• 这项发表美国预防医学杂志》上研究,并不是第一绿色植物更好健康状况联系起来的研究,确实我们接近确定什么奏效以及为什么会这样。

    The new research, published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, isn't the first to associate greenery with better health, but it does get us closer to identifying what works and why.


  • 果你不明白为什么一直和朋友争吵,问问自己在什么地方朋友有分歧,而不是为什么争吵。

    If you don't understand why you keep arguing with a friend, ask yourself what you disagree on instead of why you're arguing.


  • 大自然野生生物图像告诉我们什么? 当我们查看图像的时候为什么我们会觉得被强迫

    What do images of nature and wildlife tell us and why do we feel compelled to view them?


  • 然后之类似,首先应该处理什么为什么处理变得一目了然了。

    And then, very likely, it becomes clear what needs to be addressed first - and why.


  • 或者这么说好了,为什么放弃一种公开朋友关系选择朋友有外遇了,这么什么好处呢?

    Why, in other words, will you be settling for a secret affair with a friend, rather than an open relationship? What does she lack that you don't want to go all the way?


  • 记者们不得不斟酌:是否要什么时候为什么以及怎样公众分享这样消息

    Journalists have to wrestle with whether, when, why and how they share these kinds of messages with the public.


  • 生活就是一系列未来之间碰撞不是我们过去曾经什么总和而是我们将来什么的总和。

    Life is a series of collisions with the future; it is not the sum of what we have been, but what we yearn to be.


  • 因此我们扪心自问为什么克隆技术如此着迷之前不得不首先审视自己心灵一问:究竟是什么东西使得我们中的许多人对于尝试复制自身基因完全等同的孪生兄弟那么不安?

    So before we can ask why we are so fascinated by cloning, we have to examine our souls and ask, What exactly so bothers many of us about trying to make an exact copy of our genetic selves?


  • 就是为什么这份材料如此重要为什么分享

    That's why this material is so important, an that's why I want to share it with you.


  • 一切看待事物方法解决问题的方法,都可以世界里得到,就是为什么我会时间去研究这个世界是什么,这个宇宙什么什么

    Every mean of viewing and solving things can be found in this world. That is why I would spend time investigating the world, universe and people.


  • 似乎他们相处不错那么为什么问问他们什么

    If you seem to get along with them then why not ask them to do something? If you like your new coworker or classmate, ask them if they want to grab a drink later, or come by your place to chill.


  • 哈瓦那俱乐部邀请体验真正古巴精神口哨用自己方式发现为什么没有什么哈瓦那,然后朋友分享

    Havana Club invites you to experience the true Cuban spirit! Whistle your way to discovering why Nothing Compares to Havana and then share it with your friends.


  • 路易明白为什么:“对不起也许对于你们来说一个敌人或是其他敌人并没有什么两样。但是如果我杀了阿尔贝托毫无关系的的话,我会感觉不安的。”

    Luigi couldn't see reason: 'Sorry, it may be all the same to you if I kill one enemy or another, but I'd be upset if I killed someone who had nothing to do with Alberto.'


  • 但是为什么我们不想办法冷冻中性原子活动中的电子自然结合呢? 为什么我们要小题大做,研究一些超复杂的系统呢?

    Why try to manipulate ultracold, neutral atoms into performing tasks electrons do naturally without much fuss?


  • 告诉为什么现代世界上没有更多风景园林师为什么他们建设那些城市的时候,整合建筑园林

    But can you tell me why the modern world does not have more landscape architects and why they don't integrate architecture and landscape when making all those new cities?


  • 因此疑惑是为什么人们依旧寻找理由辩解为什么从未反对过这种观点。

    So I wonder why people still look for reasons and justifications, why the even deprecate it.


  • 为什么非得自己邻居同住一城的居民相隔绝,一切究竟是从什么时候开始主宰我们生活的?

    Why are we having to barricade ourselves against our neighbors and fellow citizens, and when, exactly, did this start to take over our lives?


  • 我们每人天生五个好朋友什么为什么哪里何时怎样需要忠告时,你它们而不要别人

    We are born with five good friends: what, why, where, when and how; when we need an advice, we should ask them instead of others.


  • 分享为什么什么?分享蕴藏动机

    Share why you say and what you say, share your underlying motivation.


  • 但是没有什么或是著作,把为什么品牌给讲清楚以及品牌销售关系讲清楚。

    But nobody or writing I know of has made it crystal the reason to build brands and the relationship between branding and sales.


  • 中国现代哲人科学什么科学中国人性命中成什么思考结合起来

    Chinese modern philosophers combined the thought of what science is and what science should be in Chinese life.


  • 所以虽然讲解正确方法知道什么不该为什么不该做同样重要

    Therefore, although this book teaches the correct methods, it is equally important to know what NOT to do, and why.


  • 可能自己这些颜色想要什么为什么

    You may want to ask yourself what do you want to do with these colors, and why.


  • 可能自己这些颜色想要什么为什么

    You may want to ask yourself what do you want to do with these colors, and why.


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