• 真的我们可能继续沿着非洲现代人类前进。

    It really made it possible for us to continue along the path toward modern humans in Africa.


  • 走过的一步觉悟之路人类带来了伟大光波通过这样同时也疗愈世界使得每个人都升。

    Each enlightened step you take brings greater waves of light to humanity and through that you also heal the world and enable the ascension of everyone.


  • 强制性合作——其他灵长类动物没有采用这个方法——导致社会规则他们的强制实行,还有人类无私和语言。

    The path to obligatory cooperation - one that other primates did not take - led to social rules and their enforcement, to human altruism and to language.


  • 人类幸福就是坚定不移沿着做好事大道前进;那些坚毅而又最诚挚工作常常最成功的人。

    The road of human welfare lies along the old highway of steadfast well-doing; and they who are the most persistent, and work in the truest spirit, will usually be the most successful.


  • 阿迪化石发现为研究早期人类祖先进化过程提供了极重要线索那个时期的人类祖先生活在进化分岔口通向人类一条则通向黑猩猩类。

    The discovery of Ardi provides vital clues about the earliest human ancestor that lived at the fork in the evolutionary road that led to humans on one side and chimps on the other.


  • 丝绸其实有数条支线,它们分别沿着环境恶劣不适合人类居住塔克拉玛干沙漠外缘,穿越不同绿洲

    Skirting the edges of the harsh and inhospitable Taklimakan desert, the Silk Road actually had several different branches, each passing through different oases.


  • 虽带瑕疵依旧通往人类命运神圣

    With all its flaws, it is still a sacred path to our destiny as human beings.


  • 旅游知识大家都参加旅游,周游世界自己的广阔胸怀,世界将成为人类美好乐园

    Tourism is the road to knowledge, let everyone to participate in the tourism, travel around the world, spacious open their broad mind, the world will become a better mankind and paradise.


  • 微笑人类之赐予有如阳光花朵恩宠。它们的确细微的,遍布生命。微笑好处实在是无可估量

    What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. They are trifles, to be sure, but scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.


  • 至爱内在发现红族之路人类

    Dear Beloved upon the Red Road of Inner Discovery.


  • 人类探索,想要发现如果我们停止尝试,我们将走上一条衰败

    The human race wants to explore, wants to find things out, and if we stop trying we're on the road to decay.


  • 公元前1世纪我国商队通过“丝绸西方建立贸易往来此时人类可以织物进行染色

    In the 1st century B. c., our country caravan passed "the Silk Road" to establish the trade with the West. At the same time, the humanity also can dyeing on the fabric.


  • 全球面临能源危机能源植物原料生产石油替代品人类最终的能源之路

    The world is being faced with the energy crisis. Obtaining oil substitute from energy plants is the final energy way for human beings.


  • 人类选择漫长迂回回归上帝之路

    Man has chosen the long winded way back to God.


  • 电影第一人类的眼睛还给人类借助梦幻之路使重返想象界。

    It was the movie that returned human eyes to themselves and made them by dream come back to imaginary world.


  • 然而相信诗人行为并非时代背道而驰,而是尝试修复人类前进之路精神创伤

    However I believe that doesn't mean poets' behaviors run retrorsely against the time, they are trying to repair the mental trauma of people on the road.


  • 团结一致我们将引领真相,和谐和平整个人类

    Together, we follow the path that leads to truth, harmony, peace, and love for all mankind.


  • 自由之路将带体验一条自由的坎坷曲折危机四伏,经受过所有这些挑战后,你深切地领悟人类自由的由衷向往。

    For the love of freedom takes you on journey to learn more about the perils, the challenges, and the love that saw so many reach freedom.


  • 在一万多年就有人类活动踪迹,沅水“海上丝绸”通江达海

    Pushi I town showed trails of human activities as early as ten thousand years ago; Yuan River, the ancient "Maritime Silk Road" links cities and regions together.


  • 马克思分工契机敢于直面历史疮痍与丑恶努力批判开启人类解放

    Marx bravely confronted the wound and the ugliness of history from the perspective of the division of labor, and tried to open the critical path of human liberation in criticism.


  • 人类要去探索,想要去发现所以若要是我们停止尝试的话走上一条衰败

    The human race wants to explore, wants to find things out, and if we stop trying we're on the road to decay.


  • 我们奉行修行之路上,我们需要超越人类自我接受动物存在正当性

    As we support our paths, we need to reach beyond the human frame and accept the validity of the animals path.


  • 人类辛苦寂寞但同时也是风景无限

    Although it is a lonely and hard way to go for an anthropologist, it is full of wonders.


  • 大田世博会主题为“新的起飞之路” 世博会吉祥物为“梦精灵”。一个能施展各种本领宇宙小精灵形象表达人类科学技术梦想

    The mascot of the World Expo 1993 Daejon, South Korea was called "Kumdori", who was a figure of the universe spirit with many abilities, showing a dream of human beings for science and technology.


  • 古老奥林匹斯圣火,传递着人类更快更高、更奥运精神悠远丝绸传递着中西文明交融

    Ancient Olympus torch relay in human faster, higher and stronger more before the Olympic spirit, stretches of the silk road and western civilization blend convey.


  • 古老奥林匹斯圣火,传递着人类更快更高、更奥运精神悠远丝绸传递着中西文明交融

    Ancient Olympus torch relay in human faster, higher and stronger more before the Olympic spirit, stretches of the silk road and western civilization blend convey.


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