• 苏尼尔·库马尔,32岁货仓孟买附近一家纺织中心万迪工作,正在休假在那里操纵一台电动织机

    Sunil Kumar, a 32-year-old in Godown, was on leave from a textiles hub near Mumbai, Bhiwandi, where he operates a power-loom.


  • 这股怒火喷发主要失业欠债年青苏哈尔港口表达,造成至少丧生有些报导伤亡数字高达

    An outburst of anger expressed mainly by jobless or ill-paid youths in the port of Sohar left at least one person dead; some reports put the toll as high as six.


  • 莱德尔女士并没有一名报纸撰稿而专门学习实际上都没有完成茂宁塞德学院学业,该学院位于爱荷华州

    Miz Lederer did not study to become a newspaper writer. In fact, she did not finish her university studies at Morningside College, in Sioux City, Iowa.


  • 并且,小组开会(之后并没有地震发生),这位技术员的公众声明在邻近苏尔莫纳引起了恐慌

    His public pronouncements reportedly caused panic in the nearby city of Sulmona two days before the meeting of the commission (no big earthquake followed on that occasion).


  • 努努妻子南茜前不久一起授予汉普顿·福尔斯“肥猪总管名誉职位。当地还特意为此举行了一宣誓就职典礼,并给苏努努夫妇颁发了荣誉徽章

    Sununu and his wife, Nancy, recently were named to the honorary post of Hampton Falls' hog reeve, complete with a swearing-in ceremony and a badge.


  • 周四视频资料显示苏尔被捕依然活着之后,关于这位领导死因于是成了疑问

    Questions have been raised over the former leader's death after video footage showed him alive at the time of capture in Sirte on Thursday.


  • 当时一举动看起来没什么实际价值这个年轻喜欢设计制造设备——乐此不疲的往返太平洋海岸高速公路和位于苏尔采样点间。

    It seemed of little practical value, but he liked designing and building the equipment-and driving back and forth along the Pacific Coast Highway to his sampling site at Big Sur was fun.


  • 米苏拉塔派出1000前往苏尔特,很快他们改变方向,转向的黎波里。

    Misrata sending 1000 to Sirte but they quickly changed moved their men back and are heading to tripoli.


  • 卡扎菲上校的希望尸体埋葬这位领导位于苏尔家乡

    Colonel Gaddafi's family wanted the bodies to be buried outside the former leader's hometown of Sirte.


  • 至于那些处于土丘城市尔外,以色列都没有焚毁:若苏厄烧了哈尔。

    Except the cities that were on hills and high places, the rest Israel burned: only Asor that was very strong he consumed with fire.


  • 早前阿尔维斯经纪苏亚雷斯声称,有80% - 90%的把握相信切尔西塞维利亚完成转会。

    Earlier Alves' agent Geronimo Suarez said he was "80-90% confident" a deal can be struck between Chelsea and Sevilla for the full-back.


  • 塑造大师内•里恩开始相信绝地大师科尔·天行者,那个一起实施奥苏斯工程的,如此命名的工程发起,被云-内舍尔慈祥地注视着。

    Master Shaper Nei Rin came to believe that the Jedi Master Kol Skywalker, with whom she worked alongside on the Ossus Project, as the initiative was named, was looked kindly upon by Yun-Ne 'shel.


  • 北约雇佣军及其代理要求北约帮助攻打苏尔

    NATO mercenaries and its agents are asking for help in Sirte.


  • 以后若苏出兵,消灭赫贝龙、德彼尔、阿纳布山地犹大山地以色列山地所有阿纳克毁灭了他们和他们所有的城市

    At that time Josue came and cut off the Enacims from the mountains, from Hebron, and Dabir, and Anab, and from all the mountain of Juda and Israel, and destroyed their cities.


  • 效忠利比亚罢黜领导卡扎菲的战斗星期天继续保卫他们在班尼瓦里苏尔特的据点,而他们的前反叛对手还努力取得进展

    Fighters loyal to Libya's ousted leader Moammar Gadhafi continued Sunday to defend their strongholds of Bani Walid and Sirte, as their former rebel opponents struggle to gain ground.


  • 架飞机乘客37,准备托木斯克飞往苏尔古特。

    The plane, which flew from Tomsk to Surgut, had 37 people onboard.


  • 身处攻占利比亚苏尔激烈战斗中显然名士兵表现的相当“定”。苏尔特是利比亚逃亡领导卡扎菲最后几个要塞之一

    This fighter is clearly keeping calm amidst the fierce battle to take control of the Libyan town of Sirte, one of the last strongholds of fugitive leader Muammar Gaddafi.


  • 我们能够摆脱洪水但是饥饿也许会杀死我们。”40岁的霍拉,他其他数百一同坐在苏库条雨水浸泡的道路上。

    "We were able to escape the floodwaters, but hunger may kill us," said Hora Mai, 40, sitting on a rain-soaked road in Sukkur along with hundreds of other people.


  • 主持首先先给我们介绍一下苏尔拜尼沃利德两地最新战况

    The chairpersons: first, please give us the Sirte and bani walid the latest progress of a battle.


  • :苏丝·奥尔财经畅销书作者作品包括《掌握经济自由步骤勇敢个有钱》等。

    Note: Suze Orman is a bestselling financial author whose books include "The 9 Steps to financial Freedom" and "The Courage to be Rich."


  • 最早发现岩洞寻宝苏恩··齐尔。追捕羚羊进入坎戈岩洞。

    The first person to discover this wonder of nature was a fortune hunter, Soon Van Zyl, who entered the Cango Caves to chase after an antelope.


  • 最早发现岩洞寻宝苏恩··齐尔。追捕羚羊进入坎戈岩洞。

    The first person to discover this wonder of nature was a fortune hunter, Soon Van Zyl, who entered the Cango Caves to chase after an antelope.


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