• 热心人计划修复架飞机

    Now a group of enthusiasts are going to have the plane restored.


  • 另外有500万人计划在将来做出旅行决定时参考这些虚拟社区

    A further 5 million intend to rely on these virtual communities for making their travel decisions in the future.


  • 虽然席尔瓦已经备好新婚礼服,但二计划履行一个漫长婚约

    The couple are planning on a long engagement despite Elisany already having a dress for the big day.


  • 欧洲领导计划柏林举行盛大庆典,并发表一项重要的预示性宣言。

    Europe's leaders plan a jamboree in Berlin that will issue a portentous declaration.


  • 关系处于保密状态之前,报道透露计划不同城市举办至少场婚礼

    Earlier when their relationship was still a hush-hush affair, there were leaked reports that the couple planned to throw at least three weddings in different cities.


  • 现在美国领导计划通过大力发展智能自动控制武器保持这种军事优势

    Now, the nation's leaders plan on retaining that military advantage with a significant commitment to artificial intelligence and robotic weapons.


  • 该机器人计划2012年完成可以搬运四百的重量走20英里可自动跟随名战士

    Scheduled to be completed in 2012, it will carry 400 pounds as far as 20 miles, automatically following a soldier.


  • 英国皇家警察称这些计划伪装成软饮料炸弹零件绕过机场安检偷运航班,并将飞行过程组装成炸弹。

    The crown said the men planned to smuggle on boardcomponents of a liquid bomb disguised as soft drinks to bypass airport security. The devices would have been assembled during the flight.


  • 这些天文学家中有一些计划利用星际尘埃数据研究银河磁场起源变化没有得到充分了解事物。

    Some of them plan to use the interstellar-dust data to study the Milky Way's magnetic field, the origins and behavior of which are not well understood.


  • 求婚过程浪漫完美计划明年夏天法国举行一个盛大而快乐的婚礼,届时会邀请很多亲戚朋友参加。

    The proposal was romantic and perfect. The couple plans to wed in France in the summer of 2007 in what they describe as a big, happy ceremony with lots of family and friends.


  • 毁掉陆地矿井就可以我们的一艘船瘫痪,如果停止全世界石油供应,这会让整个海军海豚计划机器计划一段时间内痛苦不迭。

    One land mine blowing up one ship and choking the world's oil supply pays for the entire Navy Marine mammal program and its robotics program for a long time.


  • 人计划灵感来源于星系动物园计划。星系动物园计划成立2007年,旨在帮助科研哈勃望远镜观测到的星系分类——正是那种机器无法胜任对于轻而易举的麻烦活。

    Planet Hunters grew out of Galaxy Zoo, which was set up in 2007 to help researchers classify galaxies spotted by hubble-just the sort of fuzzy task that machines struggle with but humans excel at.


  • 一些强烈鼓励一些要求制定数据管理计划数据可用

    Several strongly encourage, and some require, a data-management plan that makes data available.


  • 一些强烈鼓励,另一些要求制定使数据可用的数据管理计划

    Several strongly encourage, and some require a data-management plan that makes data available.


  • 一旦我们超过5000个签名,我们便计划寄给政府希望更多开始认真对待它。

    Once we have over 5,000 signatures we are planning to send it to the government in the hope that more people will begin to take it seriously.


  • 总统国会领导说明了计划

    The president explained his plans to congressional leaders.


  • 3位领导制定出了一份和平计划

    The three leaders had worked out a peace plan.


  • 这份计划从科学角度看兴奋部分军事上却可能无用。是新型激光开发

    The parts of the enterprise which are scientifically the most exciting are unlikely to be militarily useful. I am thinking here of the development of new kinds of lasers.


  • 这项计划年轻提供了获得工作经验机会

    The programme affords young people the chance to gain work experience.


  • 这个宣传计划显然针对青年的。

    The campaign is clearly targeted at the young.


  • 格林一家计划澳大利亚度假。

    The Greens are planning to take a vacation in Australia.


  • 相信作为一个年轻怀有梦想制定计划重要的。

    I believe that as a young person, it's important to dream and make plans.


  • 计划基本结构的时候,你是否离开确保一个

    When you're planning the basic structure, do you like to go away to be sure that you're by yourself?


  • 计划了一年后,白终于载着到达了南极洲

    A year later than planned, Shirase and six men finally reached Antarctica.


  • 随着美国宇航局计划2020年重返月球星座计划取消,还会推动下一代完成计划呢?

    With the cancellation of Nasa's Constellation programme to return Americans to the moon by 2020, who is to inspire the next generation to finish it?


  • 既然我们一步,没有必要计划我们路线因为一个可以不断决定下一步哪里

    Since we only take one step at a time, there is no need to plan our route for one can make continuous decisions about where to turn next.


  • 项对去年创办公司企业家调查显示尽管几乎所有做了大量的准备研究计划但只有一半利用这些工作制定正式商业计划

    A survey of entrepreneurs who started companies last year shows that while virtually all did substantial preparatory research and planning, only half used that work to produce a formal business plan.


  • 中国新闻社周二报道,中国计划送入太空,为期一周

    China has set its sight on putting three people into space for a week, the China News Service said on Tuesday.


  • 讽刺的是联邦政府捕食者控制计划主要创始

    Ironically, the Federal government is the chief founder of predator-control programs.


  • 杰基选择公司计划雇用一个二十申请这个工作

    The company Jackie chose planned to employ only one person, but more than twenty people applied for the job.


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