• 我们欣然接受“服务促进和平”的呼吁,我们必能使人类与世界进一步迈向和平。

    When we embrace peace Through Service, we strive for a greater peace for ourselves, and for our world.


  • 让我现实世界中的人类有了更多的联系。

    It brought me more connections with humans in the real world.


  • 神经学实验表明坚信无形的实体现实世界相互作用信念,早已成为人类大脑默认状态

    Neuroscience experiments show that belief in invisible entities interacting with the physical world has become the default state of the human brain.


  • 长远的观点来看,卡斯帕罗夫世界队的较量深蓝更好地告诉我们有关象棋人类思想过程

    In the long run, Kasparov vs. the World may tell us more about chess and human thought processes than Deep Blue ever could.


  • 而且不仅仅动物世界赏识这些人类已经知道如何物尽其能地利用岩石矿物

    And an appreciation not just of the animal world - these people know how to make the most of the rocks and minerals.


  • 我们认为世界丰富多彩的,各种文明之间交流对话人类文明进步动力

    We believe that the world is a colorful one. Exchanges and dialogue between different civilizations are the impetus to the progress of human civilization.


  • 未来世界匆匆一瞥,未来人类技术互动将更加简便、更加自然

    It's a glimpse into the future of a world where our interactions with technology come more easily and more naturally than ever before.


  • 于是换个思维角度.我知道了宇宙的浩瀚,明白了的渺小,明白人的一切世界没有意义的,人类终将消失茫茫星河之中,不仅没有我感到失落,反而让我更平静的对待生活生命,反而更让我享受拥有一切,不要忘了,人还有一切赋予意义的能力,人对世界没有意义,但世界对人有意义的。

    Remember, humans are still capable of endowing meanings to everything they see. They might not be meaningful to the world, the it is in the other way around.


  • 人们机器人迎接家里之前必须喜欢信任他们,来自世界各地好几个研究团体正在研发如何人类机器人更容易沟通的渠道。

    People are going to have to like, and importantly trust robots before they welcome them into their homes, and several groups around the world are working on making it easier to communicate with them.


  • 灵性世界物质世界帷幕持续在剥离,是由于人类拥抱了他们灵性真实,允许天堂振动聚集行星之上

    The veil between the spiritual and material continues to lift as more of humanity embraces their spirituality and allows the vibration of Heaven to reside on the planet.


  • 你们世界气象组织及其会员以及为各个合作伙伴组织提供一个独特的机会中国气象局一道关注人类未来至关重要问题

    You have offered WMO and its Members, and partner organizations, a unique opportunity to focus with the China Meteorological Administration on issues which are vital for the future of humanity.


  • 现代世界人类活动大自然状态健康有着巨大影响

    Human activity in the modern world has an immense influence on the state and "health" of the nature.


  • 她说,应对全球化带来挑战世界各国密切合作使全球化对人类产生良好影响。希望今后进一步扩大中方各个领域中的合作

    To meet the challenge of globalization, all countries in the world should work together closely to make it benefit humankind, and Finland hopes to further expand cooperation with China in all fields.


  • 社会分崩离析可能孽生出一个世界这个世界里,人类僵尸之间生物特征已不重要了——他们传说中的活僵尸一样行事

    A societal breakdown could also trigger a world in which the biological distinctions between humans and zombies would be immaterialthey would both act like traditional zombies.


  • 如同自然世界新陈代谢人类,有机的代谢持续

    There's a kind of organic continuity that men partake of just as the natural world does.


  • 那些群居部落食人族现在生活遥远地区、不为现代世界所影响人类相比肯定拥有许多相同之处

    They would certainly have had much in common with the tribal people who still survive in remote areas today, their way of life relatively untouched by the modern world.


  • 将把病毒世界卫生组织的参考实验室,以便亚洲人类H5N1病毒分离株进行比较

    Viruses are also being sent to WHO reference laboratories for comparison with human H5N1 isolates from Asia.


  • 虽然凶手成功的完成了他们任务他们拙劣逃跑过程已经震惊了整个阿拉伯世界,而摩萨德在这一地区一直是以超人类技术保密技术而闻名。

    Although the killers succeeded in their mission, the botched getaway has stunned many across the Arab world, where the Mossad is widely credited with almost superhuman skill and secrecy.


  • 母亲孩子之间,那种浓烈的情感纽带增强了孩子探知世界意愿——这种影响广泛存在于动物王国中,像人类猴子乃至蜘蛛的身上

    Strong emotional bonds between mothers and infants increase children's willingness to explore the world-an effect that has been observed across the animal kingdom, in people, monkeys and even spiders.


  • 在《侏罗纪公园》的幻想世界中,一个最为接近的人类发现

    This was the closest humanity had come to the discovery imagined in Jurassic Park.


  • 《泰晤士报》名内部人士不仅将这两人的对抗比作第三次世界大战”,称之为“人类历史最大的个人对抗”,甚至胜过凯撒大帝安东尼之间的对抗。

    One of the Times’ insiders not only likens the squabble to “world war three” but also dubs it “the biggest ego battle in history”. So much for Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony.


  • 这种游水驯鹿雕塑像这样物品我们带近那些具有我们相同思想想象力的原始人类进入一个不见了解得到世界

    Objects like this sculpture of swimming reindeer take us into the minds and imaginations of people like us - into a world unseen but understood.


  • 人类世界中,人们常把逐渐变思维混乱联系在一起,在蜘蛛世界,它们出的网就能体现这一点。

    In humans, we associate getting older with cobwebs of the mind; in spiders, it's the cobwebs themselves that suffer.


  • 世界开始21世纪也是我们称为‘加速’结果历史最快一次人类自然关系转变

    The world at the start of the 21st Century is also the result of what we call the Great Acceleration - the most rapid transformation of the human relationship with the natural world in history.


  • 过去几十年前,心理学家神经专家已经发现人类意识提供了一个稳定接口来认知丰富感官世界

    As psychologists and neuroscientists have discovered over the past several decades, our consciousness provides a stable interface to a dizzyingly rich sensory world.


  • 该部获奖小说近期以来出版的一系列小说一样,都描绘了气候变化带来的另一个世界,又或者人类开展措施来应对气候变化

    The award-winning novel joins a recent group of fiction books with scenes that show a world changed by or wrestling with climate change.


  • 确实,人类世界未来,维度意识转换相辅相成真正带来和平恢复和平。

    It is the expansion of the human realm, yes, and hand in hand with the shifting of dimensions and consciousness but it is truly a bringing of peace, a restoration of peace.


  • 确实,人类世界未来,维度意识转换相辅相成真正带来和平恢复和平。

    It is the expansion of the human realm, yes, and hand in hand with the shifting of dimensions and consciousness but it is truly a bringing of peace, a restoration of peace.


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