• 从中世纪的圣人、地图字典植物战争纪念碑遇到那里得到它们!

    I've gotten them from medieval saints, maps, dictionaries, plants, war memorials, and people I've met!


  • 它标志着从中世纪现代时期过渡

    Marking the transition from medieval to modern times.


  • 上都店铺从中世纪商人屠夫纪念品艺术品商家

    The bridge is full of shops, starting from the traders and butchers of the Middle Ages until the gift shop and art sellers.


  • 他们男人什么关系吗?你们难道从中世纪的?

    You have trouble with them being guys? Are you from the dark ages.


  • 一方面哪些领域长大的变化不大从中世纪

    On the one hand, the areas in which he grew up were little changed from the Middle Ages.


  • 除了一个温和橙色斑点好像刚从中世纪刑讯室逃出来

    Instead of a friendly orange blob, it resembles something that has escaped from a medieval torture chamber.


  • 历史时期地理位置分界线相互交织:从中世纪过渡文艺复兴时期

    The dividing lines between historic periods and geographic places are permeable: the Middle Ages flows into the Renaissance;


  • 世界港口讲述安特卫普从中世纪传说,它发生了戏剧性的改变。

    "World Port", which tells the tale of Antwerp from the Middle Ages on, is a coup DE theatre.


  • 古希腊罗马从中世纪到文艺复兴,从文艺复兴到十九世纪现代艺术产生

    From ancient Greece to Rome, from middle ages to Renaissance, and from Renaissance to 19 century's end modern art production.


  • 作品复制品其中提到了一些进展,一个豪华的说明手稿保存我们从中世纪

    The copy of the first edition, to which reference has been made, is one of the most sumptuous illustrated manuscripts, preserved to us from the Middle Ages.


  • 晚期早期斯图亚特时期英国社会从中世纪特性中剥离出来、日显近代特征转型时期。

    The period from the late Tudor to the early Stuart was the conversion period which was originated from the mid-century of British society with increasingly modern characteristics.


  • 表明巴黎不是法国唯一的创作中心但是从中世纪文艺复兴过渡必需的事情并不清楚

    This demonstrates that Paris was not France’s only creative centre, but it is not clear what it has to do with the transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance.


  • 从中世纪19世纪式样简单趋于豪华铺张,的四周经常一层又一层的帐帷和短帷幔。

    From the Middle Ages to the 19th century, curtains ranged in style from simple to ornamented; beds were often curtained on all sides.


  • 该桥以两侧鳞次栉比店铺闻名,几百年来,它接纳了从中世纪商人屠夫纪念品摊档艺术品经销商等各色商贩

    These was famous for its lining of shops, the bridge has housed everybody from Medieval merchants and butchers to souvenir stalls and art dealers.


  • 文艺复兴时期历史一个复兴时期,大约14世纪16世纪它标志着从中世纪现代时期的过渡。

    Renaissance is the period of revival in history, roughly the 14th through the 16th century, marking the transition from medieval to modern times.


  • 伟大作家有生之年以及二人相隔的一百多年英语逐渐从中世纪英语杂乱无序状态中剥离出来

    During the lifetimes of these two great writers and over all the years between, the English language was sorting itself out from the chaos of Middle English.


  • 德国图片画廊。施普雷雕刻路线通过混合建筑学从中世纪现代柏林结合以前哈维尔河流大海

    The Spree River carves its course through a mixture of architecture from medieval to modern in Berlin before combining with the Havel River and flowing out to sea.


  • 蝙蝠从中世纪西方文化就把蝙蝠与巫婆联系在一起认为这种飞行哺乳动物不祥之物,至少让人们见了感到扫兴

    Bat in Western cultures, where bats have been associated with witches since the Middle Ages, these flying mammals are generally considered bad luck, or at least no fun to have around.


  • 旅行者沿着莱茵河航行,不仅可以游遍欧洲内陆,可以重温昔日时光因为这里亮丽的景色从中世纪以来几乎没有变过。

    Rhine travellers not only get a journey through Europe's heart but backwards through time itself. These spectacular 2)vistas have survived virtually unchanged since the 3)Middle Ages .


  • 伦敦(左图):过去几个世纪,这座以雾霭严重污染闻名遐迩”的城市,却有着从中世纪以来乃至今日清洁空气

    London (left) : Renowned for centuries for its infamous smog and severe pollution, the city today has the cleanest air that it has had since the Middle Ages.


  • 英语语言者借用了思想,于是从中世纪开始,sweet +heart就成为了一个表达爱意尤其是浪漫爱情

    English speakers borrowed the idea, and sweet + heart has been a term of endearment -particularly for romantic love -since the Middle Ages.


  • 英语语言者借用了思想,于是从中世纪开始,sweet +heart就成为了一个表达爱意尤其是浪漫的爱情。

    English speakers borrowed the idea, and sweet + heart has been a term of endearment - particularly for romantic love - since the Middle Ages.


  • 来自瑞士联邦学院UlfBuentgen教授研究队伍从中世纪古堡罗马城废墟中搜寻古代木头,企图收集关于树木年轮信息

    Ulf Buentgen and his team of researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research collected tree-ring data from ancient wood found in medieval castles and Roman ruins.


  • 我们从中世纪村庄盖萨(Geisa沿着铁幕小道”费力了一英里上坡路条位于德国中部小道正是原华约组织和北约组织属地的分界线

    We had just cycled a strenuous mile uphill above the medieval village of Geisa, along the Iron Curtain Trail that follows the old Warsaw Pact-NATO divide in central Germany.


  • 我们从中世纪村庄盖萨(Geisa沿着铁幕小道”费力了一英里上坡路条位于德国中部小道正是原华约组织和北约组织属地的分界线

    We had just cycled a strenuous mile uphill above the medieval village of Geisa, along the Iron Curtain Trail that follows the old Warsaw Pact-NATO divide in central Germany.


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