• 但是能保证这项研究结论适用于位于罗利市北卡罗莱大学的大卫·指出

    But no one's sure how well such studies model what happens in people, points out David Dorman of North Carolina State University in Raleigh.


  • 国家警察局发言里奥·艾斯潘告诉当地媒体迪克先生星期一袭击发生一些持枪者

    National Police spokesman Leonardo Espina told local media that Mr. Dicay had been seen with some of the gunmen earlier on Monday, before the assault.


  • 2008年初,现在竞选加州州长惠特曼女士已经把公司命脉转手钦点继承约翰·霍,可见把握时机胜过深思熟虑。

    Showing better timing than foresight, Ms Whitman (who is now running for governor of California) had already handed over the REINS to her anointed successor, John Donahoe, in early 2008.


  • 尔·吉斯热带风暴袭击一个缅甸学校计划6月2开学,这场风暴夺去数万生命,让一百无家可归

    Burma's schools were due to reopen on June 2, one month after Cyclone Nargis struck, killing tens of thousands of people and rendering more than one million homeless.


  • 据印度税务部长达尔马·普拉萨达·拉奥(Dharmana PrasadaRao)邻近安得拉邦有60遇难还有100暂时安身在100顶援助帐篷里。

    In neighbouring Andhra Pradesh, 60 people had died and more than 1 million had sought shelter in 100 relief camps, Dharmana Prasada Rao, the state's revenue minister, said.


  • 马尔纳多(The townofPuerto Maldonado)位于秘鲁利马以东600英里处,当地称之为狂野西部

    The town of Puerto Maldonado lies about 600 miles east of Lima, Peru, but locals call it the Wild West.


  • 德国杜塞尔检察署发言乔汉斯·莫肯(Johannes Mocken)14日声明当中表示,监察机构对瑞士信贷设在德国的13办公室进行了突击搜查

    Thirteen Credit Suisse (Deutschland) AG locations were raided as part of the investigation, Johannes Mocken, spokesman for the Dusseldorf prosecutorsoffice, said in an e-mailed statement.


  • 纳多我们沿着地平线公路静静巡航,这里限速35英里。这一条开通1939年的著名公路一路追随着土著美洲踪迹

    At Shenandoah, we cruised the Skyline Drive sedately (the speed limit is 35mph), a renowned route (opened in 1939) that follows former Native American trails.


  • 中间·梅迪最后通信时间5月10日早上8——通知刽子手罗森博格上路了

    The inside man had communicated with Cardona Medina for the last time at 8 A.M. on May 10th—to alert the executioners that Rosenberg was on his way.


  • 臣服女巫,独处时,瓦尔卡罗出来见

    Rinaldo is still captivated by the sorceress, but once he is alone, Ubaldo and Carlo confront him.


  • 今晚只眼睛正盯着姆,机会追平奥兰记录。(我也不知道什么记录)。

    Many eyes will be on Andrew Bynum tonight when the Lakers get a chance to even their record against Orlando.


  • 克·莫弗斯一个特兰的是第一中的加·克特相同基础模型

    Nack Movers is a Trandoshan, using the same basic character model as Gha Nachkt from Season One.


  • 然而男友”弗兰奇·胸怀宽广,在他的记忆中二相遇一点特别。

    But little Francinaldo has a big heart and remembers their meeting a little differently.


  • 这些真正阿森球迷他们希望去看预备队内特的比赛,或者青年队比赛他们在埃米尔球场线比赛一样

    But these are real Arsenal fans who like to go to reserve games at Barnet or go and watch the youth team as much as they see the first team play at the Emirates.


  • 这些数字菲律宾警方发言迪奥·卡洛斯Dionardo Carlos)新闻媒体提供数字一致

    These figures match the numbers given to the news media by a Philippine police spokesman, Dionardo Carlos.


  • 西班牙打入了阿森轻松获胜德尼尔森爱德华加拉斯费尔马伦取得进球

    The Spaniard scored two goals as the Gunners strolled to victory with Denilson, Eduardo, William Gallas and Thomas Vermaelen also on the scoresheet.


  • 意大利主教练认为吉拉迪诺一定要保持安静尽管周日米兰打了场另失望的比赛。

    Italy Coach Roberto Donadoni believes Alberto Gilardino must remain calm, despite another disappointing performance for Milan on Sunday.


  • 发现R -PK机器用途后,便开始尽可能地捕捉它们,重新编制它们程序。这样,它们无法奴隶主泄密

    Upon discovery of the R-PK's purpose, Anakin set about capturing as many as he could, reprogramming them so that the droids would fail to disclose the information the slave owners sought.


  • 一个古老城市欢迎大篷车阿拉伯叙利亚巴勒斯坦埃及佩特拉是的首都,他们统治部分中东四个世纪

    An ancient city that welcomed caravans from Arabia, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt, Petra was the capital of the Nabataeans, who ruled this part of the Middle East for more than four centuries.


  • “《维特鲁威》。” 兰登急促地说。 索尼埃用真复制了那幅列昂纳多。 芬奇名画达。 芬奇的《维特鲁威》被认为是当时在生理结构上准确的画作,现在成为一个现代文化偶像而出现世界各地招贴画上、鼠标垫上T 恤衫上

    Considered the most anatomically correct drawing of its day, Da Vinci's The Vitruvian Man had become a modern-day icon of culture, appearing on posters, mouse pads, and T-shirts around the world.


  • 中圈弧附近看着麦克菲登打进点球。这位法国国脚随后终场哨声吹响后哀伤坐在球场上,阿森全队都受到爱德华恐怖受伤的影响。

    The France international then sat distressed on the pitch at the final whistle, with the Arsenal side having been affected by the horrific injury suffered by Eduardo.


  • 中圈弧附近看着麦克菲登打进点球。这位法国国脚随后终场哨声吹响后哀伤坐在球场上,阿森全队都受到爱德华恐怖受伤的影响。

    The France international then sat distressed on the pitch at the final whistle, with the Arsenal side having been affected by the horrific injury suffered by Eduardo.


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