• 试着另外一个角度思考童贞

    Try thinking about your virginity in another way.


  • 我们另外一个角度来看一下。

    Let's look at it from the other point of view.


  • 本文另外一个角度讨论信息检索模型

    In this paper, information retrieval model is discussed in terms of logic.


  • 考虑某个值得信任的人另外一个角度通读你的脚本。

    Make sure it flows. Consider having someone you trust read through it as well for another perspective.


  • (以及其他几个人)建议另外一个角度考虑

    I think I (and several others) are encouraging you do use other points of view.


  • 如果另外一个角度来看申办奥运可能会带来一些副作用

    If looking from another Angle, the Olympic bid might bring about some side-effects to a city.


  • 另外一个角度来看,如果所有干细胞都能杀死,癌症完全可能治好

    On the other hand, if all of a tumour's stem cells could be killed then it would torpedo the old wisdom that no patient is ever cured of cancer, but merely goes into remission.


  • 本文另外一个角度研究贸易条件,即技术创新贸易条件影响

    This article studies the terms of trade from a different point of view, the impact of technological innovations on the terms of trade effects.


  • 最后运用比较研究方法从另外一个角度纽曼大学自由教育思想进行阐述。

    Finally, analyzes the relationship between the liberal education and vocational education. This part is the necessary part of Newman's liberal education thought.


  • 如果我们另外个角度来看银湖雅虎项目组是否受到阿里巴巴的影响?

    But what if we look at it from the other direction: Is Silver Lake's Yahoo deal team affected by Alibaba?


  • 涂成壁纸一样颜色另外一个角度看到它之前,我发现那儿有个包。

    It was painted the exact same colour as the wallpaper, so I had no idea it was there until I looked at it from a different Angle.


  • 另外个角度来讲,(培养)降低争吵斗殴发生所需的教养,还有很一段

    On the other hand , a little politeness goes a long way towards reducing the possibility of quarrelling and fighting .


  • 记忆问题主要记忆可靠性问题,或者从另外一个角度说是口述史学客观性问题。

    The main topic of this article is on the recollection problem and annotation of oral history.


  • 电影轻喜剧风格感觉独出心裁观众另外一个角度了解四川风土人情

    Movie comedy style makes me feel create new styles, I think, the audience will be from another Angle to understand the local customs and practices of sichuan.


  • 某个角度看,这些发现确实只能显微镜下可见;但另外一个角度,它们普遍存在的。

    At one level, the findings are literally microscopic; at another, they're universal.


  • 另外一个角度考虑,这些特点可能会成为农作物适合于未来全球变化增产途径。

    Taking into consideration from another Angle of view point, these characteristics might bear their potentiality of increasing crop yield with adaptation of the global climate change.


  • 另外一个角度来看,表明TripIt不仅重视休闲旅游市场而且也关注商务旅游市场。

    In other words, TripIt wants to show that it is focusing on the businessand not just the leisuretravel markets.


  • 另外一个角度考虑——直观理解,会存在临界点页面东西越多,它们反而显价值

    Another way of putting it - visually, there comes a point when the more messages you fill your page with, the less each item is worth.


  • 有时我们错误方式解读条反馈,然而,日后来看的话,时间能帮我们另外一个角度思考

    Sometimes we may interpret a comment in a wrong manner and looking it at another time helps us to consider from a different perspective.


  • Zee YangJ2EE开发人员另外一个角度来看Mate,也同意这种积极评价

    While Zee Yang, a J2EE developer agrees with this positive assessment, he looks at Mate from a different Angle. Yang explains.


  • 从另外一个角度看待将要好多我们看到自己能够改变机动过程中,选择我们生活和人际关系。

    Another way to look at this is to ask how much we see ourselves able to change and maneuver, to choose the course of our lives and relationships.


  • 因此觉得应该另外一个角度来探讨这个问题以便帮助他们判断自己是否具备跻身IT所必需的才能

    So I thought I would go about this topic from another Angle to help those people decide whether they're made up of the stuff necessary for a career in IT.


  • 另外一个角度如果我们大量、在不同分布已标记训练数据完全丢弃这些数据也是非常浪费的。

    From another point of view, if we have a lot of labeled training data under different distributions, it is wasteful to discard the data entirely.


  • 不会另外一个角度看,如果世界陷入种连美国都被证实如法偿还债务的境地的话,大量资产在此之前就首先拖欠了。

    To put it another way, if the world ever got into a state where America did prove unable to pay, lots of other assets would have defaulted first.


  • 这些隐形网格概念设计来说是必要的尝试和创造力提升,让我们可以另外一个角度审视自由书写类的标志设计。

    It's a necessary attempt to apply Grid thinking to design even in some implicit way. Grid thinking can improve creativity and provide another perspective to look at the free writing of logo design.


  • 传统学派和修正学派对此提出了不同看法,从另外角度出发解释这个命题认识论立场不同,才是思想中张力根源。

    It is suggested to adopt such a new Angle to interpret the thesis as the distinction between epistemological standpoints, which is the root of the conflict in Mill's thought.


  • 传统学派和修正学派对此提出了不同看法,从另外角度出发解释这个命题认识论立场不同,才是思想中张力根源。

    It is suggested to adopt such a new Angle to interpret the thesis as the distinction between epistemological standpoints, which is the root of the conflict in Mill's thought.


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