• 本文小说科幻小说两个角度这部作品进行分析

    My thesis is engaged in the study of this work from two perspectives: Frankenstein as Gothic fiction and as science fiction.


  • 账户10月份收到基金账户转来的340万美金,11月则收到了100万。

    account received over $3.4 million in funds from Columbia University accounts in October and $1 million in November.


  • 他们两位国境内不同地区找到数据显示移动电话覆盖范围绑架案件下跌之间存在一种有趣的统计关连性。

    They find that data for different Colombian regions reveal an intriguing statistical correlation between mobile-phone coverage and falling kidnaps.


  • 对夫妇只是其中一个900,今年收到树木打洛文的宗教事务办公室他们在那里必须登记他们婚姻证件

    The couple is just one of nearly 900 that this year received trees from Gorontalo's religious affairs office, where they are required to register their marriage documents.


  • 昨天拉斯韦加斯圣地亚能感觉到冲击波

    The shock waves yesterday were felt from Las Vegas to San Diego.


  • 他们以前圣地亚里昂,现在体验一下反向旅程

    They had done Santiago to León; now they said they wanted to experience the journey in reverse.


  • 是因为要求阿根廷法官当时西班牙内战爆发的1936开始调查,一直1977年,即佛朗去世年。

    This is because it asks the Argentinian judges to investigate the period from 1936, when the Spanish civil war broke out, to 1977, two years after Franco died.


  • 当下,嫩儿子约书亚暗暗打发两个人探子,吩咐说:" 你们窥探和耶利。"

    Then Joshua son of Nun secretly sent two spies from Shittim. "Go, look over the land," he said, "especially Jericho.


  • 星巴克危地马埃塞俄比亚种植者手中以高价购买咖啡豆大约平均高出市价23%。

    Starbucks buys expensive beans and pays its growers—be they in Guatemala or Ethiopiaan average of 23% above the market price.


  • 伦比亚公共交通系统视为国际最佳实践,在地区墨西圣地亚利马的许多城市被复制

    Colombia's mass transit system has been recognized as an international best practice and replicated in cities across the region, from Mexico City to Santiago and Lima.


  • 我们呈现加西亚放逐之旅,沿着通往圣地亚大教堂的圣途,滂沱大雨中的乡村嘉年华地处偏远的嬉皮公社,真是让人心驰神往!

    He gives us a fascinating journal of his Galician wanderings, from village carnivals in the pouring rain to a hippy commune in the back of beyond via the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.


  • 冰果第一次的收成发生1794年的佛朗当时农民试图因为预想不到的霜冻部分结冰葡萄生产葡萄酒

    The first Eiswein harvests took place in Franconia in 1794 when peasants tried to produce wine from partially frozen grapes that resulted from an unexpected frost.


  • 缅因州的达马瑞斯塔湖中把有眼睛红心玻璃鳗鱼水槽

    Black eyes and red hearts dot glass eels scooped into a tank from Maine's Damariscotta River.


  • 他们西海岸飞往华盛顿计划辆车开车到北卡罗来纳州布拉格看望尔罕儿子陆军中士

    They flew to Washington, D.C., from the West Coast and planned to rent a car to drive to Fort Bragg, N.C., to visit Gorham's son, an Army sergeant.


  • 阿根廷南部巴塔尼亚雪原上看去,被遮蔽的太阳如同徘徊地平线上,勉强的发出一些光芒。

    The eclipsed sun seems to hover over the horizon on Sunday, barely lighting the high, snowy plains of Patagonia in southern Argentina.


  • 对于那些已经有思想准备科学家旅行者,加拉没有什么灵感迸发时刻高地薄雾没有仙人掌林里没有,意料之外的寒潮没有。

    Galapagos does not hold any eureka moments for the prepared mind of the scientist-traveler, neither in its highland mists, nor amid its cactus forests nor beneath its unexpectedly cold waves.


  • 某些方面来看具有启发意义的- - - - - -特族们已经孤立变成了一种优点

    In some ways it's inspirational. The goths have turned social isolation into a virtue.


  • 辖族拈阄,未人的祭司亚伦子孙犹大支派,西支派,便雅支派的地业中,阄得了十三座城

    The first lot came out for the Kohathites, clan by clan. The Levites who were descendants of Aaron the priest were allotted thirteen towns from the tribes of Judah, Simeon and Benjamin.


  • 2005年职业棒球中退出,当时一份来自圣地亚教士队的A合同就摆在我的面前。

    I left baseball in 2005, with a Triple-A contract on the table from the San Diego Padres.


  • 作为一名怀疑论者、环境研究科学家教育家,接下来将小露网上提取高质量信息技巧

    As a skeptical environmental research scientist and educator I have picked up a few tricks that anyone can use to find and select high-quality information from the Internet.


  • 黑西来?

    You're from Mexico City?


  • 可以66号公路开始,这是一古老公路,崩密列到达圣剑庞大寺院区域。

    Get your kicks on Route 66, an ancient Angkorian highway that runs due east from Angkor via Beng Mealea to the vast temple complex of Preah Khan.


  • 柯切主任夏皮洛院长碰到一起,柴米油盐的“往哪里来,过哪边”开始到谈及有关大与纳德学院的各项事务,可以事情很多

    The pair has plenty to discuss, like “where we’ve been and where we’re going, ” says Kitcher. “What things at Barnard and Columbia are like.


  • 亚巴琳山起行安营平原约旦河边,耶利对面

    They left the mountains of Abarim and camped on the plains of Moab by the Jordan across from Jericho.


  • 其次是哈孙子,乌利亚的儿子米利修造以利亚实的,直到以利亚实府的尽头

    After him repaired Meremoth the son of Urijah the son of Koz another piece, from the door of the house of Eliashib even to the end of the house of Eliashib.


  • 其余子孙以法莲支派,但支派拿西支派地业中,按阄得了座城

    The rest of Kohath's descendants were allotted ten towns from the clans of the tribes of Ephraim, Dan and half of Manasseh.


  • 亚巴起行,安营平原约旦河边,耶利对面。

    And they departed from the mountains of Abarim, and pitched in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho.


  • 大城市排行榜上,圣地亚第14位上升第8位,安东尼奥第15位升到第10位,而克利夫兰华盛顿特区却被挤出10位

    Among large cities, San Diego moved from 14th to 8th and San Antonio from 15th to 10th - with Cleveland and Washington.DC, dropping out of the top 10.


  • 大城市排行榜上,圣地亚第14位上升第8位,安东尼奥第15位升到第10位,而克利夫兰华盛顿特区却被挤出10位

    Among large cities, San Diego moved from 14th to 8th and San Antonio from 15th to 10th - with Cleveland and Washington.DC, dropping out of the top 10.


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