• 分数分子和分母中去掉相同因数我们称为约分。

    We call it reduction to remove the same factors from the terms of a fraction.


  • 分数微分图像细微细节增强能力出发,对分数阶微分机理进行分析

    Starting from the enhanced ability of fractional differential to image details, the authors analyzed the mechanism of fractional differential.


  • 本文分数布朗机场模型描述出发,提出构造了一广义多尺度分形参数用于描述图像纹理信息

    In this paper, a kind of generalized multiscale fractal parameter is proposed and constructed for the description of image textures, which is based on fractional Brownian random field model.


  • SAT分数1963年开始下降今天平均有30%学生没有年内完成高中学业,这一数字贫穷城市社区达到了50%。

    SAT scores began dropping in 1963; today, on average, 30% of students do not complete high school in four years, a figure that rises to 50% in poor urban neighborhoods.


  • 今天早上邮件得知了成绩但是我想我的分数可能出错

    I got my grade in the mail this morning, but I think there might be a mistake in my mark.


  • 许多实验得出结论是,(语言中)没有数词很难

    A conclusion has been drawn from many experiments that anumeric people have a hard time distinguishing quantities.


  • 研究者猜测获取反馈他们猜测越是接近目标,他们能得到高的分数

    They get feedback on their guesses - more points are awarded if their guess is closer to the target.


  • 注意如何每个文件分数中检索最大结果只是处理结果一种方法

    Note how retrieving the top result from each files' scores is just one way to process the results.


  • 同类项目规模最大这项研究推出之际,正值当今越来越多雇主学校其他机构花钱鼓励人们减肥提高分数的各种事情

    The study, one of the largest of its kind, comes at a time when more employers, schools and other institutions are paying people to do everything from lose weight to improve their grades.


  • 每个元素指定一个010分数可以使用证实组织的多数意见

    Assign each element a score from 0 to 10 that you can use to document organizational consensus.


  • 任何1到10数字有效分数,虑及了团队成员之间微细差别

    But any number from 1-10 is a valid score, allowing for subtle differences between team members.


  • 阅读分数2005年开始一直稳步下降

    Reading scores have been steadily declining since 2005.


  • 所以通常来说,我们不会简单解析式,描述压强作为摩尔分数,的函数变化形式。

    So in general, we don't have a simple analytical expression for what the pressure is going to do as a function of mole fraction a ll the way from zero to one.


  • 如果大部位于磁盘应该如何扩展应用程序使不用等待较慢磁盘获取数据?

    Given that most data lives on disk, how do you scale applications so they are not ultimately waiting on getting data to and from slow disks?


  • 2002- 2006报告数据世界艾滋病毒阳性结核病例50%以上11个非洲国家中,得到检查通报病例分数了两番,8%上升35%。

    Among 11 African countries with over 50% of the world's HIV-positive TB cases that reported data for all years 2002-2006, the percentage of notified cases that were tested quadrupled, from 8% to 35%.


  • 供给方面(2,下半部分),世界各地金矿开采出来黄金新的黄金主要来源,这部分数已经或者说在下降

    On the supply side (chart 2, bottom panel), the main source of new gold-what is dug out of the world's goldmines-has been flat or declining.


  • 我们将演示如何脱机情况下据库以及如何将数据库ese迁移DPF逻辑节点(纵向扩展)环境

    We demonstrate how to partition tables and migrate the database from ESE to a DPF logical node (scaling up) environment, offline.


  • 我们一点开始因为气态摩尔分数不变,我们之前相同数字开始

    And the point is, now we're going to start, since the mole fraction in the gas phase that we're starting from is the same number as this was.


  • 意味着信用分数可能会有所不同信用报告机构另一个

    This means that your credit scores may vary from credit reporting agency to another.


  • 每个句子根据配有1034个计分系统得出快乐分数19不等。

    Each sentence is then given a happiness score from 1 to 9 depending on a point system allocated to 1, 034 words.


  • 由于关键词带有相关性分数(还有很多相关结果),所以质量来讲,来自AlchemyAPIweb服务输出YQL更好一些

    Because the keywords come with a relevance score (and a lot more relevant results), the output from the AlchemyAPI web service is better than YQL in terms of quality.


  • 多少并不是比例增多如果我们玻璃总数增加到8,被测试者也只玻璃球数量某个分数中取走一半

    But not proportionately more: if we increase the number of glass balls eight times, the subject takes only half as large a percentage of the total.


  • getHighScore()servlet上下文获取PlayerScore对象,然后该对象获取名字分数

    The getHighScore() method will retrieve the PlayerScore object from the servlet context and fetch the name and score from it.


  • 另外,亚洲考生提交GMAT分数,用于申请美国商学项目的比例2005年的77%下降到了2009年的67%,印度中国香港新加坡地区项目接收的GMAT分数同一时期全部都出现上升

    S. fell from 77% in 2005 to 67% in 2009, while regional programs in India, China, Hong Kong and Singapore all experienced a rise in the number of GMAT scores they received over the same period.


  • 考试包括听力阅读题,写作口语理解题分数1-9

    The test consists of questions on listening, reading, writing and oral comprehension, with scores ranging on a scale from 1 to 9.


  • 他们探索领域因为他们不想分数冒险——平均分数

    They never branch out into tempting new areas, because they don't want to risk their grade - point average.


  • 因此,得到副本菲佐信用分数信用报告任何三个

    So get copies of your FICO credit scores and credit reports from any of the three bureaus.


  • 本文霍耳发现霍耳效应开始,直到现在量子霍耳效应分数量子霍耳效应,较系统讲述这个实验

    This paper, tells about the experiments systematically beginning from the discovery of Hall effect by Hall, to the present Quantum Hall effect and Fraction Quantum Hall effect.


  • 午餐分数计算老师中聚集每个团队过程中的利弊。集合准备阐述资料和关于比赛期间的差错和正确行为

    After lunch, they calculate the points, gather pros and cons of each team from teachers, consolidate and prepare a briefing notes on mistakes and right actions made during the game.


  • 原子分数及晶原子角度导出FCC,BCCHCP结构两相合金元素分配比分配系数。

    Ideal partitioning-ratios and-parameters of substitutional elements in two-phase alloys with FCC, BCC and HCP structures are derived in terms of atomic fraction and lattice cell number.


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