• 研究一个相关国际健康人口监测网络人群及其健康的人口学评价INDEPTH))建立联系。

    The study links a related international network of health and demographic surveillance: the Demographic evaluation of populations and their health (INDEPTH).


  • 这份报告更新1994年医学会减少精神疾病风险》一书。并且报告将注意力集中于研究基地94以来已经出现年轻人群相关项目经验。

    The report updates a 1994 IOM book, Reducing Risks for Mental Disorders, and focuses attention on the research base and program experiencewith younger populations that have emerged since that time.


  • 阿尔茨海氏症研究信托基金首席执行官RebeccaWood: “现在就肯定的宣称饮用咖啡或者服用咖啡因替代品可以帮助人们治疗阿尔茨海默氏症还为时过早。 毕竟目前还没有治愈的案例,继续进行相关研究,以帮助治疗阿尔茨海默氏症人群至关重要的。

    Rebecca Wood, chief executive of the Alzheimer's Research Trust, said: "It is too early to say whether drinking coffee or taking caffeine supplements will help people with Alzheimer's.


  • 保健品生产商出资成立的保健品信息服务部:“这项研究没有提供任何证据证实复合维生素乳腺癌相关。 鉴于英国女性对微量营养素的摄入量低,且我国饮食结构不够完善,服用复合维生素能极大帮助此类人群提高维生素和矿物质的摄入量。”

    The Health Supplements Information Service, funded by supplements manufacturers, said: 'This does not provide any proof that multivitamins are linked to breast cancer.


  • 检索相关科学文献每个发病率检索出基于人群监测研究采用实验室检查确诊病例数据。

    Population-based surveillance studies using laboratory-confirmed cases were sought for each incidence group by a computerized search of the scientific literature.


  • 之前研究显示每晚睡眠时间不无小时人群发胖的可能性大,同时还容易患上体重超标相关疾病比如说罹患2型糖尿病的风险就高出不少

    A number of studies have observed that people who sleep five hours or less are more prone to weight gain and weigh-related diseases such as type-2 diabetes.


  • 通过研究地区主要当地医院通告人群为基础的癌症登记相关资料估计癌症发病率

    Cancer incidence was assessed by notification from major local hospitals in the study area and data linkage with population-based cancer registries.


  • 研究人员报道他们进行这项研究结果主要来源于是墨西哥血统人群可能其他人群相关

    They resulted from a study conducted among persons with Mexican ancestry but may have relevance to other populations, say the researchers.


  • 结论一前瞻性研究提示一般日本人群糖尿病葡萄糖水平升高冠心病发病联。

    CONCLUSIONS: This prospective study suggests that diabetes and elevated glucose levels are associated with incident CHD in the general Japanese population.


  • 作为社会关怀焦点学术研究热门有关及其相关社会运动题目研究日益受到学界重视

    As a focus of the society and hotspot of academic research, the related groups of workers and social movement issues have been paid more and more academic attention.


  • 目的研究自然人群老年人颈动脉硬度相关因素预防临床动脉硬化提供依据。

    Objective to prevent subclinical atherosclerosis we studied carotid stiffness and its correlation factors in middle-aged and old people.


  • 死亡率引力模型研究两个相关暴露数规模不同人群动态死亡率模型。

    The gravity model is used for studying the mortality rate dynamics between two related but different sized population groups.


  • 我们正在扩大研究观察是否一个更大范围的高加索患者人群中存在这种相关性。

    We are expanding the study to see if the association holds up in a larger Caucasian patient population.


  • 目的研究中国汉族人群CYP3AP1基因型分布特征及其与CYP3A活性相关性。

    AIM: To investigate the distribution of genotype of CYP3AP1 in Chinese Han population and the correlation with CYP3A activity.


  • 了解不同种族人群血管紧张素转换酶基因多态性遗传特点研究血管紧张素转换酶基因I/D多态性疾病相关基础前提

    To know genetic features of ACE gene polymorphism of individuals of different nationalities is the basis and prerequisite to study the correlation of ACE gene I/D polymorphism with diseases.


  • 亚洲人群屈光正和青光眼流行病学特征已经比较明确,但糖尿病视网膜病变年龄相关黄斑变性等重要致盲原因研究尚有欠缺。

    While the epidemiology of refractive errors and glaucoma have been well characterized, there are few population-based knowledge on diabetic retinopathy and age related macular degeneration.


  • 研究目的研究亚洲人群MALT淋巴瘤临床病理学特征及其治疗临床预后相关性。

    The aim of this study is to examine the clinicopathological features of MALT lymphoma and to correlate this with treatment and clinical outcomes in an Asian population.


  • 结论这项研究人群中,端粒长度癌症发生率死亡率密切相关

    Conclusion in this study population, there was a statistically significant inverse relationship between telomere length and both cancer incidence and mortality.


  • 使用直线相关回归方法研究正常人群肝脏体积体表面积关系得出相应的回归方程

    The relation between normal liver volume measured by CT and body surface area (BSA) was studied by linear regression and correlation method, the standard liver volume formula was deduced.


  • 目的对照研究人群饮酒饮酒原因找出影响危害相关因素

    ObjectiveTo detective the drinking condition and drinking cause between the immigration city and non-immigration city, looking for the correlative factors that drinking result in harm.


  • 西北大学医学院睡眠障碍中心主要发起者主任PhyllisZee医学博士这项研究重要因为与“一个庞大人群联。

    Phyllis Zee, MD, senior author and director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Northwestern Medicine, says the study is important because it is relevant to "a huge proportion of the population."


  • 同样研究结果表明单独使用雌激素女性高敏c反应蛋白的升高冠脉事件发生危险增加相关联合使用雌激素和黄体酮的女性人群中却无此相关性。

    An elevated hs-CRP value was also associated with an increased risk of coronary events in women using estrogen alone, but not in those using estrogen plus progesterone, the report indicates.


  • Devereux首次进行大规模人群研究确定JNC - 7高血压分类方法相关心脏改变

    Devereux said this is the first large population-based study to examine the heart changes associated with the new JNC-7 category of hypertension.


  • 目的通过成功老龄认知功能相关因素研究,以完善理解老龄人群认知功能状况

    To perfectly understand the status of cognitive function of the aged through the study on the cognitive function and relatedfactors of successful ageing.


  • 特别是人群为基础的研究有显著相关性,在病例对照相关低,在住院病人研究这种相关性较高。

    In particular, a significant positive association was present in population-based studies, which had lower response rates in cases and controls, but not in hospital-based studies.


  • 研究结论作者总结认为,老年人尤其是年龄大于80岁的老年人群中,户外温度血压密切相关

    Conclusions: the authors concluded that outdoor temperature and blood pressure correlated strongly in the elderly, especially in those greater than age 80.


  • 研究结论作者总结认为,老年人尤其是年龄大于80岁的老年人群中,户外温度血压密切相关

    Conclusions: the authors concluded that outdoor temperature and blood pressure correlated strongly in the elderly, especially in those greater than age 80.


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