• 界面弹性变形区域应力分布直线型,这种线性分布截面中性开始屈服区域结束。

    In the elastic region of the cross-section, the stress distribution varies linearly from the neutral axis to the beginning of the yielded area.


  • 面板数据由于能够截面时间构成的二空间来描述研究对象动态特征广泛应用于经济问题建模实践

    Panel data is widely used in modeling on economic problems because it can describe the object's dynamic characters from time and cross-section in two-dimensional space.


  • 现在截面,是以能量函数中子能量,电子兆电子伏水平

    Now when you look at uranium cross section as a function of energy and that's this neutron energy from EVs to MEV levels.


  • 该机型不再使用单体圆柱形机身改用圆柱形机身并排的设计,这样形成宽大的结构截面上看,有如两个连在一起肥皂泡

    Instead of using a single fuselage cylinder, they used two partial cylinders placed side by side to create a wider structure whose cross-section resembles two soap bubbles joined together.


  • 断裂面轴承部位外部开始延伸整个截面。典型的是圆弧部开始,常常由于疲劳而产生裂纹扩展引起的。

    Fracture lines start from the outside and spread over the whole cross section, particularly starting in the fillet area and very often after a fatigue crack propagation.


  • 本文棱柱形弯曲理论出发,推导出了截面刚架元的单元刚度矩阵等效结点载荷

    Based on the theory of the bending of non-prismatic beam, the paper has derived a rigidity matrix and the equivalent node load of the rigid-frame element with variable sections.


  • 本文雷达散射截面(RCS)概念基本电磁散射理论入手讨论了计算rcs的物理光学等效电磁法。

    The Physical Optics (PO) method and the method of Equivalent Currents (MEC) are discussed starting with the concept of RCS and the basic theory of electromagnetic scattering.


  • 塑性理论出发截面轴为例校正应力残余变形进行了分析研究,提出了给定弯曲误差校正载荷的计算公式

    The paper has studied straightening stress and residual deformation of circular shaft by using elastic - plastic theory, deueloped calculation formula of straightening loud in given deflection error.


  • 结合起重机结构设计材料截面形式及其腹板局部稳定性方面对伸缩臂进行分析计算

    With structural design of the hoist jib, analysis and calculation are made in such aspects as material, type of the box type section, and the local stability of the web plate.


  • 截面上,素体基体上分布着沿轧向呈纤维状珠光体,铁素体条带密度边缘至芯部呈逐渐减少的趋势。

    The microstructure of longitudinal section in rebar was banded ferrite and pearlite and the ferrite band density reduced gradually along radius of rebar.


  • 燃油空穴雾化理论角度出发,空穴强度提高以及出口截面均匀分布都有利于燃油的破碎雾化。

    Uniform distribution of cavitation at the nozzle exit section is obtained by increasing length-diameter ratio and leads to the improvement of atomization.


  • 结构几何非线性分析着手,研究截面三角形空间构式刚架平面整体稳定

    Based on the geometric non-linear analysis, the in-plane global stability of Space Lattice Tilted Column Frame of Triangle Section(SLTCF)is studied.


  • 结果:(1寰椎纤弱,横截面扇形,侧面上方向下方倾斜;

    Results: (1) The posterior arch of atlas was thin with a fan-shape section, whose inner plane descended from back to inside.


  • 这些模块化设计截面使整栋建筑像是一个拱顶迷宫一样。

    The modularity of the plans and sections creates a labyrinth like maze of vaulted ceilings visible at all levels.


  • 位移云纹位移导数求得销钉孔中心水平截面应变

    The moire pattern is used to determine the strain on the horizontal section through the pinhole centre by displacement derivative method.


  • 如果正前方把自己身体看作一个截面为自己占据那么大的面积大吃一惊

    If you look at your body as a cross section from the front, you'll be amazed at just how much area you're taking up.


  • 国内现有薄壁钢梁弯扭失稳理论进行了分析,薄壁杆件一般理论出发,推导出荷载截面弯心主轴平行的受弯钢梁的临界弯矩公式

    On the base of the general theory of thin-walled members, we deduce a new critical moment formula of steel beam under transverse loads which pass the shear center and parallel to the main axis.


  • 变形能力不确定方面研究了截面钢筋混凝土桥墩曲率极限状态曲率延性系数

    The curvature limit state and curvature ductility factor of circular reinforced concrete bridge piers are investigated in terms of the uncertainty in deformation capacity.


  • 根据CT文件中得到截面间距,所有截面数据进行重新排列,形成规则三维数据场。

    According to the space between sections obtained from ct files, we rearrange all the sections' data to form a regular three-dimensional data field.


  • 钢筋混凝土结构设计原理出发,分析截面弯矩曲率挠度受压高度之间相互关系

    This paper studied the relationship among bending moment, curve, deflection and concrete compression height by design principle for reinforced concrete structure.


  • 水轮机模型,测取锥段进口水管出口8个截面26个测点6个稳定运行工况下的水压力脉动数据

    In the experimental study, the pressure surge data are acquired at 26 points from the taper pipe intake to the draft tube exit distributing at 8 sections under 6 stable operating conditions.


  • 多个角度研究截面通道推力器放电稳定性影响

    This article studies variable cross-section channel's influence to the thruster's discharge stability from various angles.


  • 分离出回转误差运动有效地提取截面最小二乘圆心偏心误差运动,目前没有合适方法

    At present, there is no efficient way to retrace the eccentric error motion of the center from the separated revolved error motion.


  • 本文微带贴片天线谐振模式结合贴片表面电流分布角度来研究微带贴片天线的RCS(雷达截面)减缩。

    The research on RCS reduction of microstrip patch antennas is carried out from the angle of the combination of resonant modes and the surface current distribution on the patch.


  • 钢筋混凝土叠合截面承载力理论上定量分析存在着较多困难,但数值模拟分析一种直接有效途径

    Due to difficulties with quantitative analysis in theory on shear resistance of reinforced concrete composite beam, numerical simulation becomes a direct and efficient approach.


  • 加载之初直到大约0.8极限承载力试件纵向应变沿截面高度分布基本符合截面假定

    From 0 load till about 0.8 times the ultimate load bearing capacity, the steel tube longitudinal strain distribution along the depth of cross-section obeys the plain section assumption.


  • 进一步增加添加剂用量,截面结构转变海绵状

    With the further increase of alcohol, the structures of cross section gradually changed from finger-like to sponge-like.


  • 作战模拟效能评估角度出发建立了反辐射导弹(ARM)导引头的截获模型跟踪模型和ARM的雷达截面积模型。

    An interception model, a tracking model of the ARM seeker and a RCS model of the ARM are founded based on the need of combat simulations and effectiveness evaluation.


  • 本文试验理论方面详细地研究卧式螺旋管内气液两相截面含汽分布与变化规律。

    This paper describes an experimental and theoretical research on the void fraction of two-phase flow in horizontal helically coiled tubes .


  • 本文试验理论方面详细地研究卧式螺旋管内气液两相截面含汽分布与变化规律。

    This paper describes an experimental and theoretical research on the void fraction of two-phase flow in horizontal helically coiled tubes .


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