• 天晚上8点外滩约有30万,并且越来越多的人陆续到达,直到11点左右,们突然变得吵闹和愤怒。一些摔倒在楼梯上,遭到严重踩踏而死。

    About 300,000 people were on the Bund by 8:00 that evening and more kept arriving until people suddenly became noisy and angry around 11:00. Some people fell on the stairs and were stepped heavily on and died.


  • 上海本地人陆康华鲍琛一起了。

    Shanghai natives Tom Lu, left, and Bao Chen have been together for more than one year.


  • 欧洲根本不理解我们为什么喜欢啤酒

    The continentals have never understood our preference for warm beer.


  • 饥荒威胁口数量。

    The famine threatened to depopulate the continent.


  • 渡过汹涌澎湃的大海回到使长舒一口气

    It was a great relief to be back on dry land after such a rough crossing.


  • 他们来自世界各地其中大部分还是来自印度次大

    They come from all over the world, though the bulk is from the Indian subcontinent.


  • 海上度过之后又回到使觉得坚实的地,真是惬意

    After two days at sea, it was good to be back on terra firma again.


  • 希腊热爱海洋罗马热爱

    The Greeks were wedded to the sea; the Romans, to the land.


  • 982年,一个名叫发埃里克维京向西航行,以期寻找新大

    In 982, a Viking called Eric the Red sailed west in search of new land.


  • 120分贝噪音使耳朵疼痛

    A noise of one hundred and twenty decibels on land causes pain to human ears.


  • 然而,在拉皮塔后代驾船驶出视线之外举目四望是空荡荡地平线后,真正冒险才刚刚开始

    The real adventure didn't begin, however, until their Lapita descendants sailed out of sight of land, with empty horizons on every side.


  • 维京随后航行完成了他们第二次

    The Vikings then sailed south and made their second landing.


  • 每年有300英国国外露营度假其中大部分是欧洲

    And each year, over 3 million people take camping vacations, either here in Britain or abroad, mostly on the Continent.


  • 担心如果不对旅游业进行管理同乡继续迁往他这一代可能最后一代可以自己为本土威尼斯了。

    He worries, if tourism isn't managed and his fellow locals continue to move to the mainland, his generation might be the last who can call themselves native Venetians.


  • 每年有超过300万英国国内国外露营度假其中大部分是欧洲

    Each year, over 3 million people take camping vacations, either here in Britain or abroad, mostly on the Continent.


  • 年轻安全地坐在里面直到最后漂到陌生上。

    The young man sat safe within, till at length it ran ashore upon an unknown land.


  • 自从欧洲首次发现澳洲尝试了解土著居民,即片大原始居民,创作的古代岩画雕刻品。

    Ever since European first explored Australia, people have been trying to understand the ancient rock drawings and cavings created by the Aborigines, the original inhabitants of the continent.


  • 他们一些利用了一种石质独木舟石头结构当然这些独木舟上的,现在仍然可以一些岛屿看到它们

    Some of them utilized stone structures called stone canoes, and these canoes were on land, of course, and you can still see them on some islands today.


  • 游学的旅行者们通常一个希腊拉丁文学方面扎实基础的年轻,又有一定闲暇时间财富艺术一些兴趣

    The Grand Tourist was typically a young man with a thorough grounding in Greek and Latin literature as well as some leisure time, some means, and some interest in art.


  • 邀请函上写着在7:30至7:45到场,根据我们经验总会有些喜欢提前到场,所以我们预计7:15就会来了。

    The invitation says guests should arrive between 7:30 and 7:45, but our experience is that there are always a few who like to arrive early, so we'll expect the first people at 7:15.


  • 但是担心如果加以管理旅游业当地同胞继续,他这一代可能最后一批自称威尼斯土著

    But, he worries, if tourism isn't managed and his fellow locals continue to move to the mainland, his generation might be the last who can call themselves native Venetians.


  • 于是游学想法就此诞生了,在接下来的300年里,游学旅行将英国德国斯堪的纳维亚还有美国带到了法国意大利他们接触到了那里的艺术文化

    Thus was born the idea of the Grand Tour, a practice which introduced Englishmen, Germans, Scandinavians, and also Americans to the art and culture of France and Italy for the next 300 years.


  • 灰色的月球表面,五星红旗映衬着黑暗的天空,这一幕是由嫦娥机器探测器的着器上的相机拍摄的,然后发送到地面控制中心。

    The scene of the Five Starred Red Flag against the dark sky on the grey lunar surface was taken by a camera on the Chang'e s robotic probe's lander and then sent to the ground control.


  • 独自一西横越整个非洲

    He traversed alone the whole continent of Africa from east to west.


  • 这些研究肯定了早期研究成果非洲作为一个族群其基因其他更为多样

    The studies also confirm earlier research showing that as a group, Africans have more diverse genes than people of other continents.


  • 欧洲过去欧洲旅游时也是同样的景象。

    But Europeans used to tour their own continent in a similar way.


  • 欧洲过去欧洲旅游时也是同样的景象。

    But Europeans used to tour their own continent in a similar way.


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