• 欲前羞涩腼腆,就像的小孙女,倚门口偷偷往里瞅,又下子跑开不见踪影门厅传出她咯咯的笑声。

    It pauses, overcome by shyness, like my grandchild at the door, peeping in, ducking out of sight, giggling in the hallway. "I."


  • 随着活塞现在位于点且所有气体已经燃烧重要在工作循环第四个即最后冲程中将所有的已燃废气气缸中排出

    With the piston now at BDC and all the gases having been burnt, it is important to remove all the burnt gases from the cylinder on the fourth and final stroke of the cycle of operations.


  • 往前直走,优雅的盘旋而上苍白大理石石阶昏暗水中升起他们头顶英尺的地方戛然而

    Straight on, a tilted stairway of pale marble rose up out of the dark water in a graceful spiral, ending abruptly ten feet above their heads.


  • 合同完成工作任务为期限劳动合同。合同______至___年___月___日

    This contract is a labor contract based on the completion of work to some extent. From Date Month Year to Date Month Year.


  • 长期来看,如果交易者不会损就不会成功。

    A trader who doesn't cut his losses won't be successful in the long term.


  • 永远不要交易转变输家如果市场使赢利最高处下滑了20%,狠心平仓。损。

    Don't ever allow a big winning trade to turn into a loser. Stop yourself out if market moves against you 20% from your peak profit point.


  • 永远不要交易转变输家如果市场使赢利最高处下滑了20%,市。

    Don't ever allow a big winning trade to turn into a loser. Stop yourself out if market moves against you 20% from your peak profit point.


  • 曲轴获取活塞位置信号,所使用的传感器曲轴转角传感器结构趋向体化

    When obtain piston position signal from Crankshaft, Top Dead Center Sensor and Crankshaft position Sensor tend to be integrative in structure.


  • 首先作为自动蒸汽蒸汽加热器上倒流锅炉里。

    First: to act as an automatic non-return valve by preventing a backflow of steam from the main steam header to the boiler.


  • 螺丝刀缓冲垫向上导槽上部片中撬

    Use a small screwdriver to prise the old buffer up out of the guide and out of the locking lugs on the upper part of the lid lock.


  • 2000年开始江苏经济回升,步入增长周期

    Starting from 2000, Jiangsu economy has stopped its falling, to go forward into a new turn of growth cycle.


  • 华强深南中路起,红荔东路段华强北路两侧,成了所有家电品牌打擂台的地方

    Huaqiang North covers two sides of Huaqiang North Road from Shennan Road to Hongli Road, where major household brands are competing in this area.


  • 妈妈她们怀孕第36周到她们的宝宝3个月带有益生菌的牛奶,另半所喝的奶中则没有益生菌。

    Half of the women drank milk with probiotics from the 36th week of their pregnancy until their baby was 3 months old. The other half drank identical milk that contained no probiotics.


  • 平均上涨穿过乘以系数,比如2但是3开始测试,把结果昨天最高价上,就是今天损点。

    Multiply yesterday's Average Upside Penetration by a selected coefficient, starting at 2 but testing as high as 3, and add the result to yesterday's high to obtain today's stop.


  • 合营公司会计年度每年日起十二月三十记帐凭证单据报表、帐簿,均用中文书写

    The fiscal year of the joint venture company shall be from January 1 to December 31. All vouchers, receipts, statistic statements and reports, account books shall be written in Chinese.


  • 合营公司会计年度每年日起十二月三十记帐凭证单据报表、帐簿,均用中文书写

    The fiscal year of the joint venture company shall be from January 1 to December 31. All vouchers, receipts, statistic statements and reports, account books shall be written in Chinese.


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