• 还记得人类基因计划吗?

    Remember the Human Genome Project?


  • 中国科学家已经绘制部分国际人类基因计划的图,这证明他们世界上优秀的科学家。

    Chinese scientists have mapped out part of the international human genome project, proving that they are among the world's best.


  • 一旦完成基因计划(欧洲已经开始了),人类基因计划看起来就像15世纪孩子算盘数学作业,非常小儿科了。

    When completed, the Human Epigenome Project (already under way in Europe) will make the Human genome Project look like homework that 15th century kids did with an abacus.


  • 一旦完成基因计划欧洲已经开始了),人类基因计划看起来就像15世纪孩子算盘数学作业,非常小儿科了。

    When completed, the Human Epigenome Project (already under way in Europe) will make the Human Genome Project look like homework that 15th century kids did with an abacus .


  • 人类基因计划(HumanGenomeProject)目标之一就是研究者找出单个基因多个变体(亦即等位基因)特定疾病之间的关联。

    One of the goals of the Human Genome Project was to allow researchers to link versions of individual genes (known as alleles) with particular diseases.


  • Yang博士坦率地说,千人基因计划可以揭示人类基因地缘差异或揭示政策失误种族差异。

    Dr Yang is also candid about the possibility of the 1, 000-genome project revealing systematic geographical differences in human genetics-or, to put it politically incorrectly, racial differences.


  • Yang博士坦率地说,千人基因计划可以揭示人类基因地缘差异或揭示政策失误和种族差异。

    Dr Yang is also candid about the possibility of the 1,000-genome project revealing systematic geographical differences in human genetics-or, to put it politically incorrectly, racial differences.


  • 如果足够运气的话,那么伴随着人类基因计划类似事情发生生物学界

    With luck, something similar will soon happen in biology in the wake of such things as the Human Genome Project.


  • 人类基因计划是否影响社会道德标准呢?

    Does the Human Genome Project affect the moral standards of society?


  • 为了使他们充份了解研究基因片段,他们工作的重心放在人类基因计划充分研究13,000段基因片段

    They focused their efforts on just over 13, 000 genes that have been well enough studied by the Human Genome Project for their DNA sequences to be known accurately.


  • 测序技术人类基因计划后有了长足的进展,但是仍然要求DNA经过一项称为“放大”的步骤复制几百万然后荧光标记

    Sequencing technology has come a long way since the Human Genome Project, but it still requires DNA to be copied millions of times, a step called amplification, and labelled with fluorescent tags.


  • 尽管人类基因计划已经组装细胞列出零件清单,但是没有一个明确的操作手册指导制造细胞的过程。

    Although the Human Genome Project has expanded the parts list for cells, there is no instruction manual for putting them together to produce a living cell.


  • 找到克服癌症方法,人类基因计划带给人们最大希望之一。

    ONE of the great hopes nurtured by the Human Genome Project was that it would crack cancer open.


  • 自从人类基因计划完成后生物学家迷惑不解动物(线虫苍蝇人类)好像相同数目组成蛋白质的基因——大概20,000个。

    Ever since the human-genome project was completed, it has puzzled biologists that animals, be they worms, flies or people, all seem to have about the same number of genes for proteins-around 20, 000.


  • 人类基因计划完成10周年一片庆祝声研究者科学家记者应对过分夸大基因组的作用而感到内疚。

    Amid celebrations of the 10-year anniversary of the Human genome Project, a team of researchers says both scientists and journalists are guilty of hyping the potential of genome sequencing.


  • 凡特博士做一步申请专利,而人类基因计划尽力确保基因数据作为人类共同遗产”,保留公共领域

    While Dr Venter was patenting every step of the way, the HGP was trying to ensure the genome remained in the public domain as part of "the common heritage of humanity".


  • 人类基因计划完成之后,已经清楚人类黑猩猩DNA96%是相同的。

    In the years since the human genome project was completed it has become clear that humans and chimps share around 96% of their DNA.


  • 人类基因计划数据库获取基因信息可以帮助科学家肿瘤样本中的相关基因进行定位拷贝

    Obtaining the details of these genes from the genome project's databases made it possible for the researchers to locate and make copies of each relevant gene from each cancer sample.


  • 计划私人企业力求破解人类基因组如出一辙

    The effort echoes the private-sector push to decode the human genome.


  • (人类基因计划)国际科学合作承担的大型项目之一最终取得了具有里程碑意义的成就

    It WAS one of the largest international scientific collaborations ever undertaken and it led, eventually, to a landmark accomplishment.


  • Quintana - Murci博士的数据来自人类基因组单体型计划图,旨在对单核苷酸多态性即SNPs进行归类

    Dr Quintana-Murci's data were drawn from a project called HapMap, which catalogues what are known as single-nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPs.


  • 人类基因计划揭示组成生命的基本构件10年之后科学家清楚基因协同共创一个活生生的的机制。

    Almost a decade after the human genome project laid bare the building blocks of life, scientists have figured out how they work together to create a living person.


  • 直到20世纪80年代中期Church导师Gilberts是若干支持人类基因计划中的

    By the mid - '80s, Church and his mentor Gilbert were two of a handful of people arguing in favor of a human genome project.


  • 图3基因研究英国英国科学家正在运用人类基因计划获得信息有效用药

    Genetic Research in Britain: Scientists in the U.K. are farming information from the Human Genome Project to prescribe medication more effectively. Getty images.


  • 公司要等到1995年公布毛细管测序器,但是Hood设计最终实现了数以十亿计的碱基对进行分析,人类基因计划做出了贡献。

    The company wouldn't release a capillary-based sequencer until 1995, but Hood's design would eventually chew up bases by the billion for the Human Genome Project.


  • 一个广为人知的例子按照人类基因计划最初速度,整理基因耗时数千而不是计划中的十五年

    In his favourite example, at the human genome project's initial speed, sequencing the genome should have taken thousands of years, not the 15 scheduled.


  • 一个广为人知的例子按照人类基因计划最初速度,整理基因耗时数千而不是计划中的十五年

    In his favourite example, at the human genome project's initial speed, sequencing the genome should have taken thousands of years, not the 15 scheduled.


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