这些志愿者面临两难抉择时候,研究人员可以观测他们根据道德信仰来决定时脑中发生一切。

    Faced with such dilemmas in the minds of their subjects, the researchers were able to examine what went on inside each person's head as they made decisions based on moral beliefs.


  • 罗恩·保罗他们处于进退两难的境地,因为他们不想放弃美元

    Ron Paul: But they’re between a rock and a hard place because they don’t want to destroy the dollar.


  • 时间把自己老伴的遇到冰暴袭击没有电源,让他们进退两难

    She crashed both of the couple's cars in a two-month period; by the time an ice storm hit and they were stranded without power, it was clear that something had to change.


  • 可是这里一个两难的问题:学校声称他们无法找到合格教师受过良好培训的教师却不知道该到哪里

    There is a dilemma here: the schools claim that they could not find the qualified teachers who can take the Chinese course, but the well trained teachers do not know where to go.


  • 有些或许会发现他们谎言几乎他们进退两难

    Some people might see that their lies had almost caught up to them.


  • 作为名摄影师经常在急躁的模特他们狂热粉丝陷入两难的境地。当然,我的是孩子他们的祖父母。

    As a photographer, I often find myself caught between impetuous models and their ravenous fans. I am of course talking about my children and their grandparents.


  • 本即将出版穆萨•哈姆扎维和滨海奥特维创作的(“愈多元化”,卡内基中东中心详细的剖析他们推入进退两难的处境。

    Their awful dilemma is dissected in a forthcoming book ("Getting to Pluralism", Carnegie Middle East Centre) by Amr Hamzawy and Marina Ottaway.


  • 他们发现在面对道德两难(将胖子推下去)时回答体现功利主义的参加者冷血变态心理,厚黑主义以及觉得生活没意义想法很强的关联

    They found a strong link between utilitarian answers to moral dilemmas (push the fat guy off the bridge) and personalities that were psychopathic, Machiavellian or tended to view life as meaningless.


  • 他们认为上述问题是个难题但并非进退两难

    They saw these questions as posing a problem, not a dilemma.


  • 一些试图解决这个两难的问题只是他们伴侣总是自己方式

    Some people try to solve this dilemma by just letting their partners always have their way.


  • 他们其定义智慧应对问题两难情景以及不是很快就能找到答案难题时所表现出来的特征倾向

    They will be defined as a man of wisdom in dealing with problems, the dilemma situation and not soon find the answer to the problem characteristics and tendencies.


  • 周二岛事故核电站现场的工作人员面对困难两难选择,他们必须保证核电站的动,又要阻止具有放射性流入大海

    Workers at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant faced a difficult balancing act Tuesday as they struggled to keep reactors cool and prevent radioactive water from leaking into the ocean.


  • 他们挖掘人类本真矛盾讲述的是人类永久悲剧,是永远难以解决两难

    What they want is to unearth the contradictions inherited by the human beings, to tell us the perpetual tragedy that cannot be solved forever.


  • 他们挖掘人类本真矛盾讲述的是人类永久悲剧,是永远难以解决两难

    What they want is to unearth the contradictions inherited by the human beings, to tell us the perpetual tragedy that cannot be solved forever.


- 来自原声例句

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