• 一直认为如果孩子们有所隐瞒的话,能够感觉得到。

    He had always believed that kids could sense it when you held out on them.


  • 很高兴能出演这部他一直认为自己应该出演的喜剧,但即使是在生命的最后几年,一直有一种好奇心,想知道眼前可能还有什么新的角色或挑战。

    He was thrilled to be doing the comedy that he always felt he should do, but even during his last few years, he always had a sense of curiosity, wondering what new role or challenge might be just around the comer.


  • 一直认为只要有一名中后卫替补矣。

    He believes that one extra central defender will be sufficient.


  • 孟买之前,一直认为,并且相信到了孟买也就该歇歇了。

    Up to his arrival at Bombay, he had entertained hopes that their journey would end there;


  • 一直认为:“美国选民对于只能人家,却人听自己讲的选举活动兴趣。”

    Americans aren't interested in an election where they are just talked to and not listened to, ” he maintains.


  • 这么嘉莉那些乱七八糟的私事走投无路,一直认为是个上策,但是还在犹豫。

    He was drawn by such a keen desire for Carrie, driven by such a state of turmoil in his own affairs that he thought constantly it would be best, and yet he wavered.


  • 忠诚意味着敬业,忠诚一位职业经理人必备的职业道德而且一直认为相应成就一定能获得相应的回报

    Their loyalty mean, loyalty is a critical ethical professional managers, but he has always maintained that the corresponding results will certainly have a corresponding return.


  • 显然一直认为一场军事政变正在进行

    He had apparently been under the impression that a military coup was in progress.


  • 20多年以来,詹克一直研究音乐课效果舍伦贝格一样,认为唯一能够真正了解效果方法就是进行纵向研究

    For over two decades, Jancke has researched the effects of music lessons, and like Schellenberg, he believes that the only way to truly understand their effects is to run longitudinal studies.


  • 认为这种分裂一直持续19世纪晚期

    He contended that this division was maintained until the late nineteenth century.


  • 一直利用英国担任G8富国俱乐部主席国机会,对全球领导人大声疾呼,认为必要制定一个接替京都议定书》的条约。

    He has been using Britain's presidency of the G8 rich nations' club to harangue other global leaders on the need for a successor treatyto Kyoto.


  • 我们一直认为无辜的

    We always supposed that he was innocent.


  • 如今看来一直在从事一些人认为的还要机灵的工作。

    Now it seems he may have been playing a cleverer hand than some have thought.


  • 发现生病前,一直认为责任首要的美德,”写道

    "Before my illness, I had considered commitment king among virtues, " he writes.


  • 当谈及哥哥说道,我一直认为身边一切正常的。”

    "I loved him very much," she said of her brother. "I always thought it was normal."


  • Popescu指出,关于引进共同分担费用作为补足资金缺口方法讨论一直存在但是认为一做法的效果有限。

    Popescu notes that there has been talk of introducing co-payments as a way of making up the shortfall in funds, but believes that this will have limited impact.


  • 托尼布莱尔1997年让弗瑞“退休”,一直猜测认为妻子切丽赶走了它。

    Tony Blair sent Humphrey into retirement in 1997 amid persistent speculation that his wife Cherie forced him out.


  • 州长马克·桑福德透露一直欺骗自己妻子时,惊讶竟然还有些认为因为情人所以产生了怜悯之心。

    When Governor Mark Sanford revealed that he had been cheating on his wife, I was surprised to find that some people had sympathy for him on the grounds that he was in love with his mistress.


  • 苏珊眼里雪莉的宝贝......在出生一直所以一直照顾直到相信认为属于的,她叫她的‘棕色的小男孩而且羞涩的

    I was ill so long after he was born and she looked after him till I really believe she thinks he is her own. She calls him her 'little brown boy' and spoils him shamefully.


  • 公众几个月来一直认为立场是坚定要是改变主意,也没有什么可以展示的。

    After months of publicly saying he would stand firm, he would have little to show for changing his mind.


  • 回想说病人几年的时间中一直认为大量身体上抱怨”的由于忧郁症引起的。

    One of his patients, he recalled, saw him periodically for years, reporting "a raft of physical complaints" that he believed were due to depression.


  • :“多年以来,女性一直认为花钱无节制,把很多买衣服上。”

    For years, women have been thought of as the big spenders, splashing their cash on clothes, ” he said.


  • 说:“我们传统作法一直认为单一反应炉发生单一的事故。”

    Our traditional approach has always been to assume a single incident at a single reactor, "he said."


  • 一直认为过分纵容议会报销文化,对于真相揭露的反应是痛斥那些向公众刊物提供消息议员非被曝光罪犯

    Long thought too indulgent of Parliament's expenses culture, he reacted to the Revelations by berating MPs who upheld publication of the leaked information rather than the culprits it revealed.


  • 一直认为过分纵容议会报销文化,对于真相揭露的反应是痛斥那些向公众刊物提供消息议员非被曝光罪犯

    Long thought too indulgent of Parliament's expenses culture, he reacted to the Revelations by berating MPs who upheld publication of the leaked information rather than the culprits it revealed.


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