• 经济角度出发,10%的投配比最佳投配比。

    From the economic point of view, 10% adding ratio is optimal.


  • 经济角度出发,分析和阐述替代参数设计设计方法——响应曲面法。

    From the economical Angle, it has been proposed that the dual response surface methodology has more advantages than parameter design.


  • 本文经济哲学角度出发,阐发了一思想的哲学基础前提条件

    From the Angle of economy philosophy, the article clarifies philosophy base and precondition of this idea.


  • 第二社会经济角度出发,分析论证了平阳县旧城改造模式只能采用“多层高密度”的改造模式;

    Chapter two demonstrates from the social economy perspective that Pingyang County can only adopt the "multi-stories, high-density" pattern.


  • 污水处理厂费用函数从经济环境效益角度出发控制水污染重要手段基础之一。

    The cost function of sewage treatment plant is an important method and basis for water pollution control in the benefit of economy and enviroment.


  • 针对目前印刷电路板组装件(PCBA)检测存在问题经济快捷可靠角度出发,提出了一种新的检测方式

    Being faced with the problems found in detection of printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) at present, a new method of PCBA detection which is economical, rapid and reliable is promoted.


  • 尽管如此,无论技术角度经济角度还是战略角度出发计划值得研究的。

    Even so, from the technique Angle, economic Angle, or the strategy Angle, the plan is deserved to study.


  • 区位经济角度出发,对“沿江体育八个城市区域比较优势进行分析

    From the Angle of zone economics, this article analyzes the zone competitive edge of eight cities in the "Sports Belt around the Yangtze River".


  • 本文技术经济角度出发,提出气田开发规划技术经济指标计算公式

    Starting from technique and economy, the formula for calculating technical-economic indexes of gas field development programme is provided in this paper.


  • 方法:运用药物经济最小成本分析法病人角度出发,对治疗效果、成本成本影响因素进行分析

    METHODS: Cost-minimization analysis in medical economy was applied to analyze the therapeutic effects, costs and cost related factors with the respect for the patients.


  • 本文经济角度出发运用市场失灵理论分析造成问题原因。

    From a view of economics, this article USES the theory of market failure to analyze the reasons causing this problem.


  • 利用经济学原理,机会成本损失最小化角度出发确定发电商理性出力范围

    From the viewpoint of minimization of the loss of opportunity cost, this paper analyzes the rational range of variable output of the bidder.


  • 本文充分利用矿产资源角度出发认为矿山企业运用收支平衡经济品位势在必行

    This paper suggests that mining enterprises have to utilize the economic grade which relies on the balance of revenue and expenditure from the view point of maximum utilization of mineral resources.


  • 本文就是人力资本角度出发理论上探究地区间经济增长平衡的主要原因,分析这些影响是如何相互作用的。

    This paper, from the point of human capital, studied the unbalanced regional growth theoretically and analyzed the interaction of these influences.


  • 通常经济困难时期务实角度出发决定

    Usually it is a decision made from a practical standpoint amid a difficult economy.


  • 制度经济角度出发探讨时期我国农村卫生服务体系路径选择

    Trying to proceed from the Angle of system economics, it probes into the new period the route choices of the rural healthcare service system of our country.


  • 正是科技馆的这种特征体验经济核心思想一致所以本文体验设计的角度出发研究科技馆展项设计开发。

    Its character is consistent to the core of the experience economy, so we will study the Science and Technology Museum from the point of view-the experience design.


  • 本文节能角度出发定量分析加热器水位运行火电厂热经济影响

    From the point of view of energy-saving, this peper gives a quantitive analysis of the impact of no-water-level operation of feedwater heaters on the economic performance of power plants.


  • 现在越来越多健康经济角度出发,开始自己动手种植蔬菜水果

    With health and affordability in mind, more people are taking the plunge and are growing their own fruits and vegetables.


  • 近年来经济不振使人们越发意识节约重要性,加之健康角度出发便当上班的人越来越多。

    Recently a growing number of people are preparing and taking their own bento to work. A homemade bento saves money in these tough economic times and is healthy as well.


  • 经济分析角度出发农产品质量安全角度农户安全技术选择行为进行了研究

    This paper is based on farmers' technology choice behavior from the quality and safety of agricultural from the perspective of economics analysis.


  • 国内经济角度出发美国央行官员本周开会时有很好的理由加息周五就业报告提供证据

    America's central bankers have good internal economic reasons to hike interest rates when they meet next week, supported by Friday's jobs report.


  • 目前对于信贷投放与经济增长研究大多数宏观角度出发全国经济体系信贷投放与经济增长关系进行研究对具体某个特定区域的研究较少

    At present, many studies on credit on the growth of economy based on a macro point of view which study on the national economy system, however, there are few studies on the specific regions.


  • 姆贝基:“我们角度出发中国无疑我们在世界上重要经济合作者之一,并且这种合作在今后将会加强。”

    South Africa's President Thabo Mbeki backtracked on earlier criticisms recently, when he said, "From our point of view, China is indeed one of our critical, most important economic partners globally."


  • 经济角度出发运用内生增长理论作为理论分析工具煤矿企业安全问题解决途径进行探讨

    Starting from the Angle of economics, Endogenous Growth Theory is used as the analysis tool in the paper so as to make an attempt to find some solutions to eliminate dangerous elements in mines.


  • 存储一般买方利益最大化出发制定订货策略这种考虑问题角度实际经济生活中受到了挑战

    It is a challenge that the basis of optimization ordering policy in inventory theory is maximum benefit of buyer.


  • 系统总体经济角度出发分析了发动机经济性能燃气机热泵经济性,同时协调燃气机热泵动力性经济性;

    Aiming at the total economy of the system, the economies of the engine and the gas-heating pump are analyzed respectively. And the power and economy of gas-heating pumps are coordinated.


  • 系统总体经济角度出发分析了发动机经济性能燃气机热泵经济性,同时协调燃气机热泵动力性经济性;

    Aiming at the total economy of the system, the economies of the engine and the gas-heating pump are analyzed respectively. And the power and economy of gas-heating pumps are coordinated.


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