• 最近一次这会商是2005年,目的是更新人类哺乳动物的毒性当量因子。

    The last such consultation was held in 2005 to update human and mammalian TEFs.


  • 植物王国的的以太光体吸入氧气二氧化碳人类哺乳动物物质体却吸入二氧化碳而出氧气。

    The etheric body and light body of the plant kingdom inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide while humans and mammals inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen in the nonphysical.


  • 人类最早4500年前定居北极,靠捕捞海洋哺乳动物鱼类生存

    Humans first settled in the Arctic a mere 4,500 years ago, surviving by exploiting sea mammals and fish.


  • 人类出现很早以前地球上就出现鱼类爬虫类鸟类一些哺乳动物

    Long before Man lived on the Earth, there were fishes, reptiles, birds, insects, and some mammals.


  • 报告称某些禽流感病毒跨越物种界限传播,导致人类其他哺乳动物患病临床感染

    Some of these AI viruses have also been reported to cross the species barrier and cause disease or subclinical infections in humans and other mammals.


  • 大多数哺乳动物相比人类女性生育保持胎儿处于无助的幼年期的时间更长

    Compared to most mammals, human females give birth to a fetus, and it stays helpless a very long time.


  • 所有哺乳动物人类海豚最大而且,人海豚血液红细胞,特别利于葡萄糖通过大量运送到脑部。

    Humans and dolphins have the largest brains of all mammals and both have red blood cells that are exceptionally permeable to glucose and able to ferry large amounts of the sugar into the brain.


  • 这种复杂动物包括鱼类鸟类爬行动物哺乳动物(我们人类),具有高度细化免疫系统这样的系统不会允许这些外来生物体我们细胞中生长

    This group of complex animals, which includes fish, birds, reptiles and mammals (like us humans) have highly specialised immune systems, which should not let these foreign organisms live in our cells.


  • 陆地海洋人类处在巨大生物金字塔顶端,成为所有生物主宰,给海洋哺乳动物带来巨大的胁。

    At sea, as on land, humans have now positioned themselves on the top of the whole great pyramid of life, and they have caused serious problems for the mammals of the sea.


  • 除了人类黑猩猩没有其他哺乳动物懂得用物件佐证实力,马丁

    No other mammals besides humans and chimps carry objects for display, says Martin.


  • 世卫组织毒性当量因子值已经得到确立适用人类哺乳动物鸟类鱼类

    WHO-TEF values have been established which apply to humans, mammals, birds and fish.


  • 但是非洲黄冠人类仅有两种利用植物获取毒素哺乳动物

    But the African crested rat and Homo sapiens are the only two mammals who use plants to make their poisons.


  • 接着动物其他哺乳动物类(包括人类)起它们的粪便,弓形虫便他们大脑肝脏肌肉组织内形成包囊

    These are then picked up by rats and mice (and also by other mammal species, including humans), where they form cysts in brain, liver and muscle tissue.


  • 利用改进了的狩猎技术早期人类似乎扮演终结者的角色,使长毛猛犸其他超过哺乳动物彻底从地球上消失。

    By improving their hunting techniques, early humans seem to have played a major role in finishing off the woolly mammoths and nine other mammal species that weighed over a tonne.


  • 表现人类海岸边生活的一群哺乳动物不过这群动物已受遮阳伞乱糟糟不守规矩人群

    I wanted to show that humans are like colonies of mammals living on the coast, but got fed up with beach umbrellas and unruly crowds.


  • 因此个十年里,我们得到大量基因组序列:大多数人类病原体植物多种昆虫哺乳动物包括人类的基因组。

    So in the last decade, a large number of genomes have been added: most human pathogens, a couple of plants, several insects and several mammals, including the human genome.


  • 听力丧失以及相关失衡主要原因在于人类其他一些哺乳动物听觉细胞无法自行再生。这点其他生物鸟类不同。

    The major reason for hearing loss and certain balance disorders is that - unlike other species such as birds - humans and other mammals are unable to spontaneously regenerate these hearing cells.


  • 这些哺乳动物不幸成为人类所需要一堆游动着的商品如皮毛

    Marine mammals have the misfortune to be swimming aggregates of commodities that humans want: fur, oil and meat.


  • 然而人类不同于其他哺乳动物具有独特感知觉认知能力覆盖内部生物钟节奏输出。

    However, humans, unlike other mammalian species, have the unique ability, consciously and cognitively, to override their internal biological clock and its rhythmic outputs.


  • 艾达猩猩、猴子以及我们人类其他哺乳动物乃至最终整个动物王国联系起来重要环节。

    Ida is a link between the apes, monkeys and us with the rest of the mammals and ultimately the whole animal kingdom.


  • 相比其他灵长动物哺乳动物人类拥有大脑更窄产道

    In comparison to other primates and mammals, humans have relatively large heads and narrow birth canals.


  • 这些区域在人类其它哺乳动物空间感知定位方面发挥重要的作用。

    What remained, though, was a part of the parietal lobe, which contributes to spatial perception and orientation in both humans and other mammals.


  • 哺乳动物它起平衡身体传递信号支撑物体的作用,尾巴猿猴人类已经消失了

    Useful for mammals that use tails for balance, species-to-species signaling, and support, the tail is missing in apes and in humans.


  • 早期人类更多是作为一个猎物不是猎人。新发现史前灵长类祖先化石验证了这一点,他们经常饥饿鸟类肉食哺乳动物吞食

    Early humans may have evolved as prey animals rather than as predators, suggest the remains of our prehistoric primate ancestors that were devoured by hungry birds and carnivorous mammals.


  • 研究者发现对于人类大多数哺乳动物来说,连续六个小时以上的95华氏度以上的极限“湿球温度”,将会使他们面临由于酷热造成“极易死亡阶段”。

    The researchers found that humans and most mammals experience a potentially lethal level of heat stress at a "wet-bulb" temperature above 95 degrees sustained for six hours or more.


  • 为了研究人类大脑是否这些哺乳动物一样发生相似变化他的同事扫描19位刚刚产后妈妈个月扫描了一次。

    To see if the similar changes might happen in people, Kim and colleagues scanned the brains of 19 mothers a few weeks after giving birth and again three to four months later.


  • 忘我主义例子俯拾皆是,广泛存在于人类其它哺乳动物群体

    Examples of altruism abound, both among humans and among other mammals.


  • 然后人类其它哺乳动物鸟类物质形体吸入氧气呼出二氧化碳,在维持生存创造一个彼此支持共生关系

    Humans along with other mammals and birds then inhale the oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide in the physical creating a symbiotic relationship where one supports the other in the continued existence.


  • 然后人类其它哺乳动物鸟类物质形体吸入氧气呼出二氧化碳,在维持生存创造一个彼此支持共生关系

    Humans along with other mammals and birds then inhale the oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide in the physical creating a symbiotic relationship where one supports the other in the continued existence.


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