• 提前这么时间通知不到

    There's no one available on such short notice to take her class.


  • 这样他们就有更多时间通过播客视频吸收课程内容老师可以腾出时间来指导学生如何应用所学内容不是简单地吸收。

    That gives them more time to absorb lectures via podcast or video, and frees teachers to spend class time coaching students in how to apply the material rather than simply absorb it.


  • 报道,时间英国就有超过23万DIY 过程受伤其中4.1万梯子上摔下来。

    It is reported that in just one year over 230,000 people were hurt while doing DIY in UK, including 41,000 who fell off ladders.


  • 几周时间这些药物就可将被感染者毫升血液艾滋病毒数量数百万个减少50个以内

    In a matter of weeks, these drugs reduce the number of viruses per millilitre of infected blood from millions to less than 50.


  • 相隔了一代人时间数百万母亲已经出去工作,从而改变家庭经济基本模式。

    In just one generation, millions of mothers have gone to work, transforming basic family economics.


  • 通常提供这些页面访问导航组装一次并且时间静态的。

    Typically, the navigation which provides access to these pages is assembled once, and it is static from that point in time.


  • 解决方法禁用时间限制弹出一个错误消息即可

    The solution is to disable the time limit or to just pop up an error message.


  • 常见的策略开设弹出式店铺这种店铺时间存在,之后便再次消失,给顾客新鲜感紧迫感(要赶紧购买,否则便消失不见了)。

    One common tactic is to set uppop-upstores, which appear for a short time before vanishing again, to foster a sense of novelty and urgency.


  • 不过由于上面刚刚说明原因通常建议任何时间维护相同服务两个版本

    However, for the reasons just stated, it is generally recommended than only two versions of the same service be maintained at a time.


  • 虽然切换会降低速度,但给定时间通常使用其中之一其中之二

    Even if it is slow to switch between them, you are probably working in only one or two at any given time.


  • 对于示例测量紧随其后击键之间时间

    For this example, only The Times between a keystroke and the keystroke immediately following it are measured.


  • 导入配置之后项目稍作更改应用降低部署时间所需配置。

    After importing the configuration, you will slightly modify the project to apply only the necessary configuration to reduce the overall deployment time.


  • 此外由于需要时间因此让雨短时运行也非常困难

    Also, getting the wiper to dwell for short periods was difficult, because of the time it took for the switch to heat and cool.


  • 特意还击Palm特别是AppleiPhone上IM程序推送缩短待机时间23%,用以支持自己的说辞。

    That's a deliberate snub right back at Palm, especially since Apple qualified it by saying an IM app running push only reduced the iPhone's stand-by time by 23%.


  • 很长时间使用过一次文本消息

    I only use text messages once in a long while.


  • 巴黎能看到感受到时间叠层包括自己的,然而艾伦时间层,留下苍白的东西

    You see and feel layers of time, including our own, in Paris, whereas Allen wants to strip the layers away, and leaves something much thinner.


  • 队列管理器给定的时间执行某个队列中的一个服务请求维持完整性

    The queue manager executes one service request within a queue at a given time to maintain integrity.


  • 实际上前面那样得到50个文件不同,得到指定时间记录了一些输出的那些线程的文件。

    In effect, instead of getting the 50 files you got earlier, you only get files for threads that logged some output during the time period specified.


  • 适配器既可以配置特定类型文件可以配置为轮询在特定时间创建的文件。

    The adapter can be configured to poll for only certain types of files, or for files created during a certain time period.


  • 记住输入字符串包含带有日期时间信息完整时间希望使用一个时间填充db 2目标中的timechanged

    Recall that the input string contains a full timestamp with date and time information, and you want to populate the TIMECHANGED column in the DB2 target table with only a time value.


  • 实际上记录这些信息时间间隔受到可用磁盘空间存储空间限制

    The period over which you record the information is really limited only by the amount of disk space, or storage, that you have available.


  • 峰会临时的,维持了一周时间

    Summits are transient, they only last a week.


  • 其实这同一个人——两张照拍摄时间相隔几天

    But they are said to be the same person -apparently taken just days apart.


  • 一般眼镜隐形眼镜不会干扰扫描过程而且短暂时间

    Glasses and contact lenses do not interfere with the scanning process, and it takes only a brief moment.


  • 给了时间学习果蝇中间,记忆形式持续了一

    In flies given a single episode of learning, memory formation lasts only a day.


  • 或者可能需要使得BPEL流程成为长期运行的流程,而其父 BPEL 流程却是时间内运行的流程。

    Or you might need to make that BPEL process a long-running process while its parent BPEL process is a short-running process.


  • 世界最高建筑迪拜揭幕仪式还有时间时,组织者告知个令人震惊决定:迪拜塔将阿布扎比酋长的名字重新命名。

    Just five days before the opening of the world's tallest skyscraper in Dubai, organizers were informed of the shock decision to rename the building after the ruler of Abu Dhabi.


  • 随着时间推移我们花费更少时间考虑需要解决问题步骤更多地区考虑流程

    As time goes on, we're going to spend less time worrying about the steps required to solve a problem and think more in terms of processes.


  • 随着时间推移我们花费更少时间考虑需要解决问题步骤更多地区考虑流程

    As time goes on, we're going to spend less time worrying about the steps required to solve a problem and think more in terms of processes.


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