• 只松鼠橡树唠唠叨叨地斥责

    A squirrel scolded me from an oak tree.


  • 人们可否苹果树收取柑橘,或者橡树上收取葡萄

    Do people gather oranges from apple trees, or grapes from an oak tree.


  • 因为朋友建议,所以我们的路线是橡树峡谷大峡谷。

    We opted to drive up 89A from Sedona to Flagstaff and enjoyed Oak Creek canyon along the way.


  • 悄悄地走向她身边走过,而后又继续走向沉重橡树

    Quietly he walked towards her, past her, and on towards the heavy oak door.


  • 路上经过这栋楼房,紫杉长青橡树多少遮挡住了,但是山顶上看去却一览无余。

    It was somewhat disguised from the road in passing it by yews and evergreen oaks, but it was visible enough up here.


  • 它矮小平凡旁边高大笔直橡树杨树让它相形见绌马车身边经过游客都不会瞅它一眼,可能只有鸟儿和想吃松子松鼠喜欢它。

    Squat, homely, dwarfed by the stately oaks and poplars nearby and unnoticed by the tourists passing in horse-drawn carriages, it's a tree that only birds and nut-hungry squirrels could love.


  • 只松鼠橡树欢快来跳去,一不小心树上跌落下来,恰巧在一头正在树荫下酣睡狮王身上。

    A squirrel, merrily leaping on the branches of an oak tree, accidentally missed its hold and fell upon a lion who lay at the trunk, basking in the shade.


  • 知道为什么这些小家伙叫作喇叭橡树部分明显了,窗子里看到

    No one knows why these little guys might be called horns, but the oak part is obvious enough, I can see it through my window.


  • 商店里印有猫咪马克杯帽檐波斯猫的宽边小帽,到博物馆尺寸的猫咪油画上猫儿们橡树树枝上悠闲地踱着步子)可谓是应有尽有。

    There were cat-head mugs and wide-brimmed hats with knit Persians curled on their brims and museum-sized oil paintings of cats lounging in the branches of an oak tree.


  • 人们整个得克萨斯驱车前来,坐在星光,为橡树所环抱,静静欣赏圣诞故事上演

    People drive from all over Central Texas to sit under the stars amid the live oaks and watch the Christmas story acted out.


  • 橡树国家实验室,科学家们正在通过超级计算机使我们设施获得更多能量

    At Oak Ridge National Laboratory, they're using supercomputers to get a lot more power out of our nuclear facilities.


  • 所以夜莺橡树唱了一首歌,声音好比银色罐子里冒泡的声音。

    So the Nightingale sang to the Oak-tree, and her voice was like water bubbling from a silver jar.


  • 他们境界希利弗撒拿音的橡树亚大米尼吉雅比,直到拉共,通到约旦河

    Their boundary went from Heleph and the large tree in Zaanannim, passing Adami Nekeb and Jabneel to Lakkum and ending at the Jordan.


  • 企图诈骗达利橡树农场饲养实验动物家庭4名罪犯中的最后已于上月监狱释放

    The last of four people who were convicted of conspiracy to blackmail as part of their effort to intimidate a family who bred guinea pigs at Darley Oaks Farm was released from jail last month.


  • 说:“哪,有人高处下来一队米恶尼尼橡树路上而。”

    But Gaal spoke up again: "Look, people are coming down from the center of the land, and a company is coming from the direction of the soothsayers' tree."


  • 举例来说,高卢德鲁伊人认为寄生天堂橡树出来的。

    For example, the druids of Gaul regarded mistletoe growing on oak trees as sent from heaven.


  • 所以夜莺橡树了一首歌,声音好比银色罐子里冒泡的声音。

    So the Nightingale sang to the Oak -tree, and her voice was like water bubbling from a silver jar.


  • 水柱身后橡树顶上瓢泼而下,发出悦耳声响

    There was a fine noise of rushing water from the crown of an oak at his back.


  • 哪,有人高处下来,又一队米恶尼尼橡树路上

    And Gaal spake again and said, See there come people down by the middle of the land, and another company come along by the plain of Meonenim.


  • 公司原址威斯康星州柏林迁位于密尔沃基市郊区橡树,这是很有必要的,因为随着美国南北方市场需求不断增长,需要增加更多生产车间

    The original relocation, from New Berlin, WI, to Oak Creek, a suburb of Milwaukee, was needed because growth in the North and South American markets required additional space for manufacturing.


  • 十二棵大橡树高耸那里印第安时代以来一直是这样,不过现在树叶熏黑了一些,枝柯有的烧毁有的烤了。

    There towered the twelve oaks, as they had stood since Indian days, but with their leaves brown from fire and the branches burned and scorched.


  • 只用橡树皮编制的篮子后面楼梯上走下来走一步脑子就跟着震荡一次,觉得头盖骨脊椎都好像碎裂了似的。

    She picked up a large split-oak basket and started down the back stairs, each step jouncing her head until her spine seemed to be trying to crash through the top of her skull.


  • 于是夜莺橡树唱起歌,美妙的声音仿佛银坛里涌出的泉水。

    So the Nightingale sang to the Oak-tree, and her voice was like water bubbling from a silver jar.


  • 加州橡树可能加州中心地区消失

    California oak trees could disappear from the central part of the state.


  • 它矮小平凡旁边高大笔直橡树杨树让它相形见绌马车身边经过游客都不会瞅它一眼,可能只有鸟儿和想吃松子的松鼠喜欢它。

    Squat, homely, dwarfed by the stately oaks and poplars nearby and unnoticed by the tourists passing in horse-drawn carriages, it"s a tree that only birds and nut-hungry squirrels could love."


  • 2007年富勒击败曼联纽卡斯尔阿克拉橡树下了这位现年21岁的中场球员

    The 21-year-old midfielder joined Fulham in 2007 when they beat Manchester United and Newcastle to sign him from Hearts of Oak in Accra.


  • 既然我们认定橡树巴赫,那么,现在我们就可以认为,是我们大脑复杂性使我们能够音符中精炼出音乐

    We would argue now that it is the complexity of our brains that extracts music from notes, since we presume oak trees can't hear Bach.


  • 山坡残存下来古老橡树参差不齐林带上,牧场遮荫许多空心树上找到当年情形痕迹

    Traces of its earlier condition are to be found in the old oak copses and irregular belts of timber that yet survive upon its slopes, and the hollow-trunked trees that shade so many of its pastures.


  • 山坡残存下来古老橡树参差不齐林带上,牧场遮荫许多空心树上找到当年情形痕迹

    Traces of its earlier condition are to be found in the old oak copses and irregular belts of timber that yet survive upon its slopes, and the hollow-trunked trees that shade so many of its pastures.


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