• 项目数据仓库对象数量接近上述界限,如果通过用户界面执行重复加载应该考虑一点。

    This should be considered when executing repeated loads via the user interface when the number of warehouse objects in the project approaches the limits described above.


  • 处理过程中,这些仓库适配器操作存储区提取数据转换数据(如果需要),通过仓库对象模型将数据写入仓库

    During processing, the warehouse adapters pull data from the operational store, transform it as necessary, and write it to the warehouse through the warehouse object model.


  • 因此一个好的准则加载AdaptiveWarehouse图形化用户界面每个数据仓库对象需要考虑15MB内存

    Consequently a good guideline is to consider each warehouse object requires 15mb of memory when loaded into the Adaptive warehouse graphical user interface.


  • 给定数据仓库项目可能具有更多业务对象

    A given data warehouse project can have one or more business objectives.


  • 分析MDM支持精确业务智能化可以数据仓库分析应用程序自动地同步数据对象结构

    Analytical MDM also enables accurate business intelligence, and allows accurate objects and structures to be automatically synchronized with data warehouses and analytic applications.


  • 数据仓库项目中的联合业务对象可以帮助确定项目范围

    The set of combined business objectives in a data warehouse project can help determine the project scope.


  • 建模器使用到概念模式包括实体、对象工作单元仓库规范和集合等。

    The modeler USES concepts and patterns as Entities, Value Objects, Unit of Work, Repository, Specification and Aggregates.


  • 目标数据仓库FrameworkManager模型AdaptiveWarehouse生成对象进行引用

    References are made to objects generated by Adaptive warehouse in the Framework Manager model of the target data warehouse.


  • 例如业务对象可以:“数据仓库必须支持操作成本分析以及产品销售利润分析。”

    For example, a business objective could be: "the data warehouse has to support the analysis of operational costs, and the analysis of profit from the sale of products."


  • JSR- 170没有确切地指定应当如何获得初始Repository对象每个仓库厂商实现细节

    JSR-170 does not specify exactly how you should obtain a repository object initially; this is left as an implementation detail for each repository vendor.


  • BeanValidation规范旨在对象约束提供一个验证引擎元数据仓库

    The Bean validation specification aims to provide both a validation engine and a metadata repository for object constraints.


  • 生成针对数据仓库查询所需大多数信息存储多维数据集模型相关对象

    Most of the information required to generate queries against the data warehouse tables is stored in the cube model-related objects.


  • 更有甚者,对象能够状态化;这样它们可以作为一个状态仓库外提供服务

    Moreover, singletons can be stateful; in this case, their role is to serve as a unique repository of state.


  • python语言用户可能希望简单地使用xml_pickle化的对象(类似于分层数据仓库而非完全动态对象没问题)。

    Maybe users of languages other than Python want to easily use xml_pickle'd objects (maybe more as hierarchical data stores than as full dynamic objects, but that's fine).


  • 本文介绍了数据仓库中的及其相关概念分别对象记录实例结构更新方法进行了描述和评价。

    This paper introduced the conception of dimension in data warehouse. Then the methods of updating object records and instance structure of dimensions are described and evaluated respectively.


  • 保税仓库按照使用对象不同分为公用型保税仓库、自用型保税仓库

    A bonded warehouse is divided into public bonded warehouses and bonded warehouses for self use according to the objects used.


  • 电力企业数据仓库数据仓储分为对象模型基础包、资源包、分析包、管理包等。

    The metadata warehouse of electrical power corporations included meta object model package, foundation package, resources package, analysis package and management package.


  • 基于ERP建模体系应用面向对象程序设计工具关系数据库工具,研究数据仓库元数据实现管理

    Based on ERP, we apply object oriented programming tool and relation database tool to research the realization and management of the metadata of data warehouse.


  • 成本收集对象特性设计生命周期成本数据仓库数据模型,以所获取的成本数据作为数据仓库数据源建立了数据仓库

    Then, life cycle cost data warehouse model was designed via features of cost collection object ending up with the establishment of data warehouse system acquiring cost data as data source.


  • 自动化立体仓库阐述PLC编程中,控制对象众多工艺流程较为复杂,如何采用面向对象的控制思想进行PLC编程。

    Taking as an example the automatic stereoscopic warehouse, the paper explains the PLC programming with object-oriented ideas when there are many objects and complicated technological processes.


  • 文中给出运用面向对象原型建立N层数据仓库关键技术阐述利用原型法进行N层数据仓库开发优点。

    The key technologies for establishing an N-layer data warehouse with prototyping method are given and the advantages of this method are also presented in this paper.


  • 公共仓库模型CWM对象管理组织OMG)提出一个通用数据仓库元数据规范已经得到工具厂商支持

    Public warehouse model (CWM) is the object management organizations (OMG) by a common data warehouse metadata standard, has been the major tool manufacturers for their support.


  • 最常用雪花模型基础上融入面向对象思想,构建对象雪花模型混合数据仓库逻辑模型。

    Some ideas of object oriented technic are dissovled in customary snow-flake model, and a new mixed data warehouse model of object oriented technic and snow-flake model is designed.


  • 第三保税仓库按照使用对象不同分为公用型保税仓库自用型保税仓库

    Article 3 bonded warehouses are, on the basis of different objects stored, divided into public bonded warehouses and self-use bonded warehouses.


  • 最后,将本文研究的面向对象的数据仓库设计方法应用于某商业银行稽核系统系统建模业务功能实现上取得了显著成效

    In the end, we applied this design method suggested by this article to the bank audit system, and received good effect on system modeling and business function.


  • 最后,将本文研究的面向对象的数据仓库设计方法应用于某商业银行稽核系统系统建模业务功能实现上取得了显著成效

    In the end, we applied this design method suggested by this article to the bank audit system, and received good effect on system modeling and business function.


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