• 不真实地发誓那天早晨看到过

    He swore falsely that he had seen me that morning.


  • 尽管后来不真诚地自称误解,之前的说法也就是兄弟想法

    Though he later disingenuously claimed to have been misinterpreted, this is clearly his brother's view.


  • 这个家伙这么

    He isn't such a bad chap really.


  • 相信个人能够看出另一个心思

    He didn't really believe that any human being could read another's mind.


  • 否认关于电话证词不真实的。

    He denied that his evidence about the telephone call was incorrect.


  • 惊讶的是,没有感觉太虚弱,虽然头晕并有些不真实感走路

    To his surprise he didn't feel too weak. Light-headed certainly, and with a sense of unreality, but able to walk.


  • 的话出了认为实的地方。

    He picked on two of her statements which he said were untrue.


  • 美国安德鲁·梅尔德鲁姆津巴布韦生活20多年指控发表了一不真报道如果罪名成立将面临监禁

    Andrew Meldrum, an American, who's lived in Zimbabwe for over twenty years, is accused of publishing an untrue story and faces up to two years in prison if found guilty.


  • 但是清楚这个虚拟地方

    But he was clear that this virtual place is not the real world.


  • 可是也许人们会告诉一些不真实的情况

    But perhaps people tell him things that are untrue.


  • 表述那些说妻子受害人毫无同情报道不真的。

    He described reports that he and his wife were unsympathetic to victims as untrue".


  • 也许关心其中的物理含义

    Perhaps he did not really care what the physical implications were.


  • 赛人是为自己见证。 你见证

    The Pharisees therefore said unto him, Thou bearest record of thyself; thy record is not true.


  • 承认自己没有更高级理论能保证某种表现一定的,另一表现一定,是的。

    He admits that he doesn't really have an advanced theory that secures one kind of representation as true or authentic and secures another kind of representation as bias and inauthentic.


  • 那些刺绣装饰所有那些看起来不真实的,所有读者未能正确欣赏的,首诗里都有抱怨

    The embroidery and decoration, all that now seems inauthentic, something that, in fact Yeats's audience had failed to value properly he's complaining here in this poem.


  • 这里如果有人说谎的话一定瑞安先生本人宣称提出计划给予老年人国会议员一样医保这种论断完全不真的。

    If anyone is lying here, it's Mr. Ryan himself, who has claimed that his plan would give seniors the same kind of coverage that members of Congress receive - an assertion that is completely false.


  • 切尼先生中国军事政策该国宣称的和平目的一致——表明也许相信那些目的。

    China 's military policies, Mr Cheney said, were at odds with the country's stated peaceful aims-suggesting perhaps that he did not really believe in those aims.


  • 巴马的批评者说这些显露了的本色-相信美国伟大并且底下接受最终衰落

    With these words, say his detractors, Mr Obama showed his true colours as a man who does not believe genuinely in America's greatness and is secretly reconciled to its eventual decline.


  • 大家一样巴拉克也会参与争执的印象里总是冷静地据理力争,动手。

    Barack participated, as did pretty much everyone, but I don't recall him really going off on anyone. He was active in arguing, but he didn't loose his cool.


  • 那时,有任何的关系;但去探望的时候,一切都显得那么不真实。

    "I didn't really want anything to do with him ever again, and when I visited him it was surreal, " he recalls. "It was almost as if I didn't recognise him.


  • 道路修建承包商游说者参议院代表诺克斯·纳尔逊老谋深算议员,本人就是一个道路承包商,希望得到修建道路的资金但是关心如何筹集这笔资金。

    The highway lobby was represented in the Senate by Knox Nelson, a wily legislator and road contractor himself, who wanted the money but didn't really care how it was raised.


  • 变化多端没有显得不真就是成名重要之处。

    He is a bit of a chameleon or shape-shifter, but he does not come across as insincere - that is the importance of his famous' cool '.


  • 这样描写到:“波西塔诺深深触碰了我的心灵,这里梦幻地方身处其中觉得虚幻而当离开,这里的一切变得令人心动。”

    It is a dream place that isn’t quite real when you are there and becomes beckoningly real after you have gone, ” he remarked.


  • 了笑,在意的话。

    He was laughing a bit and wasn't really serious about this.


  • 大卫说:“你看其实迈克尔非常喜欢孩子,2005年无辜指责都是不真实的,如果了解,你看到一个害羞,腼腆,善良灵魂。”

    "Look, Michael loved children," said David. "he was innocent of all charges in 2005 and if you knew the man you would only have seen a shy, naive and kind soul."


  • 成为成功企业架构师最基本要求就是具备领导能力拥有所有知识

    In his opinion, one of the fundamental requirements for being a successful ea is the ability to lead without actually owning anything.


  • 整个研究贯穿一个统一思想,其揭示社会对创造力一贯持有的不真实的想法——甚至貌似孤立艺术追求涉及了即兴创作协作交流方面

    A unifyingidea throughout all his research which debunks society’s closely heldmyths—even seemingly solitary artistic pursuits, involves improvisation, collaboration and communication.


  • 念道,“‘目前为止,看到银行一直死守着那些或是钱给了那些并需要紧急援助的人。’”

    So far all I’ve seen is the banks holding onto the money or giving it to those who don’t really need it.’


  • 赛人对说:“自己见证见证。”

    13the Pharisees challenged him, "Here you are, appearing as your own witness; your testimony is not valid."


  • 赛人对说:“自己见证见证。”

    13the Pharisees challenged him, "Here you are, appearing as your own witness; your testimony is not valid."


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