• 用来获取任何内部系统循环从而导致部分运行充分发挥潜力的空气排除

    It is used to get rid of any hot air circulating in your internal system which can cause components not to run at their full potential.


  • 随着养分和水分在时间和空间上的变化,树木及时地主动调整其根系中的分配从而导致部分根系衰老死亡

    As the heterogeneity occurs, trees regulate carbon partitioning to roots, resulting in the senescence or death of some roots of the whole root system.


  • 最后AOL对于接入广告两方面相互依赖导致时代华纳出售整个业务,从而使得痛苦部分最终成为历史

    In the end, the interdependence of the access and the advertising sides of AOL may lead Time Warner to sell the whole business-and put its painful past finally behind it.


  • 如果消息正文出现逗号,则导致在该点拆分记录从而导致将不正确地形成消息传播其余部分

    If a comma had occurred within the message body, it would have caused a split between records at that point, resulting in incorrectly formed messages being propagated to the rest of the flow.


  • 前半发出请求之后完成从而使可以分派进一步请求不会导致不适当的延迟

    The first half of the flow completes after the request is sent, allowing it to dispatch further requests without undue delay.


  • 中风由于血液凝结成块阻碍流动从而导致大脑部分缺氧

    Stroke is caused by a clotting in the blood which stops the flow and can starve areas of the brain of oxygen.


  • 意味着Web服务门户(Ajax应用程序属于其中部分)破损数据暴露门户其他部分从而导致畸形消息过度解析

    This means that Web services portals, of which the Ajax applications are a part, could expose corrupted data to other parts of the portal, resulting in malformed messages and excessive parsing.


  • 其次这些国家部分纺织厂仍然使用已过时机器这些老机器直接导致生产成本的增加,从而使生产的产品没有竞争力。

    Secondly, most of the textile units in these countries have old and outdated machinery which leads to high production costs and in turn the products they churn out are uncompetitive.


  • 原因在于,字母的形状两端比较整齐顶部底部则往往参差不齐,从而导致你的眼睛把这些参差不齐的空缺部分感知为多出来的内边

    The reason is that letterforms are much more straight on the sides than their top and bottom , so our eyes perceive that extra space as extra padding.


  • 对于部分来说,最差症状剧烈的疼痛,但是对于某些来说,单纯疱疹病毒引发颅脑感染,从而导致精神迟缓癫痫症甚至死亡

    For most, the worst symptom is a cold sore, but in some individuals, the virus causes inflammation of the brain that can lead to mental retardation, epilepsy, or death.


  • 另外乳化剂亲水胶体部分吸附作用可能导致与乳化剂复合界面形成从而使粘弹性质的增加

    In addition, the adsorption of emulsifier on the hydrophobic part of the hydrocolloid could have formed a mixed interfacial film of gum and emulsifier that increased viscoelastic properties.


  • 而大量FCC外甩导致部分裂化的烷烃芳烃理想组分进入油浆,从而造成FCC原料损失

    This makes part of alkane and aromatics, which are the ideal components for the refinery, into the slurry oil causing the FCC feedstock loss.


  • 部分导致脂肪蛋白质淀粉无法完全分解从而堵塞身体肠道和血管。

    This results in partially digested fats, proteins and starches that will clog up our body's intestinal tract and arteries.


  • 目前广泛使用主动测量技术,大部分基于ICMPTCPUDP协议进行测量从而导致相关测量工具存在局限性

    The active measurement technology widely used today is mostly based on ICMP, TCP and UDP, which consequently results in the limitation of the relevant measurement tools.


  • 黄斑视网膜一小部分,具有感光精细视物功能。黄斑点退化导致黄斑变性从而影响视力过半以上的75岁以上老年人深受黄斑变性的困扰。

    Caused by the deterioration of the macular - the tiny part of the retina responsible for picking up colour and fine detail - macular degeneration affects the vision of more than half of over-75s.


  • 不久,结合阿加森地表社会新的实相显现,从而导致形成一个独特银河社会,当然最终部分人移民至金星火星

    Soon, the realm of Agartha and that of the surface are to merge, resulting in the unique galactic society that is also to migrate to Venus and Mars.


  • 但肾阳虚动物由于鸟氨酸氨基转移酶活性降低导致储存能量肌酸合成降低,使产生的ATP部分通过热能形式消耗掉从而导致肾阳虚的临床寒症状。

    The scarcity of ornithine aminotransferase in the kidney-yang deficiency rats resulted in deficient creatine phosphate which was need for depositing energy and most of ATP was consumed as heat energy.


  • 问题重点主要在于,可转换债券期权特性部分定价客观不准确从而导致可转换债券的估值,存在着与其实际价值较大差距

    The key point is inaccurate and not objective appraisal of the option characteristic, resulting in the big Jifference between appraisal and authentic value.


  • 因为奥运会筹办程序推进消费部分产品,消费掉的产品使市场上这些产品供不应求从而导致价格上涨

    Because Olympic organizing process move forward and swap part of consumer products, consumer products and the swap market these products in short supply, resulting in price increases.


  • 如果管发生了部分堵塞流体则会转而流向设备中更开阔地区从而导致局部流速增大

    Partial plugging of well screens and liners redirects the flow of produced fluids to open areas of the hardware with a resulting increase in the local inflow velocity.


  • 到了9世纪绝大部分苏格兰都被合并一个国家但是英国南方冲突很快就爆发了从而导致一系列血腥战争

    In the ninth century most of Scotland was unified into one kingdom, but conflicts with the English to the south soon erupted, leading to a series of bloody wars.


  • 日本为例,90年代部分年份日本对“毫无生气”的公司提供的贷款都成了呆账从而导致经济低迷

    Look at Japan, where the economy was sunk for most of the 1990s by stagnant loans to "zombie" companies.


  • 日本为例,90年代部分年份日本对“毫无生气”的公司提供的贷款都成了呆账从而导致经济低迷

    Look at Japan, where the economy was sunk for most of the 1990s by stagnant loans to "zombie" companies.


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