• 希望巴方采取有力措施保障中方人员人身财产安全

    It is hoped that Pakistan will take strong measures to ensure the safety of life and property of Chinese personnel.


  • 产品质量直接关系消费者人身财产安全重要社会问题。

    The quality of products directly concerns customers' health, personal safety and property safety.


  • 参与者注意人身财产安全。贵重物品请自行妥善保管。

    Participants shall take care of their own security and valuables.


  • 禁止制造安装存在产品缺陷可能危及人身财产安全电梯

    The manufacturing and installation of lifts that have product defects and that are likely to endanger personal and property safety are prohibited.


  • 违规携带电池危害旅客人身财产安全。造成严重后果的,还将收到法律制裁。

    Illegal carrying of lithium batteries will be harmful to personal and property safety. Serious consequences will be subject to legal penalty.


  • 第七消费者购买使用商品接受服务时,享有人身财产安全损害权利

    Article 7 When purchasing and using goods or receiving services, consumers shall have the right of ensuring their personal and property safety from being jeopardized.


  • 今年为了减少交通事故,保证人民人身财产安全,我国开始执行史上最为严厉交规。

    This year, the most stringent traffic rules are carried out, in order to reduce traffic accidents and improve citizens' safety and property.


  • 我们对此表示关注希望南非有关当局依法妥善处理事件采取措施确保中国公民人身财产安全

    A: We express concern over the case and hope competent authorities in South Africa could properly handle it and take measures to ensure the personal and property safety of Chinese citizens there.


  • 这些面向公众小路位置必须进行限制严格确保人们不能接近线路以降低其对人身财产安全的威胁。

    Limitations on the location of these public access trails should also be addressed to restrict access to the HSR line and reduce risk from both safety and security perspectives.


  • 火灾自动报 警系统,作为火灾的先期预报、火灾的及时扑灭保障人身财产安全起到不 可替代作用

    The automatic fire alarm systems (FAS), a previous forecast, fire exterminate, guarantee personal and property security, have played an irreplaceable role.


  • 新的预警火灾探测器近期伊利诺斯州上市了,是一种在极具挑战环境中通过烟感探测来保护人身财产安全的火灾探测系统

    A new very-early-warning fire detector from System Sensor of St. Charles, Illinois, protects personnel and assets from fire by detecting the faintest traces of smoke in challenging environments.


  • 事实某种程度关注上,家庭保护工作场所财产人身安全不可避免的,越来越兴趣构建定制IP摄像机解决方案

    Concerning to the fact that some level of protecting homes, working places, possessions and personal safety is inevitable, I'm more and more interested in building customized IP camera solutions.


  • 其他可能妨碍他人参观造成他人人身伤害财产损失扰乱园区秩序危害园区安全的行为。

    Conducting any other activities that may upset or cause bodily injury or financial loss to other visitors, or disturb the public order and security within the Expo Site.


  • 禁止生产销售符合保障人体健康人身财产安全标准要求工业产品

    Manufacturing and selling of industrial products that do not conform to the standards and requirements for ensuring human health, personal safety and safety of property are prohibited.


  • 此外,在网购我们需要使用个人信息可能会导致我们的个人信息泄露,对我们财产安全人身安全造成损害。

    Besides, we have to use some personal information when we do shopping online which may reveal our personal information, endangering the property safety and personal safety.


  • 由于安全苛求软件直接关系人身大宗财产安全,为此需要对软件进行严格安全测试

    Because the safety-critical software is often directly related to the safety of the people's life and wealth, software has to undergo safety testing strictly.


  • 认真维护酒店治安秩序宾客人身财产安全,尽职尽责完成安全警备任务。

    Maintains good order in the Hoteland ensures the safety of guests and their property. Accomplishes security tasksin dedicated manner.


  • 电气设备正确地使用保护接地保护接零,避免触电事故发生,保障人身财产安全

    We properly use the safeguard and public return circuit in electrical equipment and we can avoid the accident to get an electric shock and guarantee the property and personal safety.


  • 旅客列车车厢内发生火灾,火灾烟气运动状况直接影响旅客人身安全,往往造成重大的人员伤亡巨大财产损失

    When fires break out in a passenger carriage, the movement of the smoke directly threatens safety of passengers and leads to great casualties and enormous property loss.


  • 一旦深井钻机出现安全问题造成人身财产损失非常严重

    The safety problems of ultra-deep drilling rig will result in very serious personal and property losses.


  • 危险方法危害公共安全一类严重危害公众人身财产安全社会安定犯罪。

    The crimes against public security by other dangerous means, is a kind of crime that seriously threatening public securities, safety of property and social stability.


  • 香港商标注册类别45他人提供满足个人需要私人社会服务保护财产人身安全的服务。

    HongKong TradeMark Class 45 Personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals; security services for the protection of property and individuals.


  • 第十七经营者应当保证提供商品服务设施场所符合保障消费者人身财产安全要求

    Article 17 Business operators shall guarantee that the goods, services, facilities and premises they provide meet the requirements for the protection of the personal and property safety of consumers.


  • 保护消费者人身财产安全经营者基本任务责任。

    The basic duty of operator is to protect the consumer's security, include their property security and personal security.


  • 其他可能妨碍他人参观造成他人人身伤害财产损失扰乱园区秩序危害园区安全物品

    Any other items that may upset other visitors, or cause bodily injury or property damage to other visitors, or disturb the public order or security within the Expo Site.


  • 公害犯罪界定环境犯罪危及公众人身财产安全有害制品的犯罪;

    The author suggests that offence of public hazards ought to be defined as crime of environment and crime about various harmful products.


  • 安全家用燃气灶非正常情况下煤气泄漏时及时切断煤气,防止用户人身财产受到损害。

    Safety devices can promptly cut off gas supply in case of abnormal leak. In the article, different types and the principle of operation of these devices are introduced.


  • 安全家用燃气灶非正常情况下煤气泄漏时及时切断煤气,防止用户人身财产受到损害。

    Safety devices can promptly cut off gas supply in case of abnormal leak. In the article, different types and the principle of operation of these devices are introduced.


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