• 然而是否知道美国其实210亿的石油储量那么为什么他们不多生产一点呢?

    Yet, did you know that the U. S. has some 21 billion barrels in reserve, so why doesn't it produce more?


  • 这次收购埃克森探明蕴藏量增加相当于23亿石油或者说增加蕴藏量20%。

    It will increase Exxon's proved reserves by the equivalent of 2.3 billion barrels of oil, or almost 20%.


  • 钻井平台巨头们在英国挪威之间水下打孔,每年海床之下吸走了9亿石油天然气

    Giant oil platforms dot the waters between Britain and Norway, sucking around 900m barrels of oil and gas from beneath the seabed every year.


  • 根据美国环境署资料,高汽车或者飞机相比公里使用能源最少,一个全国范围系统将能每年减少使用1.25亿石油

    According to Environment America, high-speed rail USES a third less energy per mile than auto or air travel, and a nationwide system could reduce oil use by 125 million bbl. a year.


  • 考虑利比亚油产量少于全球产量百分之二,并且国际能源机构超过16亿的石油储备我们明显看出现阶段价格波动不仅仅利比亚的骚动引起的。

    Given that Libya represents less than 2% of global production and that the IEA has over 1.6 billion barrels of oil in storage, clearly the current price movement is about more than Libyan disruption.


  • 美国国家资源保护委员遵照政府预估范围下限,国家野生动物保护区的沿海平原上,经济上可采石油可能超过32亿

    Sticking to the low end of government estimates, the National Resources Defense Council says there may be no more than 3.2 billion barrels of economically recoverable oil in the coastal plain of ANWR.


  • 塔和气火炬点缀在地平线上:那是石油,已探明储量32亿

    Oil rigs and gas flares punctuate the horizon: his oil, 3.2 billion barrels in proven reserves.


  • 美国地质调查预计北极地区可能拥有900亿石油47兆立方米天然气,但是大多都存在于格陵兰境外(其它调查结果不乐观)。

    The United States Geological Survey estimates that the Arctic could hold 90 billion barrels of oil and 47 trillion cubic metres of gas, much of it off Greenland (other surveys are more modest).


  • 目前最大美国7.27亿战略石油储备潜藏德克萨斯州路易斯安那州

    The biggest is America's 727m-barrel strategic petroleum reserve (SPR), which lurks in caverns in Texas and Louisiana.


  • 这一争端由来已久,有关石油储量据估算16亿213亿桶之间)大量矿产报道使得其激烈程度大为增加

    The disputes are decades old, but reports of oil depositsestimated at anywhere from 1.6 billion to 21.3 billion recoverable barrels — and significant mineral resources are now raising the stakes.


  • 各种系层”(也就是,海底层下)中的石油储量预计有500亿

    There are an estimated 50 billion barrels of oil in the various "pre-salt" fields (ie, the fields under the salt beneath the sea).


  • 2006年,欧洲俄罗斯进口了2.908亿石油1300亿立方天然气

    In 2006, Europe imported from Russia 290.8 million tonnes of oil and 130 billion cubic meters of gas.


  • 伊拉克石油储量达1150亿,在全球已探明开发储量中名列前茅

    Iraq has total oil reserves of 115bn barrels, placing it near the top of the global list of known verifiable undeveloped reserves.


  • 插电式混合动力车提高整个国家空气质量2050年,还能减少每年10到15亿石油消耗

    PHEVs can improve nationwide air quality and reduce petroleum consumption by 1-1.5 billion barrels annually by 2050.


  • 北海,新勘探油田石油平均储量为2000万2001年发现储量在5亿桶的Buzzard油田却是一个罕见特例

    The discovery in 2001 of the Buzzard field, with over 500m barrels of recoverable oil, was a rare exception in a basin where the average new field holds just 20m barrels.


  • 国家挹注相当于50亿石油资金给Petrobras公司,目的要确保证Petrobras公司掌握足够财力维持独大经营者身分。

    The state will also inject the monetary equivalent of 5 billion barrels of oil into Petrobras, with the aim of ensuring it has the financial muscle to remain the dominant operator.


  • 西方石油公司正在美国法庭面临多项指控,指控包括1972年- 2000年期间,当地作业石油公司在亚马逊地区倾倒90亿有毒废物

    Occidental Petroleum are currently facing charges in US courts of dumping an estimated nine billion barrels of toxic waste in the regions of the Amazon where they operated from 1972 to 2000.


  • 报告石油产量提高1.03亿生物燃料将补足石油不足的缺口。

    Oil production will rise to 103m barrels, it says, and biofuels will make up the shortfall.


  • 从壳牌石油公司倒塌钻井平台照片上可以看出损失的严重性。这座平台每天生产4万石油1亿5千万立方英尺天然气

    One indication of how bad things may be is a photograph of a toppled Shell oil platform, which produced 40,000 barrels of oil a day and about 150 million cubic feet of natural gas.


  • 一切全都倚赖于安哥拉大量石油资源,据估计该国石油储量约有130亿

    None of this would be possible without Angola's vast oil reserves, estimated at 13 billion barrels.


  • 可是光是这些食物生长收获保存包装运输会消耗掉14亿石油计量单位,相当于120 到159 升)石油

    It takes about 1.4 billion barrels of oil to grow, harvest, preserve, package and transport the U.S. food supply.


  • IEA上周发表世界能源展望预计全球石油需求量2008年的每日8500万增至2030年的1.05亿桶

    The new World Energy Outlook published by the IEA last week expects the global demand for oil to rise from 85m barrels a day in 2008 to 105m in 2030.


  • 壳牌预计这些油田潜在年产量可能超过16万亿立方英尺相当于27亿桶石油

    Shell estimates that these new positions have the potential to yield over 16 trillion cubic feet of gas equivalent (tcfe) of resources (>2.7 billion boe).


  • Tullow詹姆斯.阿诺德表示,艾尔伯特湖沿岸乌干达这边探明石油储量7亿

    [font=Times New Roman]James Arnold of Tullow says there are 700m barrels of proven reserves on the Ugandan side.


  • 据称这块地区储藏有250亿桶石油当量几乎剩余储量五分之一,但是它们位于超过600冰冷海水之下。

    The region is believed to hold up to 25 billion boe, or almost a fifth of remaining total reserves, but they lie in freezing waters more than 600 metres deep.


  • 墨西哥湾日产原油16亿几乎全国总产量三分之一石油开采不会因为深水地平线号”事故中止

    The Gulf of Mexico produces more than 1.6 billion barrels of crude oil a day, almost a third of the country's total production, and drilling will not cease because of the Deepwater Horizon accident.


  • 墨西哥湾日产原油16亿几乎全国总产量三分之一石油开采不会因为深水地平线号”事故中止

    The Gulf of Mexico produces more than 1.6 billion barrels of crude oil a day, almost a third of the country's total production, and drilling will not cease because of the Deepwater Horizon accident.


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