• 不能什么准备都没有进去发表演讲。

    I can't just walk in there cold and give a speech.


  • 没有当地人了解北极,就是什么当地人满足发表任何看法,只外界专家来告诉他们发生了什么

    Nobody knows the Arctic as well as the locals, which is why they are not content simply to stand back and let outside experts tell them what's happening.


  • 其出版人发表广为流传的声明中写道,“总之没有什么东西可以称为原创,有的只是真实性”这可真是站着说话不腰疼。

    In a now widely circulated statement released by her publisher, she writes, "There's no such thing as originality anyway, just authenticity," an awfully smug assertion for someone in her position.


  • 人格杂志上发表研究说明,对于将近三分之二的一女性她们每天都保持记录自己的情绪流泪宣泄情绪并没有什么作用

    Research published in the journal of Research in Personality found that shedding some tears had no effect on the mood for nearly two-thirds of a group of women who kept daily emotion journals.


  • 对通科利项目铁矿石质量数量没有什么发言权,但是全球松动资金角度可以这个交易发表两点个人看法?

    I'm not in any position to comment on the quality or quantity of ore at the Tonkolili project, but from the perspective of global cheap money, two things leap out at me about this deal.


  • Papandreou先生随后改变了他的思路,并发表声明说,希腊现在已经采取痛苦的但是是必要的措施满足欧盟的要求,以期其他欧盟成员国中获得帮助但是没有指出将采取什么形式

    MrPapandreou claimed that Greece had now taken enough “painful butnecessary measuresto qualify for support from its European partners, but without specifying what form that might take.


  • 根据这项美国社会学评论》四月刊上发表研究显示,如果妻子每周工作60个小时以上,对男性辞职几率没有什么显著影响

    However, it did not significantly affect a man's odds of quitting his job if his wife worked 60 hours or more per week, according to the study published in the American Sociological Review in April.


  • 对于那些富有耐心追随者们——我没有落下什么吧?——很抱歉,距离上次发表博文已经有时间了

    To my patient followers-do I have any left? -i'm sorry for lack of writing for the last long while.


  • 我们已获得的一些发现没有公开发表因此这里方便透露什么不过我们确实已经发现了某些端倪

    Our findings have yet to be published, so I can't tell you much here, but we think we're onto something.


  • 英国华威大学数学讲师皮特•巴克斯经历了三年的感情空缺发表了一篇题为《什么没有女朋友》的论文

    PeterBackus, a tutor at the University of Warwick, published his "Why I Don’t Have a Girlfriend" thesis after a three-year love drought.


  • 洛雷博士昨天没有发表评论,目前尚清楚什么认为这么多年后还应该接受高科技检查

    Dr Laureys was not available for comment yesterday and it is not clear why he thought Mr Houben should have the hi-tech screening when so many years had passed.


  • Promise读完了那张皱巴巴华尔街日报以后没有发表什么高谈阔论言简意赅:“要看外国报纸,我才能知道很多原本不知道的东西。”

    When Promise finally put down his wilted copy of the Wall Street Journal, there were no trumpets. He said simply, “When I read a foreign newspaper, I see lots of things I don’t know about.”


  • 没有发表什么作品?

    Have you had any publications?


  • 很多年前我们家族的人天眼之泉然后没有回来但是王国没有发表什么措施

    Many years ago, our family that had inner fountain, and then you will never come back, but did not publish what measures the kingdom.


  • 没有明确喂食实验动物剂量以及什么没有喂食实验报告作为美国环保局含糊不清论文延伸内容发表互联网上?

    What were the dosages given to the experimental animals and why were the feeding experiments not published on the Internet as an extension of this vague EPA paper?


  • 第三草率无论做出什么决策表示,都需要必要的证据只要一问题没有拿到足够的证据,就应该发表任何观点

    Third, careless, no matter what kind of decision and expression are made, need essential evidence, so long as has not got enough evidence to a certain question, should not publish any view.


  • 如果不太强势发表一个观点,而其他人因为注意力不集中,压根都没有听见,那么试着引导大家的注意力到谈话比如说:“抱歉Derek你刚才在说什么?”

    If a less forceful person makes a point and it's falling on deaf ears because other people are distracted, direct the conversation towards them e.g., "Sorry, what's that Derek?"


  • 很喜欢学校杂志上发表文章什么?”,但是没有提问

    I enjoyed reading your "What's Cool?" article in the school magazine, but you didn't ask me the question.


  • 没有拿破仑同意发表什么意见几乎可能的。

    It was impossible to express an opinion without Napoleon's approval.


  • 暗物质存在证明资料发表即将出版的一期《天体物理学杂志通讯》上。然而,该资料没有揭示暗物质到底什么

    This proof of existence, appearing in an upcoming issue of The Astrophysical Journal Letters, does nothing to reveal what dark matter really is, however.


  • 从事科学这一行容易,永远不知道什么时候被抢先发表然后没有一丝机会可以发表一级杂志了。

    Science is tough. You never known when you will be scooped and then you will never get the ghost of a chance to publish it in the same journal.


  • 注意如果服务器安全模式中运行PHP这个插件没有得到测试。如果你什么问题,请将问题发表讨论网页

    Please Note: this hack is untested if your server runs PHP in Safe Mode. If you have any problems, please post them on the Discussion page.


  • 英国华威大学数学讲师皮特·巴克斯经历了三年的感情空缺发表了一篇题为《什么没有女朋友》的论文

    Peter Backus, a tutor at the University of Warwick, published his "Why I Don't Have a Girlfriend" thesis after a three-year love drought.


  • 什么选择瑜伽?也许每个都有不同理由。参与这项投票吧,如果的理由没有包括选项中,就发表评论说明的理由。

    Why take up yoga?Every one has their own reason. Please choose yours, and give your comments if its not included in the options.


  • 没有发表什么作品?

    A: Have you had any publications?


  • 如果没有形诸文字公开发表法律,“法律无知成为借口因为一个没有办法知晓法律所要求什么

    Without written and published laws, ignorance of the law would be an excuse, for an individual would have no way of knowing what the laws required.


  • 奇怪的倒是什么当时段文字没有发表,而是现在发表

    What is really strange is, why this text wasn't published until now.


  • 奇怪的倒是什么当时段文字没有发表,而是现在发表

    What is really strange is, why this text wasn't published until now.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定