• 这些机器装备许多传感器识别环境条件热传感器视觉传感器检测体温变化

    The robots are equipped with many sensors to identify conditions of the environment, using thermal and vision sensors that detect changes in body temperature.


  • 美国陆军计划通过这份合同,机器装备大量普通步兵团

    With the contract award, the Army plans to issue robots in larger Numbers to its general infantry.


  • 因此,2007年的周末安德森先生举家带着无线遥控模型飞机一套乐高头脑风暴机器装备

    So one weekend in 2007, Mr.Anderson brought home a model radio-controlled airplane and a Lego Mindstorms robotics kit.


  • 因此,2007年的周末安德森先生举家带着无线遥控模型飞机套乐高头脑风暴机器装备

    So one weekend in 2007, Mr. Anderson brought home a model radio-controlled airplane and a Lego Mindstorms robotics kit.


  • 由于前一周大风天气造成延误我们现场勘察5着睡袋装备最后一班货运航班几天才抵达

    The five of us in our field party arrived with our sleep kits and personal gear several days after the last cargo flight, because of the weather delays from high winds in the previous week.


  • 周三数万装备100番茄来到西班牙的布诺参加“番茄大战”,十分开心地向彼此身上扔“西红柿弹” 。

    Tens of thousands of people armed with 100 tonnes of plum tomatoes took part in the "Tomatina" on Wednesday, joyously splattering each other in the Spanish town of Bunol.


  • 与此同时首都现在一些志愿者负责治理治安则由一些长满胡须士兵漫不经心地负责,这些装备重机枪坐在车里巡视各地检查点消磨时光。

    Meanwhile the capital is run by groups of volunteers and policed in random fashion by cheerful bands of bearded fighters who cruise around in pickups mounted with heavy guns and lounge at checkpoints.


  • 然后士兵们可以机器他们其他器械充电,能用机器来运送装备他们自己。

    It could then be used to recharge their electrical devices, carry some of their equipment or transport the soldiers as well.


  • 烧掉或者炸掉许多装备要么拱手让给伊拉克

    You'd burn or blow up a lot of your equipment or hand it over to the Iraqis.


  • 测试产品时,马特奥康纳装备创始公关第一次弹出式”艺术才开始了打造自己品牌,仅仅占其中的十分之一。

    Matt O’Connor, the outfit’s founder (and a PR man), says his first pop-up let him launch his brand for a tenth of the normal cost, while testing product ideas.


  • 之后无线装备生产商爱立信宣布全球裁员5000

    This was followed by wireless equipment maker Ericsson, who said it would be cutting 5, 000 jobs worldwide.


  • 有些对我旅行很有兴趣,比如到了哪些装备等等

    Some of you expressed interest in the trip, what gear I end up using, etc.


  • 即使装备良好的医院医生报告具有特征明显几乎相似病况中,仅有部分检测结果阳性。

    Even in the best-equipped hospitals, doctors have reported seeing patients with distinctive and virtually identical disease profiles, yet only some have positive test results.


  • 这种矩形机器看上去有点缩小太阳能汽车装备分辨率的摄像机传感器探测到长的过分高大树木

    The rectangular robot--looking a bit like a scaled down version of a solar car--is equipped with a high-definition camera and sensors that can detect overgrown trees.


  • 两种机器装备陀螺传感器控制移动保持平衡,传感器用来侦测障碍物摄像头传输画面,整个功能通过蓝牙开启。

    Both robots were equipped with gyro sensors to control motion and keep balance, sensors to detect obstacles, cameras to transmit images, and the ability to operate through Bluetooth.


  • 中年辆崭新自行车丢掉快捷汽车健康的警告还是仅仅是个渴望台昂贵装备呢?

    Middle-aged man is spurning the fast car for a flash bike. But is this the tip of a fitness iceberg or just a yearning for expensive gear?


  • 有些指出,此举将会有利于那些富有大国因为他们拥有先进技术研发新型运动装备

    Some point out, for instance, that it would help big, rich countries that have better access to the technology.


  • 即使开创工业机器先河60%生产依靠它们汽车工业现在一条装备线上开始生产不同型号

    Even the car industry, which pioneered factory robots and which still accounts for some 60% of their use, now makes different models on the same assembly line.


  • 来自可口可乐这样公司还有位身家几十亿的生意数百万美元捐款正在流入,为像警用装备之类的东西买单

    Millions of dollars in donations from companies like Coca-Cola and a billionaire businessman, Eike Batista, are also pouring in, paying for things like police equipment.


  • 这台机器有趣地方在于传感器装备红外感应器同时也是二氧化碳探测器能够监测呼吸体温状况。

    But where it gets really interesting is in its sensors. The Quince has an infrared sensor as well as a carbon-dioxide sensor, which it USES to detect human breath and body warmth.


  • 根据一些观察员报道,总共400,000武装力量只有大约四分之一装备精良有战斗力的,而其中,仅有一半(50,000)真正可靠

    According to some analysts, only a quarter of the total armed forces of roughly 400,000 is well equipped and ready to fight-and of these, only half, or 50,000 men, is really reliable.


  • 可以夸张每个小时都会有一尼泊尔经过身边,而他们背着是你的装备的货物,却比你要轻松八倍。

    It is safe to say that almost every hour you will pass a native Nepalese carrying four times the size of your pack with one-eighth the difficulty.


  • 装备卡车小型工作就是这种非法活动的幕后推手

    Small logging brigades of some four men, with the help of trucks, are behind most illegal felling.


  • 担忧的是,就业项目并未教给任何技术没有他们安排培训任凭他们处于以往一样装备落后、生产率低的状态。

    More worrying, the jobs scheme gives its workers no skills or training, leaving them as unproductive and ill-equipped for other work as before.


  • 针对远离马路的更恶劣地形波士顿力学研究室的工程师们正在设计一种行走机器搬运装备

    For rougher terrain away from roads, engineers at Boston Dynamics are designing a walking robot to carry gear.


  • 虽然只有很少出去庆祝,但大批大批的黎波里正在蜂拥进入武器装备库房抢夺武器。

    Though relatively few people went out to celebrate, Tripolitans by the hundred plundered the arms depots.


  • 为了将业务延伸遥远村落印度国家银行正在委派装备读卡器相连手机代理

    To reach remote villages, SBI is appointing agents equipped with mobile phones attached to card readers.


  • 为了将业务延伸遥远村落印度国家银行正在委派装备读卡器相连手机代理

    To reach remote villages, SBI is appointing agents equipped with mobile phones attached to card readers.


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